Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita
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/ #32522011-12-19 05:36H Hasya-rasa—mellow of uproarious laughing. Hari-dasa-varya—the best of Lord Hari’s devotees. I Ishvara-bhava—the mood of being a controller. J Jaiva-dharma—the eternal function of the jiva. Jata-rati—one in whom rati has awakened. Jata-ruci—one in whom ruci has awakened. K Kaitava-bhaktas—cheating “devotees.” Kajjala—black eyeliner. Kali-cela—disciple of Kali-yuga’s influences. Kama-yantra-tilaka—tilaka in the shape of Cupid’s mystic symbol, having a small dot of red kunkuma in the center surrounded by eight short candana lotus petals and encircled by a thin black line of musk. Kanistha-bhakta (Kanistha-adhikari)—a devotee of the lowest order, generally under the sway of material influences and therefore possessed of pliable faith. Karma-yoga—linking with Godhead through either the sacrifice of one’s actions or the sacrifice of the fruits of actions, either with or without a desire to enjoy the results of sacrifice. Kasturi—musk. Kevala-madhurya-maya mantra—a mantra purely possessed of the unadulterated sweetest loving characteristics exclusively attributable to the realm of Vraja. Kevala-madhurya-premika—possessed of pure prema based on Krishna’s sweetness (uncontaminated by knowledge of the Lord’s grandeur). Kila-kincita—an ecstatic mood symptomatizing great internal jubilation upon meeting Krishna, wherein a heroine exhibits a bouquet of concurrent natural transcendental expressions like pride, intense desire, envy, fear, and anger, along with simultaneous laughing and crying, knitted eyebrows, shrinking away, horripilation, and other such supramundane exhilarations. Kinkari—maidservant. KinkiAi—small bells. Kirtana-karis—kirtana performers. Kishora—an adolescent boy between ten and fifteen years of age. Kishori-gopi—an adolescent gopi between ten and fifteen years of age. Krita-puAya-punjah—having performed many lifetimes of pious activities (see Bhagavatam 10.12.11). Kuttamita—when a heroine puts on an outward show of anger, although inwardly pleased by her gallant’s bold advances. L Labha, puja, and pratistha—profit, adoration, and distinction. Lila-vilasa—transcendental foreplay. Lobha-maya-shraddha—faith (shraddha) possessed of greed (lobha) to attain the moods of the Vrajavasis. Lobha-maya-shraddhavan jana—persons endowed with lobha-maya-shraddha. M Madhyama-adhikari—an intermediate practicing devotee. Maha-bhagavata—a swan-like devotee of the highest order. Maha-rasa—the rasa dance in which all the different kinds of gopis are allowed to participate. Mahima-jnana-yukta-prema—prema accompanied by knowledge of the Lord’s grandeur. Mang-tika—an ornament placed upon a lady’s hair-part, often flanked with decorative chains attached to the hair on both sides of her head. ‘Mukhya’-vraja-janas—the preeminent eternal Vrajavasi associates of Lord Krishna. Mukta-carita-kathamrita—the nectar of talks about the pastimes in which Krishna grew pearl trees. Mukti-kami—one possessed of desire for liberation. N Nagara—amorous hero. Nagara-sankirtana—sankirtana performed in the public places of a village or town. Nija-abhista-bhava—one’s own desired supramundane mood - maya—absorption in, -sambandhi—connecting to, -anukula— favorable for, -aviruddha—not against, -viruddha—against. Nikunja-lilas—intimate pastimes in secluded forest groves. Nikunja-sevas—services to the nikunja-lilas. Niskincana bhajananandis—devotees without any material possessions who take pleasure in performing personal devotional service. Nitya-dharma—the ultimate intrinsic (eternal) nature of the soul. Nitya-lilas—eternal pastimes of the Lord. Nitya-muktavatara—an emancipated sadhana-siddha or kripa- siddha who returns from the spiritual world to the material world for preaching on the Lord’s behest. Nitya-parikara—eternal entourage. Nitya-siddha avatara—an eternally perfect devotee who descends from the spiritual world to assist in the Lord’s mission. Nitya-sukriti—indelible transcendental piety. P Palya-dasi—a maidservant who is always maintained and protected by her gopi mistress. Panca-samskara—the five purificatory rituals. Para bhakti—real, highly evolved spontaneous devotion. Para-duhkha-duhkhi—one who is distressed to know of the distress of others. Paraka—the spiritual potency that bestows Krishna-prema and situates one as an eternal resident of the dhama. Parakiya-bhava—a gopi’s mood of unfortunately belonging to another (her lawful husband) while remaining attached to Shri Krishna (the supreme husband), her paramour. Paramahamsa-nirjana-bhajananandis—greatly elevated swan-like devotees who avoid the materialistic masses in order to deeply absorb themselves in undisturbed, concentrated internal worship of Radha and Krishna’s eightfold daily pastimes. Paramarthika—related to the supreme goal. Para-upakara—doing good for others. Prakata-lilas—pastimes of the Lord manifested on earth. Prakrita-bhaktas—materialistic devotees. PraAa-sakhi—a girlfriend as dear to Radharani as Her own life (one of the five kinds of sakhis described in Ujjvala-nilamaAi, particularly characterized by her greater affection for Radharani than for Krishna). Prasannatma—joyful soul. Prema-keli—love play. Premamrita—the nectar of prema. Prema-rasa-maya-nama-sankirtana—nama-sankirtana endowed with the taste of prema. Prema-ruruksu—those who earnestly strive for ascending to the region of prema. Prema-seva—loving service. Premika—possessed of prema. Priti-bhajana—loving devotional service. Priya-narma-sakha—a younger, most confidential boyfriend of Krishna. Priyatama—most dear beloved one. Purusa-bhusaAa—male ornament. Purva-raga—preliminary attraction (with the hope of meeting the beloved). R Raga-margabhidheya—the activities to be performed on the path of spontaneous devotional service. Raga-marganugamana-prema-dharma—the religion of love for Vrajendra-nandana Krishna following the path of natural spontaneous attraction. Raga-maya-maha-mantra—a mantra that awakens natural attraction (raga) following in the wake of the Vraja-vasis’ spontaneous loving sentiments toward Krishna. Raga-mayi—endowed with spontaneous attraction. Raganuga-bhava—bhava achieved through the process of raganuga-bhakti. Ragatmika—one whose atma is imbued with raga – complete, overwhelming attraction with an indelible thirst to selflessly serve Lord Krishna exclusively for His and His devotees’ absolute pleasure. A characteristic ontological feature of the original counterpart eternal associates of Krishna as well as of those who, as emancipated jivas, attain a similar status in the association of Krishna’s eternal associates. Rasa-vicara—analysis of rasa. Rasika—one who has advanced to the level of relishing rasa. Raso vai sah—an emporium of varieties of flowing mellows. Rupanuga-dharma—the religion of the followers of Rupa Gosvami. Rupanuga-sampradaya—the school of Gaudiya Vaisnavism following and propagating the teachings of Shrila Rupa Gosvami. Rupa-sanatananuga—follower of Rupa Gosvami and Sanatana Gosvami. |
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