We must ban Muslim immigration and ban Islam in CANADA


/ #35

2016-01-21 03:28

We need to look after the existing canadian citizens before bringing in more immigrants. Why should Syrians get housing paid for when we have war vets on our streets or family's struggling to keep a roof over their heads due to the poor economy. most of the "refugees" are clean cut men with iPhones, look at what Germany is going through . Muslim and Islam way of life is not compatible with canada or the 21st century for that matter. They are rude needy complain like tourists and they don't bring diversity to canada they make groups gangs treat women like shit hate everyone who is not muslim and will not tolerate any other belief besides Alaha. If we let them they will eventually take over and ruin this country are ansestors fought for. Enough of this religious freedom shit. When the bill was wrote they obvioisly didn't think in 1000 years we'd be allowing these muslim immigrants into canada by the thousands, they are probably rolling over in their graves.