MRB Amenities Reconsideration

This is a formal petition from the MRB Homeowners' Association requesting a reconsideration of the plan for Swimming Pool Amenities. At the time of selling the property, DDC Land, the land developer, had presented a plan that included an in-ground standard-sized pool, among other amenities.

Here is the Original Plan offered: 


However, the plan has since been altered, as the developer has shifted focus to a new structure to sell in the market. As a result, the previously proposed plan for a standard-sized pool has been replaced with a plan for a kiddie pool.

New Structure of Amenities for MRB: 


We understand that changes may be necessary for various reasons, but we believe the new plan does not meet the MRB Homeowners' Association's and residents' expectations. We respectfully urge DDC Land to reconsider the plan and consider the community's concerns.

We kindly request that you sign this petition if you share our sentiments and believe that the community's interests are best served by the original plan for a standard-sized pool. 

All signatures will be printed and submitted as a formal petition letter to DDC Land for reconsideration.

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