South African Sign Language - 12th Official Language


/ #94

2016-08-04 10:54

Hello, I am Theni Yalwa. I am 25 year old hearing woman from the Vaal Triangle. I have always been intrigued by sign language from when Dtv was aired on SABC3 I believe it still is just the timing is awkward for me. I just never really understood why is it so hard to get classes to learn yet alone TV programs and kids shows. I mean really a box on the side for the news or some national issue is not enough. I have met deaf people before but I would like to be able to communicate with one. After all we are all human its like deaf people or people with disabilities exist in the world but exist in their world but they exist. I never understood that. Yes I do not know enough about the deaf community but imagine a day where you could walk in a bank and it was standard to have a translator and you go home. So what if there are many dialects we will get to that part. At the end of the day information and being an activist can solve one problem.Hope the petition can spark more than change and money too. Take care hope one day I will do more than just sign a petition but it is a start. GOOD LUCK.