Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I stand against the New World order.

Rachel Martin (Stoke-on-Trent, 2021-10-02)


There has been too many Crimes Against Humanity over the last 18months.

Michelle Brennan (Ayr, 2021-10-02)


Mine and my families Human Rights violations.

Yogpal Girsa (Melbourne, 2021-10-02)


What you are doing is unlawful and crimes against humanity! You should all be held responsible!
L Ramsey.

Lisa Ramsey (Birmingham, 2021-10-02)


I believe in Justice.

Judita Goliasova (Liptovsky Mikulad, 2021-10-02)


I’m signing for the preservation of humanity. I’m signing for my future. I’m signing for my freedom.

Mia Ward (Essex, 2021-10-02)


For our medical freedom!
All the best.
K. M. Gembicka

Katarina Gembicka (Piestany, 2021-10-02)


I dont agree with this new world order

Louella Baker (Herne bay kent, 2021-10-02)



Simona Kanderková (Námestovo, 2021-10-02)



Tomáš Kukla (Lehota, 2021-10-02)


Chcem slobodne žiť

Peter Budiač (Púchov, 2021-10-02)


A massive crime against all humanity has been and continues to be perpetrated. Justice and truth must prevail.

Simon Davies (LONDON, 2021-10-02)


I am signing this petition to encourage the International Criminal Court to take immediate action against those who are committing crimes against humanity, stealing our freedoms and trample on human dignity ...

Radoslav Čorba (Zebbug - Marsalforn, 2021-10-02)


People are needlesly dying so other people can line thier pockets with money and have a false sense of power.

Anthony Forth (COURTENAY, 2021-10-02)


Something insidious is going on with this vaccine and those in power are pushing it way too hard. We need more information and answers to our questions.

Dawn Piche (Little Elm, 2021-10-02)


Ján Adamek

Ján Adamek (Tisovec, 2021-10-02)


I have serious concerns over the whole pandemic

Paula Kelly (Manchester, 2021-10-02)


This genocide must be stopped now before childrens lives are lost to this "vaccine"

Janet Jones (Gaerwen, 2021-10-02)


Be on the right side of history...your inaction on this mass murder shows your complicit

Robin Schuck (Bethlehem, 2021-10-02)


They are committing a crime against humanity. They are indirectly forcing people to take an experimental vaccine and it's against the Nuremburg Code.

Dwayne Henry (London, 2021-10-02)


I want to live normal, free life like before. I dont want my children to be tested 2,3 times a week and dont want them to wear a mask, but breath fresh air. No way to vaccinate them and me. I dont believe those vaccines at all.

Iveta Dojciarova (Kalinovo, 2021-10-02)


The lies, deceit, brainwashing and genocide about the injectable and the lab created virus must end now and world governments who are puppets in this lie must be held accountable for the destruction of lives. The masks must end too 🤬🤬

Michele Kachelhoffer (Cape Town, 2021-10-02)


Spravodlivosť musí zvíťaziť a je potrebné zastavíť nástup totality, fašizmu a genocídy. Je nutné vinníkov potrestať a vrátiť občianske slobody všetkým ľuďom dobrej vôle.

Vladimír Vešelényi (Kežmarok, 2021-10-02)


I am signing because this evil towards humanity must stop now.

Yvonne Kent (Lethbridge, 2021-10-02)


Just as it was with the "Safe" Thalidomide, so many children (whom we are morally obligated to protect) are having their young lives (KNOWINGLY!) placed in danger.

Brian Hamilton (London, 2021-10-02)


Deep State agains humanity

Johanna Karjunen (Fuengirola, 2021-10-02)



Štefan Nigrini (Banská Bystrica, 2021-10-02)


I’m signing because the people/entities responsible for this “pandemic” and subsequent response should be held accountable. Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, FDA, CDC, all major media outlets, etc. All have planned, prepared and practiced (Event 201) for this scenario. Bypassing legal routes, changing rules/definitions to fit the narrative and create fear in the masses. These people and entities should be charged with crimes against at humanity

Bradley Wolfe (Coppell, 2021-10-02)


I believe our human rights have been diminished

George Liddle (Sunderland, 2021-10-02)


This petition i s of utmost importance

Deb De La rue (Warnbro, 2021-10-02)


This madness must be stopped - the evil must be stopped - and the perpetrators must answer in a public court of law for their crimes against humanity.

Kathryn Corcoran (Niagara on the Lake, 2021-10-02)


Because there is so much evidence that the entire 'pandemic' has an evil, hidden agenda. Millions have died unnecessarily due to the greed of a few. The people perpetrating this crime against humanity need to be punished to the fullest extent of the law.

Diane Anderson (Cape Town, 2021-10-02)


Podepisují, protože vláda z nás dělá nesveprávné občany druhé kategorie a porušuje soustavně svoje vlastní zákony a nařízení.

Luboš Navrátil (Jihlava, 2021-10-02)



Stefan Rizner (Kolárovo, 2021-10-02)


The criminals are running the planet! Either them or us. We are on extinction course and slavagism called globalism and NWO.

Adrian Marius Gongea (Bucharest, 2021-10-02)


I fear the direction and the world the Davos group is chartering for humanity. They usher humanity's destruction and their personal ascendance to the ruling class.

Dora Dorenbush (Toronto, 2021-10-02)


I want justice for everyone. What is going on in a name of COVID is insane.

Lenka Drexlerová (Brno, 2021-10-02)


This beeds to end

Michelle Pieterse (Alberton, 2021-10-02)


Podpisujem pretože súhlasím s uvedeným.

Marian Minarik (Bratislava, 2021-10-02)


Vaccines should be freedom of choice and not compulsory. This is basic human rights.

Matt Moore (Rayleigh, 2021-10-02)


Human life is precious; it must be valued. I want my children to grow up in a world where human life is defended, not disregarded.

Jennifer Geiss (Scottsdale, 2021-10-02)


Podepisuji, protože souhlasím se skutečnostmi, které se zde uvádějí.

Lucie Lila (Liberec, 2021-10-02)


I believe a global crime has taken place by a number of elite members including governments around the world

Dean Southam (Shipston on stour, 2021-10-02)

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