

/ #615 Re: i sould think so

2014-02-16 17:04

I would like this and other parliamentary parties to relies,
that the British people come first. It is ower hard money, that should be HELPING
ower country and not given it to other countries that do not need it.thay musts
be laughing there heads off at us. I am convinced they must see a big M on ower
government’s forehead that means MUGS to them. Why is it always us that hands
out the most money you never hear what the other country give? And now that china
and India
are lot better off, are thy going to give something back to help us .NOT ON
YOUR LIFE. So I would like not just part of this 11 billion but all of it to
help us first. In the mean time let the other countries that do nothing help

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