Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity
I want to have choice in how I medically treat my body. I want our government to provide us with more choice and options on how we choose to treat or prevention methods for this virusMarianne Galluzzo (Tweed Heads, 2021-10-02)
I believe this is a massive crime againts humanity. Other countries which involves in this crimes should also be included, like Australia.Mei Cen (Sydney, 2021-10-02)
To protect the unalienable rights of all living human beings that cannot be infringed by any form of government elected or otherwiseAnthony Cotton (Media, 2021-10-02)
I’m signing because what is being forced upon the citizens of my country through coercion is a massive breach of our freedoms. It violates numerous Australian Federal Laws, the Australian Charter of Human Rights, Common Law and the Nuremberg Code.We need these people to be bought to justice. We need to send a clear message to the that they will be held to account for their actions. Persons such as (but not limited to) Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and the Davos group are the orchestrators of this current state of world-wide genocide and prosecutions need to happen.
Neil Cutten (Airlie Beach, 2021-10-02)
All world govts are breaching human rights, and all are complicit in genocide. Led by Fauci and Gates, funded by the central banks, fuelled by main stream media. Time for the people to be protected from these genocidal maniacs.Roy Bristow (Gold Coast, 2021-10-02)
The Nuremberg Code has been breeched, here in The Netherlands we are coerced by the government to take an experimental vaccination by means of showing a QR-code when entering restaurant, pubs and other large revents when the official reason given - to prevent the spread of covid-19 - does not hold because vaccinated people spread the virus just as much as the unvsaccinated, there is plenty of evidence and statistics proving that.Helge Tietz (Ede, 2021-10-02)
we can stop this situation, it´s a crimePetra Florova (Ostrava, 2021-10-02)
Coercion of gene therapy with no long term data is paramount to murder. This needs to be stopped immediatelyKristen Bush (Liverpool, 2021-10-02)
There is grafine oxide in the volesJanice Balkwill (Bideford, 2021-10-02)
I totally support this.Jane Broadbent (White, 2021-10-02)
Our leaders in each country of our world are trying to force experimental gene therapy upon us and calling it a vaccine. There is widely published proof that these shots are causing death and/or very serious health issues such as blood clots, auto immune disease, myocarditis, neurological diseases among other things. There is no informed consent. We are terrified. They are mandating these and say companies have to fire employees if the refuse the shot. Children and babies are dying. We are begging you for help!Kathy Dimov (Baltimore, 2021-10-02)
We need saving from this worldwide tyranny of decent folkLorraine Hunt (Midlands, 2021-10-02)
This has gone on lone enough, those causing this need to be prosecutedJohn Vleeming (Wellesley, 2021-10-02)
This is a world given to us all by God. It is not fir the sole use of some at the vast expense of the majority.William Hurtley (Guildfofd, 2021-10-02)
This mass control of our human rights is a travesty of the first order and HAS to STOPMelanie Brown-Hovelt (Guildford, 2021-10-02)
Podpisujem pretože som slobodný človek.Miloš Faktor (Púchov, 2021-10-02)
Our world is in peril from dark malevolent forces seeking to extinguish our livingSimon Kelly (Clunes, 2021-10-02)
Covid tyrrany is happening all over the world. The instigators should be hel to account in a court of law, for the abuses of our human rights.Steve Clarke (Shrewsbury, 2021-10-02)
THE NUREMBERG CODE AND MY HUMAN RIGHTS.Nunzio Roberto Giolti (Montreal, 2021-10-02)
I´m signing this petition, because it has the highest importance to save human livesOlga Pavlíková (Chvalnov-Lísky, 2021-10-02)
Daniela GüntherDaniela Günther (Marburg, 2021-10-02)
We are under attack. Our court system is not delivering justice and we are in grave danger from our governments and police forces.David Debono (Melbourne, Victoria, 2021-10-02)
My country Australia, has been taken over by dictators, they are ignoring our Constitution & committing crimes against humanity, we the people are ignored. We need helpLee Luciani (Adelaide, 2021-10-02)
I am fed-up with medical, and political dictator ship.Adam Parzybok (Thornlands, 2021-10-02)
I am signing because I am a living woman with inalienable rights which cannot be taken away. My father fought in WW2 to up hold those rights to make sure I could live in freedom and be happy to think for myself, meet with any one of my chosing, voice my opinion and travel where ever I liked on this beautiful planet.There is enough evidence out there and especially in the Sworn Affidavits included in this request for Investigation and Prosecution to prove this "plandemic" is causing death and great harm to many millions of people around the world. The Jab roll out needs to cease immediately worldwide and action urgent action needs to be taken to protect the citizens of both Australia and Israel who are suffering great harm. The treatment of peaceful protestors in Australia is absolutely disgraceful and her people need help now.
Please do your duty and bring this Global Agenda to and end and prosecute those responsible without delay.
Karen Toft (Warrington, 2021-10-02)
People need to be held accountable for the numerous deaths caused by a so called vaccine that are killing people!Katherine Levett (South West Rocks, 2021-10-02)
The Nuremberg Code has been breached entirely. We The People of this planet want Nuremberg Trials 2.0. We want these global traitors that have participated in the democide of the citizens of multiple countries via injection of the COVID-19 vaccines, to hang for their crimes. The Great Reset and the Transhumanist agenda must cease. The 5G roll-out must cease and all use of nanotechnologies in the COVID-19 vaccines must be exposed - ie use of substances such as Graphene Oxide and/or Magneto. All methods currently employed to dumb down and lower the IQ of the citizens of the world must cease - that includes vaccines containing lead and the fluoridation of water that is shown to be as harmful as lead. Consent is only consent when it is fully informed consent - anything less is a breach of human rights. The Corporate Media must stop using the media to brainwash and control the narrative. Consent that is manufactured through the dumbing down of We The People through use of lead and fluoride, and through control of the mainstream media, can never be regarded as informed consent. The Global elite are murdering masses of people and we know it. The Global elite are trafficking children and using them for satanic ritual abuse and pedophilia, and We The People know it. Full disclosure of the Secret Space Programs is also required as that will show there is no excuse for claiming overpopulation of this planet. Full disclosure of all Secret Space Programs must also include full disclosure of all advanced technologies that are currently kept secret by the elite that are murdering the world's citizens. We demand the death penalty for anyone and everyone that is involved in pedophilia and child trafficking and the democide of the people of this planet. We demand that the global elite be held to account for their crimes and that none are excused and that none are allowed to continue on this planet as they are a danger to humanity. We demand that all of their wealth be removed from them and redistributed to the lower and middle income people on this planet. We do not consent with the COVID-19 vaccine rollout. We do not consent to the Great Reset Agenda 2021/2030. We do not consent to any human trafficking. We do not consent to the mind control methods (via vaccines, fluoride, lead, MSM control, and Chemtrails) that have been weaponized against the citizens of the world.Erika Filshie (Melbourne, 2021-10-02)
The criminal madness must STOPDonald Nicolson (Brisbane, 2021-10-02)
These crimes need to stop immediately.Rebecca Kurtz (Lyndhurst, 2021-10-02)
Stop the madnessAgathe Kerr (Paris, 2021-10-02)
It has become obvious to me through the actions of various Government actors, and medical and professional bodies, and various business organisations in countries around the world, effectively mandating through coercive tactics, that individuals submit to “vaccination” or inoculation through what is an experimental gene therapy with known short term adverse side-effects and no medium term of long term clinical safety data. They are effectively demanding people engage in a medical russian roulette with their lives and health in the context of an illness that, if caught, has a better than 99% chance of survival without treatment. In my own country of Australia the Government has pursued mass “vaccination” as the only solution while effectively suppressing safe and proven early treatment protocols, together with the imposition of “lockdowns” that have effectively destroyed countless livelihoods and caused unnecessary suffering and death. When those facts are combined with the reality that the “vaccines” do not prevent contracting or transmitting Covid 19 it becomes apparent that the objective of this strategy is not about “health” but is all about “control”, the erosion of our God-given freedoms, and the corruption and self-enrichment of those actually supposed to protect the population from the tyranny that they are perpetrating. There is no doubt in my mind that this is a Crime Against Humanity on a scale never before seen in human history and that those responsible for implementing it, whether wilfully or not, must be brought to justice so that this evil can never happen again. This should include those in the media that have censored the voices of experts in the field of virology and immunology while perpetuating misinformation about the safety of the “vaccines” while suppressing information about alternative treatments. In this regard, the so-called “Trusted News Initiative” publicly championed by the BBC and various news outlets must be brought to justice for their role in perpetuating misinformation and for their role in the public condemnation of those choosing not to be “vaccinated” and in so doing supporting the creation of a two class society reinforced through the use and issuance by Governments around the world of so-called “vaccine passports”.Michael Petit (Melbourne, 2021-10-02)
If we do not learn from history, then we are destined to repeat it.Failing to stop this will mean our children and their children will not have the freedoms we have enjoyed till now
Vaughn Marshall (Noble Park, 2021-10-02)
GODS FREE WILL and protecting our Human RightsGeorgios Mihos (Ivanhoe, 2021-10-02)
I am a law abiding citizen yet treated like a criminal locked up with all my civil liberties removed. I have not been charged let alone convicted of any criminal activities so please help me gain back my freedom and liberty to choose when and where I travel, whom I visit, and which medical treatment I chose to reject or accept. PLEASE HELP TO RESTORE MY FREEDOM.Livia Tonge (Ringwood East, 2021-10-02)
I and my relatives are suffering, including children;no constitutional rights-no basic human rights-apartheid.Marta Lundblad (Bratislava, 2021-10-02)
I am deeply concerned about the erosion of human rights /civil liberties occurring in Australia and other countries. I worry for my children's future.John Wilmot (Melbourne, 2021-10-02)
I am signing because this violation of human rights and the associated crimes against humanity are of an unprecedented scaleCiprian Ciuraru (Leamington Spa, 2021-10-02)
I'm signing this as i have grave concerns on what is happening here in Australia and over seas regarding our rights and our lives being in jeopardy from the government's around the world. Forced vaccination are denying me my rights of decision on what medical procedures i don't want or need.mark brown (Edgeworth NSW, 2021-10-02)
My human rights are being violated time and time again with threats of economic duress if I refuse to submit to a covid 19 vaccination which are still in clinical trial phase. I don’t want to be part of this experiment.Larna Ballard (Queensland, 2021-10-02)
This is genecide. They have committed crimes against humanity. They must be stopped now!Cheryl Barlow (Willow Vale, 2021-10-02)
The Australian Governments are committing human rights crimes against the Australian people.Gabrielle Jansen (Adelaide, 2021-10-02)
I am horrified at the coercion and action being forced on the people by those in authority!Susan Jones (cardiff, 2021-10-02)
There needs to be justice for the murders committed thru "Covid measures"Matt McCreary (Stevensville, 2021-10-02)
I do not have the answer. I only know that genocide is not it. Let’s get our brightest minds working on the real issues, whatever they may be. We have been lied to for so many years, we don’t even know what science we can trust. Through selective finding and censorship, some fields of science are void of the truth gained by reconciling all conflicting data.Daniel Seney jr (35 mountainview terrace, Rensselaer, NY 12144, 2021-10-03)
We are clearly facing world wide depopulation against our will via a globalised hidden army. Because they've not declared war does not exclude this world wide fake pandemic and it's bio warfare vaccine solution from being an act of war. One does not notify it's enemy of its intention. Numerous freedom of information requests the world over have proven no evidence of the existence of an isolated sars-covid2 yet apparently a fast track solution is at hand that is also admitted to not protect the recipient or stop the spread of the alleged virus. Despite this a world wide agenda exists to dose the populace with experimental concoctions which are proving despite massive suppression to be deadly. We are in world war 3. It may not have been declared though we are here. A hidden army is pushing the fake science whilst the propaganda arm (the media) is in full swing psychological abuse mode whilst the police of any given country have been authorised as foot soldiers. We are at war. We the people are facing genocide we the people are abused from every angle and unarmed so unable to retailiate. The preamble of the universal declaration of human rights permitts recourse when the rule of law is not upheld however the psychological control is so vast the majority clearly exhibit stockholm syndrome. This needs to be addressed sooner than later. Humanity is facing an extinction level event. I demand this be addressed immediately.Glen Polglaise (Geelong, 2021-10-03)
We are living under tyranny in Melbourne and people God given rights. Thank you.Patricia Perez-Reigosa (Melbourne, 2021-10-03)
The actions of these governments and others are outrageous. Coercing people to participate in a medical experiment without their consent is a gross violation of our human rights. These lawless governments have lost all legitimacy and must be held to account immediately.Jen Skinner (Melbourne, 2021-10-03)
Please help worldAurel Schwartz (Horná Mariková, 2021-10-03)
Pam Popper:
Del Bigtree:
Naomi Wolf:
Amy Harlib (New York, 2021-10-03)
The response to Covid clearly violates long established human rights. The suppression of early treatment and failure to adequately evaluate protocols established by expert clinicians is responsible for the untimely deaths and suffering of millions. It is the crime of the century.Ken Davis (KOONAWARRA, 2021-10-03)
I believe that mandatory vaccinations are a gross violation of human rights, especially informed consent.Elaine Thomas (Victoria, 2021-10-03)
I believe there is something extremely wrong with how politicians, media and medical professionals are acting around the world at the moment and we have had our freedoms taken away for a virus that is mild for the overwhelming majority of people.Elizabeth Lawrence (Sydney, 2021-10-03)
I want to see Australia free and to be able to interact freely in the society and travel without coercive measures being forced upon me.Stephanie Brett (Melbourne, 2021-10-03)
I'm signing because I believe in this cause completely.Maureen Berry (Toowoomba, 2021-10-03)
Dan Andrews is killing VictoriansMelinda Spencer (Bairnsdale, 2021-10-03)
Please help humanity, we are being poisonedRientje Versluis (Perth, 2021-10-03)
FREEDOMMichael Brownlee (Sudbury, 2021-10-03)
Jsou porušována základní lidská práva zaručená Ústavou a Listinou základních práv a svobod; dále Norimberský kodex, Úmluva o lidských právech a biomedicíně (Oviedo 1997), Všeobecná deklarace lidských práv OSN atd.Jsou páchány trestné činy vydírání, útisku, omezování osobní svobody, apartheidu, genocidy atd.
Andrea Mrázková (Písek, 2021-10-03)