Retain The Pine Trees Kaikoura South Recreation Area

Regulary used by a diverse range of  visitors and  locals of all ages there are very few times during daylight  when there are no users in this area - in almost any weather conditions.
  • It's shaded clear understory  allows for easy negotiation for a range of activities by both young and older users including: bicycles, trail bikes, horses, dog walking on and off leash, running and walking, picnicing, push carts and many people including the elderly collecting cones for winter fuel.


  •  Needle-fall on the sand under the pines provides a pleasant walking surface, the trees muffle the traffic of the state highway  and with clean pine-scented air it's a unique get-away a short distance from the town, all good reasons for retaining the plantation in its current form for the free use of Kaikoura residents and rate-payers while contributing to public health and well-being.  


  • Currently this area takes little to maintain, but the harvesting costs for little return and subsequent work to maintain the area will be a marked cost to the KKDC and subsequently the ratepayers.
In its present state its value to the health and welfare of the ratepayers and residents of this district, and its minimal expense to Council provides vast benefit for our community.
In its current form  OUTLAY =  MINIMAL

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