Share the road NZ

This is a petition to address the ‘Minister of Transport’ on the issue that Rideshare drivers & riders are not recieving the same respect, and treatment as other public transport providers who are governed by NZ road laws, such as buses & taxis. Ride share drivers including myself are reminded through constant $150 fines by Auckland Transport that we cannot utilize bus stops or taxi stands to pick or drop off passengers in bus stops, which jeopordizes both customers safety aswell as the driver. This predicament is unavoidable in places such as Queen street, Dominion Rd in Mt Eden or Khyber Pass in Newmarket to name a few. It is an inconvenience and disregards the needs of customers who are elderly, may have mobility and disability issues, and will most probably need assistance. Please show your support by signing this petition as I will be aiming to gain as many signatures to present to the Minister of Transport. We need to be respected on New Zealand roads as we are tax paying New Zealand citizens and residents that contribute to on road costs.

To ensure the safety of our passengers and ride-sharing drivers we need access to allocated stop stands in places such as Khyber pass, K road, Queen street to name a few, please help us challenge the Minister of Transport by signing this petition.

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