Petition for a Balanced Calendar in Cobb Schools

Quoted post


#89 Re: Re: Re: Re:

2012-01-14 00:09

#87: Guest - Re: Re: Re:


The four largest districts and their start dates:

dekalb - 8/15
gwinnet - 8/8
fulton - 8/15
cobb - 8/15

Please know what you are talking about before babbling"


I was actually going off of the 2011 - 2012 calendar for my response and here you can see that we were among the last in the STATE to start:

We started on the same day as Fulton.  Only Habersham and Polk started after us.  Every other district in the entire state started before Cobb County this year.


As for voting... well, only 3 of 7 board members were voted into office in 2010.  Yes, 2 of those elected ran partly on a platform for the traditional calendar.  The 3rd doesn't seem to have mentioned it on his facebook page (which he regularly updated at the time) or in any of the newspaper interviews I have been able to find.  So you can only say that TWO of them were elected on that.  But they also ran on other platforms, including listening to the public.  Maybe, just maybe, people voted for them NOT because of their stance on the calendar; but because they said they were going to listen to the public?

For me, I generally vote Repbulican; but I am strongly pro-choice.  So my vote for a conservative candidate does NOT equal me wanting that candidate to overturn Roe v Wade.  Instead, I write to them and tell them that I am going to vote for them for X, Y and Z reasons; BUT that I do not support them pushing to overturn Roe v Wade.  Many people wrote to the  board members and told them that they voted for them because of their stance on listening to the public, not because of their stance on the calendar issue.



#90 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

2012-01-14 00:42:15

#89: - Re: Re: Re: Re:

And actually, I don't know where you got your information.  It was incorrect for the 2011 - 2012 school year and it is wrong for the 2012 - 2013 year too.  Dekalb will start 2012 - 2013 on August 13 (, Gwinett will start on August 6 ($file/GCPS_Calendar_2012-2013.pdf), Fulton will start August 13 ($file/Staff%20Recommendation%20Calendar%202012-2013%20101811.pdf) and Cobb starts August 13 (


So, really, you should make sure YOU know what you are talking about before accusing other peole of babbling.