Petition for RESPECTING HUMAN RIGHTS of Dr. Radovan Karadzic

The health condition of the first president of the Republika Srpska, Dr. Radovan Karadzic, is seriously impaired and his life is in danger due to the denial of medical care from the moment of his deportation to Britain in 2021.

After several crisis situations, he was transferred in a very serious condition to the infirmary within the prison on the Isle of Wight in Great Britain.
Due to all of the above, we, the citizens of Republika Srpska, Serbia, Montenegro and the diaspora, have initiated the signing of a petition requesting that Dr. Karadzic be returned from Britain to the UN detention unit in The Hague or transferred to another country where he will receive adequate and timely medical assistance, necessary examinations and treatment, but also where are the conditions of serving the sentence in accordance with respect for human rights and the UN Resolution.

The collected signatures will be handed over to Dr. Radovan Karadžić's lawyer for further processing. NOTE: If you leave your email in the data, you will receive a link to confirm your signature.