No motels on Stanley St

A motel has recently opened at 17 Stanley St, Claudelands. This motel opened without resource consent in a residential area, which is not zoned for accomodation. The owners have been advised by Hamilton Council that they need to apply for resource consent to continue operating. Local resident opinions of the motel will be considered in the issuing or denial of resource consent. 

We object to resource consent being issued and this building being used as a motel for the following reasons:

  • We are concerned this will create a flow on effect in which other apartment buildings on Stanley St will be converted into motels.
  • Opening motel(s) decreases the available housing stock for residential purposes perpetuating the housing shortage and New Zealand's record levels of homelessness.
  • We are concerned for the previous tenants of 17 Stanley St who have been displaced from their homes, potentially now homeless.
  • We are also concerned for other vulnerable tenants who may be subjected to the same treatment/experience if other apartments are transformed into motels.
  • Motels across New Zealand are being used as emergency housing which is an inhumane solution to the housing crisis. These apartments should remain residential.
  • Opening motel(s) results in increased noise, light and traffic pollution as well as safety issues.
  • The street is zoned for residential housing and should remain as such.
  • There has been no community consultation about this.

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