BC Government - Mines Permit Fees


/ #34 Re:

2014-02-26 17:19

#26: -

basically if you find a deposit that you wish to determine the size of using any mechanical equipmet, Ie.. electic or gas powered drills, pumps over 1.5 inch intake or and mechanical digging or earth moving equipment, all necessary things to determine deposit size. This is necessary to bring any claim into any form of production, If you want to explor 1 Hectare (about 1.8 acres) it will cost you 2k just to apply. 1-3Ha- 3k to apply, and over 3HA 6k to apply. If your application is accepted for reveiw it is non refundable whether you get the approval or not. If you get the approval now you have to pay for the permit, bonds and satrisfy al enviromental concerns etyc etc... This is not so bad because once you have an approved application it doesn't take long to determine if you found a pocket or a larger deposit that requires further exploration. Under this system say you want to save $$$ and only apply to explore 1Ha or less around a find for 2k then you find reason to continue looking and decide to expand your exploration to 4Ha, that is another 6k to apply again! Let's say you do that and decide to reduce your work area to 2.5Ha, then you get to pay the 3k fee to apply for that, read it carefully, they ding you every time.