Critical condition of foreign students in india

Hello i am sulaiman khan zadran from Afghanistan student in india in amity University noida

we are very happy with the lockdown because the government is doing this for our safety.

but we have very critical financial problems because we cannot receive money from our families we have money to just survive for some days.

That landlords are not cooperating . We are being asked to pay rent and other maintenance even though there is lockdown . And we cannot afford that . We barely surviving in the little money we have for food .
And this is not just the problem of foreign students . This is being faced by every citizen of the country who are living in rent. There should be some compensation done to this group of the society as well. Specially the foreign students living in delhi.

We request indian government to help us in this issue this is not only mine problem but every foreign student is having financial problems and the owners of the flats are asking for rents they wants the money which we have for our survival in lockdown.

and we there alot of students who dont have Bank accounts because indian banks aren't providing them bank accounts and instead asking them for aadhar card and pan which is indian nationality and it is being asked from a foreigner.

germany's government announced that the owners of the shops and houses or flat cannot ask for rents because jobs are all stopped we also want indian government to do so because everyone does not have that much savings to do everything

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