Remove TJ Brown from his position of authority

Quoted post

Morals and Ethics

#27 Doing what is right

2014-04-23 00:14

It's amazing that "concerned citizen" seems to think that this acceptable behavior by Mr. Brown because "they" say it is legal. Well concerned citizen "they" are now telling you to go jump off a bridge and do the world a favor. It seems you are more than willing to blindly follow anyone or anything that tells you what is right and what is wrong. You are an idiot and I am sure the only Marine you have ever been was on a video game.
I applaud Officer Caulder for owning up to his mistakes in the past and learning from them. That is doing what is right. I also applaud him for standing up for what is right and bringing this to the publics attention, that is real courage. You could learn a lot from him concerned citizen and you should take notes.
What is wrong is that they are willing to put Mr. Brown in a position of authority to do this again. There are people out there that have been fired for less that were not in a position of authority, and yet Mr. Brown is going to be able to maintain his job as a Police Officer. A job in which the public is expected to fully trust Mr. Brown when they need his assistance. Not to mention to be a role model and protector of their children. Which is why Public Servants such as Mr. Brown are routinely held to a higher standards and are expected to have a moral and ethical code. It is obvious that regardless of Mr. Browns actions being legal or illegal, Mr. Brown willingly and knowingly compromised his moral and ethical codes. That is if he even has moral and ethical codes and the evidence points to no. I am sure that Mr. Brown and his boyfriend knew the victims age or at the very least had an idea of how old he was. And yet he willingly and knowingly pursued this child for a sexual relationship. At anytime Mr. Brown could of asked for ID or better yet, not pursued a child but someone his own age. That is the heart of the matter and that is why he should not be allowed to be an officer much less a Sargent. He has shown he has no morals or ethics and is willing to compromise anything to get what he wants. Is that who you want protecting you and your children? Is this the person that you want telling you what is right or wrong? Yes people make mistakes and no one is perfect. However, Officer Brown chose to make this mistake on multiple occasions violating the publics trust along with that of a young man.
It is a shame that the City of Bloomfield and Chief Kovacs allowed it to come to this. The city of Bloomfield will fight to have the ten commandments in front of city hall but not fight to have someone removed from a position of authority who knowingly violated a child and the publics trust. I know that if this is the way Chief Kovacs handles Bloomfield Police Department he will not get my vote for sheriff so that he can run that office the same way.
As for you concerned citizen you should feel blessed that there are officers like officer Caulder who will do the hard thing and stand up for what is right. For he will be the one protecting you and your children from predators such as Mr. Brown. That is if "they" allowed you to procreate and let us all hope they didn't.
Always do what is right, not what is "legal" or easy. Remember that someday it might be your child that Officer Brown takes advantage of and tries to say that its legal.


Wake up Bloomfield

#32 Re: Doing what is right

2014-04-23 13:53:26

#27: Morals and Ethics - Doing what is right

OMG your real bright. You speak of morals and ethics and in the same breath say do what is right. You should always do what is morally, ethically and legally right. Jumping off a bridge....thats just to funny. A killer will in his mind feel it's right to kill people so he is doing what he interpets is right just as Mr. Caulder is. Is that right?? only in thier own mind because it sure isn't legal now is it.  Mr. Caulder did not own up to his mistake. We all know he was intoxicated and showing off to a woman not his wife. He should be thankful she didn't bust her head open and splatter her brains all over the place. If he would have owned up to that mistake he would have plead guilty. You are correct about the Chief tho.  He has allowed the department to become rasist and full of bigots who believe they set the laws and inforce morals of others. Kovac doesn't need your vote because he is going to have alot to answer for about missing weapons and funds that he has embezzled from the department. Oh yes, I was an employee of the city but not at the police department. You don't know half the story that is about to unfold with the morals and ethics of the Bloomfield Police Department. You won't be reading it on a hate mongers petition either. It will be all over the news once the Feds bring it to the light. It's funny Kovac is trying to slid out of the department right now but he will be fitted with braclets real soon along with you other racist bigots.  This community deserves better in it's police force. I say get rid of everyone of you and just clear out that snake den.

Pamela Begay

#35 Re: Doing what is right

2014-04-23 15:09:03

#27: Morals and Ethics - Doing what is right

Right, because its ethical and moral to tell someone to jump off a cliff. I do not agree that what happened was okay in any way but its not okay to fire back with such hateful comments. Hate and prejudices are what is tearing the community apart. Also, the ten commandments have no business at city hall, you might want to look over the constitution where it says 'seperation of church and state'. And I say that as a God fearing christian woman.

And "they" didn't say it was legal. NM state law did.

Joshua Calder
The author of this petition

#39 Re: Doing what is right

2014-04-23 16:18:58

#27: Morals and Ethics - Doing what is right

Just to be clear Cheif Kovacs did not know about me starting this petition. It is my belief that Cheif Kovacs has his hands tied on this matter. Perhaps when he is retired at the end of next month he will be able to take a stance on this one way or another. I would urge those who have concerns to contact him, i dont know what he would be able to say on this particular matter but i think you would have a better understanding of who he is.