Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita



2011-12-19 10:04

iskcon Chandigarh



2011-12-19 10:04

It is pity that in todays so called world the sacred book with a message of ultimate purpose of life and finding pure love of God is being misrepresented.



2011-12-19 10:05

Please be intelligent and don't roll down to the 451 Farenheit standard. The people who prohibit the well-known religious and philosofical literature just stop their spiritual progress.



2011-12-19 10:05

please allow bhagwat geeta as it is our Dharama



2011-12-19 10:06

Bhagavat gita is non sectarian.

#3781 Ban of Bhagavad Gita in Russia

2011-12-19 10:06

Bhagavad Gita is a genuine book which contains original teachings given by
Lord Krishna the creator of entire human beings ! GITA provides unlimited
knowledge to the entire human society and guides & support everyone to have
comfortable peaceful happy life without any miseries ! Nobody can ban this
book as it is the only purest book in the history of human society and if
anybody tries to ban it, he will have to face the consequences so please
don't try to think about such a horrible injustice !



2011-12-19 10:06

Только умалишённый может устраивать суд над священой книгой Бхагавад-Гитой.Песнь Бога необходимо слушать и внимать ей.



2011-12-19 10:07

Bhagwad gita is a word of God,however no one has rights to call it extremisits.It is a day to day guidelines to follow for evry individual.



2011-12-19 10:07

Если суд в этой стране готов судить Священную Книгу миллионов людей, то страна и её руководители не достойны быть таковыми, позволяя таким событиям происходить....



2011-12-19 10:07

The Russian authorities including the hierarchs of the Russian Church, should READ the Gita not ban it. Banning the Bhagavad Gita is absurd.



2011-12-19 10:07

Давайте все вместе сплотимся и будем молиться, за наш общий успех!!!!!!!!!!!



2011-12-19 10:08

Hare Krishna



2011-12-19 10:08

The philosophy without a good character is useless. Those who practice Bhagavad Gita, develop a very good character & that is the testimony of the greatness of Bhagavad Gita. Many others speak bambastic words, but their low character reveals the hollowness of that philosophy.



2011-12-19 10:08

How can a court have jurisdiction to ban religious scriptures?



2011-12-19 10:09

hare krishna



2011-12-19 10:10

Pls dont put the ban...



2011-12-19 10:11




2011-12-19 10:11

Bhagavad-gita is good for every one ..with this we can improve our living life style

#3794 Stop the act disgrace

2011-12-19 10:12

This is the fundenmental for mankind, how could you declare war against Bhagawad gita.

STOP , STOP ,STOP this act of foolish???????



2011-12-19 10:12

pl dont ban the bhagwad gita as it is.



2011-12-19 10:14

gita is most powerfull book of wiold.gita need of all world

#3797 Bhagavadgita - Condemning terrorism

2011-12-19 10:14

Bhagavadgita is the highest treatise on personality development and for corporate governance.

Bhagavadgita condemns terrorism "ugrakarmaanaha" - they harm themselves and they habitually perform with their mind,speech and body gruesome deeds and tend to intimidate, oppress and exterminate the animate and inanimate creation. And whatever these people do with their intellect , mind, speech or body during their lifetime is solely intended to torment or obliterate the entire creation consisting of animate and inanimate beings. (Ch.16 - 10). It is innocence and ignorance to think to ban Bhagavadgita.



2011-12-19 10:14

Please Bhagavad-Gita..improve life style



2011-12-19 10:15

No one can ban the sun-rays, only eclipse that for a moment!!!!!! Srimad Bhagwat Geeta is no extreme but the balance way to live life........



2011-12-19 10:16

It should be not banned