Let's demand to M. Justin Trudeau to ban niqab & burka in public in Canada.

21 Century Canadian

/ #2 World for 1907

2015-11-27 04:38

What Prime Minister WILFRID LAURIER thought of immigrants wanting to become citizens in 1907:


First of all we must insist that the immigrant who comes is willing to be a Canadian and is willing to assimilate our ways. He should be on equal grounds and it would be shameful todiscriminate against such for reasons of their beliefs or the place of birth or origin. But it's responsibility of that person to become Canadian in all aspects of life; there cannot be divided allegiance. Any man who said that he is Canadian, but tries to impose his customs and habits upon us, is not Canadian.We have a room only for one flag, the Canadian flag. There is room here for two languages: English and French. And we have room for loyalty, but only one: loyalty to the Canadian people. We want accept anyone, I'm saying anyone, who will try to impose his religion or his customs on us


My hat goes off to this man: true PM of Canada... his sayings are still valid today even more than before