Ngati Rangiteaorere, Mataikotare Marae call for a Special General Meeting

The following are signatures of decedents of Ngāti Rangiteaorere and Mataikotare Marae.

Due to continued unacountability, the dis satifactory management and general preservation of our marae facilities and an inability to find an amicable Dispute Resolution, we hereby require an assembly of the hapu in regards to the removal of  current Marae Trust members, we the hapu memebers formally announce an expression of non confidence in their abilities.

A Marae Committee has been assembled capable and available for immediate replacement.  

We the hapu members of Ngāti Rangiteaorere and Mataikotare Marae are in full support of this, the calling of a Special General Meeting, to be held at Mataikotare Marae, to remove and replace members on our Marae Trust.

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