Enforce court order by law enforcement

Help support my request for law enforcement to enforce current court orders in my family law case. It's a huge misconception to the majority of people when it comes to court orders through Family Court. Law enforcement does not typically get involved in civil or family court matters even with a current court order. This unfortunate loophole allows abusers to take advantage and disregard any rulings from a judge. While disrespecting court orders, innocent minor children are exposed to multiple forms of child abuse. Physical abuse is easily proven, emotional and psychological abuse is obviously not as apparent. Emotional abuse and psychological abuse is just as damaging as physical if not more. I have dedicated the last few months actively trying to get justice through the proper procedures which is court. The next court date is a month from now and I would like to show the courts how important it is for law-enforcement to intervene. I am simply asking for law enforcement to have the rights to enforce the law in established family court orders. 
through this process I've learned that this is more common then anyone would ever think or believe. This behavior is wrong and unacceptable, it potentially could damage our future generation. Please take the time and take a stand for the rights of parents everywhere. Take a stand for no more child abuse in the form of parental alienation.E06E4E29-ACA7-4AB0-865E-079398BAEBBC.jpeg

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