Bring Mount Alexander Shire Council to the Talking Table

To whom it may concern,
Nathaniel Muller, Beck Meyers and Beck's two children have been camping at their property in Campbells Creek since their lease ended late last year. They were unable to find affordable accommodation in the area.
The property is a bush block, and when they bought it in 2020 it was sold as camping land. In September 2023 a by law was passed to prohibit camping on land where there is no dwelling. 
Mount Alexander Shire Council have given them three weeks notice to discontinue living at their property. This comes at a time where there are very few affordable rentals, and large volumes of applications for houses. Nathaniel, Beck and Beck's two children all are at risk of homelessness just as winter approaches should they be forced to leave their home.
At their property Nathaniel and Beck have solar power and contained waste systems. They are thriving living in a way that is gentle on the land. The land has flourished since Nathaniel created a system of waterways that keep water on the property. Bird life is abundant, frog calls are deafening in summer, and they are revegetating the land.
Nathaniel is healing from cancer and PTSD, and healing the land has been a large part of his own recovery.
The constant stress of trying to find suitable accommodation at a time where there are so few options has been taking a toll on both of their families.
They have eagerly been awaiting the opportunity to engage the Council's Planning Department in a conversation about their property 103 Morris Track but have yet to receive that opportunity. 
We, the named on this petition, call for respectful and fair treatment of Nathaniel, Beck and Beck's two children, and for the needed departments of Council to join them at the table for an honest and open discussion about their personal situation, and what can be done to meet Council's requirements in order to stay at their home.
Yours sincerely, 

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