Save Creative Writing in TAFE

Penny Davies

/ #39 Re: Last words before getting on with my life

2010-11-25 08:48

#34: David Trembath - Last words before getting on with my life 

What an interesting yet somewhat alarming debate- like many others I too am a graduate of Bendigo Regional Institute of TAFE [Dip PW&E 2002] what an amazing course it was & could still be.

However the big issue that seems to have been given little attention is under the new training curricula will the proposed new courses enable graduates to articulate into Arts degrees at university level?

I believe this question needs to be urgently addressed  - the TAFE pathway has allowed a significant number of students to gain access to university - Bendigo campus of LaTrobe being a case in point.  Many of these students have built on the expertise gained during the TAFE Diploma & continued on to  postgraduate studies in Arts at both Masters & PhD level.

As others have indicated the Dip PW&E has provided grounding for students, many of whom were unable to participate in higher education through financial or other disadvantage the means by which they too are able to achieve their full potential. 

Will current articulation ageements between TAFE & the university sector continue or do negitiations need to be reviewed to ensure that in future students are not denied the advantages others have enjoyed. 

David are you able to respond please?