Save our Centre! Government funding essential to keep classes running for disabled children in Taranaki.

Conductive Education Taranaki has provided highly valued specialised sessions for kids with disablilites since 2017 without Ministry of Health funding.  

Conductive Education has been part of New Zealand for over 25 years, with existing providers receiving Government funding. Centres in Auckland, Waikato, Wellington and Christchurch all hold Child Development Services contracts to support their service delivery.  We have to raise it all ourselves through exposure, events and activities!

Enough is enough! 

Since 2014 we have fundraised and relied on community grants and now is the time that the Government needs to step in and meet their obligations. 

Conductive Education is a fusion of special education and physical intervention that empowers whanau and gives kids with motor disabilities the chance to reach their full potential. It's is unique because it’s holistic, intensive, dynamic and inclusive. It’s about celebrating the positives and starting from a place of opportunity.






Click on this link to see the recent article on

Educational lifeline for disabled Taranaki kids set to come to an end without government funding

Pip Kay - Conductive Education Taranaki    Contact the author of the petition

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