Against Du Noon residents' settlement relocation

Quoted post


#15 Re:

2014-10-30 12:02

#10: -  

 Only we ourselves can do that. Go past the fact that certain people have it easier than others. This is our circumstance and we need to take a stand and improve our lives for our own sakes and benefits. All differences aside, we all have something in common; thirst for a better life and non but ourselves can get up and start doing something together as a community. It is by time we stand strong together.


Taryn Roman
The author of this petition

#21 Re: Re:

2014-10-30 14:14:15

#15: - Re:  

I fully agree with you! It's pointless we complain and complain and do nothing about it. Let's stand together as a community so that we can get our point across. Why are they not doing this to 'upper class' communities? Because they are not allowing it, so why should we? Come on Kensingtonians!!! Lets do this!!! :)