Save Ewell Playing Fields


/ #245

2015-03-16 15:31

I signed this petition because whilst I appreciate the need for residential building I think it would be a tradegy to lose another sports ground. Whilst we may have parks in the area with football pitches on them they are not dedicated facilities and therefore for children and adults alike they cannot be cared for in the same way a sports ground can be. What we should be doing is encouraging the likes of the council to go into partnership with Old Salesians to make facilities like this available to all. The one things that people fail to see is that once this land has been turned to housing it will never be turned back to anything other than housing. It would make more sense to develop some of our more run down areas so that they providing a better housing environment - quantity and quality. Again it is detrimental to our ecology. But if the council is only interested in making money then there is only one way it will go and I for one would be devastated at the loss.