Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



The guilty people should pay their damages to the humanity.

Víctor Hugo Suárez (Guayaquil, 2021-10-04)


I am signing because I am sick of the rampant that has made the world sicker and brainwashed.

Christian Broersr (Leipzig, 2021-10-04)


I am a 24-year veteran police officer, and a United States Army veteran who took an oath to defend the people of the society and nation in which I live. I have followed the SARS CoV-2 pandemic closely since January 2020 and recognized it very soon as a biological weapon. I have also read the research on the experimental gene-therapy injections and believe they are unsafe, and ineffective. Vaccine Mandates are a crime against humanity.

Sean Sprague (North Las Vegas, 2021-10-04)


Estoy firmando porque creo que es un deber parar con este genocidio, dónde han aprovechado el miedo inculcado por un virus con un índice de mortalidad bajo, paren con esta plandemia

Nora Elena Salamanca victoria (Cali, 2021-10-04)


We should all have the freedom to choose what we do with our bodies. We shouldn't be forced to take medical treatment to keep our jobs, attend school, or participate in lifes daily activities.

Elizabeth Rau (Richland, 2021-10-04)


I believe the government's are acting against their people's best interest to progress nefarious agenda which is causing immense suffering and death.

Andrew Fitzsimons (WORKINGTON, 2021-10-04)


Se están vulnerando las libertades de los ciudadanos a nivel mundial, organizando una dictadura sanitaria. Una salvaje dictadura por parte de los políticos y los medios de información, ignorando los artículos de los juicios de Núremberg y las constituciones de cada país.

Nicolás Parreño Román (Badia del Vallès, 2021-10-04)


It is disgusting what these people in power are doing to their own people.

Daniel Reynolds (Ashford, 2021-10-04)


Medical treatment should be freedom of choice

Paul Barrett (Sydney, 2021-10-04)


I am so sick when I see our rights being taken away from us due to a "pandemic" that is a hoax... and millions of citizens are running to get a shot to prevent them from getting "covid-19" which is probably nothing more than the old "flu" that used to kill up to 60,000 people a year, for decades, ... WITH a vaccine that many people that have stopped taking because they usually said they got sicker with it!... well surprise... last year there were only 600 reports of death from Flu, but dow we had "covid-19" killing about the same amount... only we weren't locking up everyone over it, and closing businesses and taking away jobs from millions of people!.. itself causing many deaths, due to isolation, depression, drinking, drugging, and fear of going to the doctor for another reason that killed many!... and then in record time they had a wonder shot that has been called a bio-weapon, which is killing more people than the "virus" would have killed without a vaccination!... and we still don't know how many people will die from the shot, or be infertile, or disabled.. thereby depopulating our planet.

Susan Mangravito (W. Abington Twp., 2021-10-04)


The ICC has to put a halt to this "vaccine" program because the ICC is the people's biggest hope. You must live up to this responsibility or stand aside and let other, more courageous people take up this challenge.

Antony Brand (BUBRY, 2021-10-04)


Enough is enough. All liars must be accounted for. It’s too obvious.
“The sins of some are obvious, reaching the place of judgment ahead of them; the sins of others trail behind them.” (1 Timothy 5:24)

Frank Hung (Singapore, 2021-10-04)


This is a Crime against humanity that needs to be stopped before it reaches the children

José Di Stefano (Moravia, 2021-10-04)


Our government by introducing vaccine mandates, restricting movements, refusing medical treatment is removing our basic human rights to work, to attain medic treatment and feed our families. This must end and we must stop this tyranny

Pam Davis (Sydney, 2021-10-04)


I believe that any action taken since the WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic was all against all liberties of all individuals and a "forced" and extorted concent about a new medical trial of "RNA" therapy.

Alain Martin (Messines, 2021-10-04)


Governments are aware of censorship and the advice from doctors and scientist against vaccine and support for early treatment yet the governments have chosen to ignore the specialist and trust big pharma

David Price (Brisbane, 2021-10-04)


I’m singing because anyone or any group who willing fully harms or places others in harm for gain is completely wrong and should be investigated thoroughly and fully dealt with!

Greg Brown (Jamestown, 2021-10-04)


I'm tired of the harassment of the masks, the vaccines, and mandates against my freedoms.

Chad Hutchison (Lawrenceville, 2021-10-04)


We clearly see fascism and crimes against humanity by applying force to people all over the world to take part in an DNA-altering gene experiment violating common rules.
We need to protect our children.

Manfred Johann Schmuckerschlag (Vienna, 2021-10-04)


La libertad se ejerce, no se gana a cambio de ceder nuestros derechos humanos. La censura esta manteniendo a todos lejos de lo que deberían saber y no sólo lo que quieren que sepan para continuar el genocidio. Basta.

Iraida Becerril (Distrito Federal, 2021-10-04)


I have read many accounts from pathologists around the world but especially usa and even more Germany. These pathologists have disobeyed their government for the good of mankind, knowing than an autopsy is the most valuable investigative tool to find out about the virus. The virus was never found what's worse they were alarmed bit the terrible effects that were connected with the vaccines. These vaccines are pure poison and these assassin's believe dropping the world population is the only solution to the end of and energy era that has given us everything ...oil..the pandemic really came because of an oil near extinction..but this is no excuse

Pedro Cárdenes Quintana (Las palmas de gran Canaria, 2021-10-04)


The Covid vaccines are injuring and killing millions of people. Biden and other presidents and prime ministers are coercing and threatening their citizens into getting the vaccines. This goes against the laws of most countries and clearly defies the Nuremberg codes. I cannot fathom why the World Court has not already begun to indict, arrest and prosecute world leaders and all of their criminal cohorts in government and private business. How many people have to die before you do something?

Britt Lind (Thousand Oaks, 2021-10-04)


Justice MUST be served.

Justin Allen (Parker, 2021-10-04)


Róbert Orban

Robert Orban (Banská Bystrica, 2021-10-04)


I’m protecting my right to have complete autonomy of my own body.

Lucy Gibson (Totnes, 2021-10-04)


I'm signing because of the purposed Democide of Canadian Seniors in long-term care (underscored by excellent Canadian Military reports) during this "pandemic". Purpose was to "herd" citizenry by fear to "vaccination", confirmed as we where told the only way to get our freedoms back is to get "vaccinated". There has been much coercion, lies about facts & data from lock-step Governments & health "experts", extorsion & brutality by eager Police.

Stephen Hughes (Hamilton, 2021-10-04)


justice must prevail

M. Geyer (Venray, 2021-10-04)


Freedom for humanity!

Hati Ozdem (Sydney, 2021-10-04)


I believe drFlemming is telling the truth and the regular media are lying His explanation as to the effects of the covid 2virus and the “vaccine”side effects and how natural immunity is best rings true .

Peter Bujold (Sherbrooke NS, 2021-10-04)


To hold up the Nuremberg Code. For my and all children.

Sonja Barwisch (Melbourne, 2021-10-04)


Podepisuji, protože souhlasím, že naše vláda zavěšením opatřením diskriminuje občany České republiky tím, že pokud se necítí nemocni a odmítají tím pádem nechat se zbytečně testovat,nebo očkovat, mají omezený život. Tím je tento občan znevýhodněn a dochází k naplnění diskriminace.

Robert Gič (Česká Lípa, 2021-10-04)


I agree with the Doctor there needs to be accountability

salvatore vitale (pocahontas, 2021-10-04)


Those who promote and administer the Covid 19 "vaccines" are responsible for people falling ill to a wide range of ailments up to and including death. Those who promote and administer these products must be held liable and punished.

William Matthews (Springfield, 2021-10-04)


Porque la maldad no puede ganar y la humanidad merecemos otro mundo, otra realidad y abrir el futuro para todos.
Esto que ocurre en el mundo tiene responsables que han de asumir las consecuencias de sus malas acciones...

Esther Bass (Barcelona, 2021-10-04)


I support the investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity

Alfred van Amelsvoort (Woodend Victoria, 2021-10-04)


This is heading into complete totalitarian control and it's disgraceful.

April Keys (Kyogle, 2021-10-04)


I have been looking for something like this, and thank God Alex Jones had you on his show this Saturday! This is exactly what needs to happen! I will be sharing this petition like it’s the gospel. We need 100 million signatures!

Austin Wehunt (Atlanta, 2021-10-04)


The children are in need of protection as well our our rights to informed consent.

Bruce Delisle (Prince George, 2021-10-04)


Creo que han prevalecido interés económicos de unas minorías, a costa de poner en riesgo sin escrúpulos a las masas que de buena fe eligen y siguen las directrices de sus gobernantes.

Edwin Rodríguez (Barranquilla, 2021-10-04)


There is overwhelming evidence of serious crimes against humanity being carried out - when we said 'never again' after World War 2 and the atrocities of the Nazis in Germany, we must now reinvoke this promise, as behind the scenes it is indeed happening again across the world, particularly not just nations, but those who have coerced such nations into committing crimes against humanity, under the guise of a microorganism that has not been proven to even exist under Koche's Postulates. Failure to bring the accused to swift justice and stop nations and corporations from fascist desires (especially those of Neo-Nazi Klaus Schwab), will only further embolden them to evil that they have made clear is their intent. I beg you to put an end to this evil now - in the name of humanity.

David Malins (Pontypridd, 2021-10-04)


Because I Belive in this above statement.

Jeff Viar (St George, 2021-10-04)


What is happening is criminal and people need to be held accountable.

Robert Joseph Glaser (South Seaville, 2021-10-04)


Of the many serious injuries & death associated with this "vaccine"

Michele Winthrop (Yardley, 2021-10-04)


My God given rights are being treaded all over and we've had enough of this coup presidency!!

Jessica Kildow (DeWitt, 2021-10-04)


Pretože som občan Slovenskej republiky a využívam svoje ústavné právo.

Peter Kovalčík (Vienna, 2021-10-04)


I care about the future of Aistralia and the health of all people.

Marisa Fior (Alice Springs, 2021-10-04)


The evidence submitted by the petitioners establishes a prima facie case against those there identified.

Jean Curthoys (Hobart, 2021-10-04)


I am a registered nurse and I know the truth about this planned pandemic. I am hoping to stop further death and destruction caused by these vaccines.

Deborah LaFrancois (Rye, 2021-10-04)


Big Pharma is killing people just for money they are genocides, OMS is playing the same game



Ni mis hijos , nietos niyo queremos ser partícipes ni obligados a ser parte de este experimento que llaman vacuna para el covit.

Nilda Portalesi (Lanus, 2021-10-04)


This is a Crime against Humanity in the worse way possible!

Debra Milenk (Kamloops, 2021-10-04)


I am signing this because my rights as a sovereignty human having my rights taken away because of medical apartheid in relation to COVID-19 where there is no evidence that said disease has been isolated to suggest that a mRNA substance be injected into my body under duress by a government not listening to the Who organisation

Deanna Mann (Morwell, 2021-10-04)


I have no doubt that this criminality must be brought to justice and suitable action taken in accordance with the Nuremberg Protocols immediately.

Jim Gilroy (Winnipeg, 2021-10-05)


am tired of the nonsense and lying and lack of transparency and burying data

duncan mcphie (Garibaldi Highlands, 2021-10-05)


I'm appalled & disgusted with the immoral deceit and actions of the people who are posing as leaders of our nations. I especially want to see Dr. Fauci held accountable for not only what he's done to facilitate Covid-19, but also for all his illegal and immoral actions regarding AIDS and the people he has murdered over the years while in his position as a "doctor". Execution is too easy for him!

Kathryn Johnson (Stokesdale, 2021-10-05)


Because passports have been rolled out in Canada preventing me and my family from attending indoor spaces that we have rights to, and the damage they caused by splitting the community in two. As well as the businesses that have seen a drastic drop in numbers of sales, patrons and costumers which subsequently has forced some and many more out of business.

Daniel Wheeler (Weyburn, 2021-10-05)


Estoy firmando porque es inconcebible permitir la inescrupulosidad con que actúan los que están atrás de todos estos crímenes excusándose con una pandemia prefabricada, provocada y haciendo creer con engaños que la están combatiendo.

Angel Fantauzzi (Valencia, 2021-10-05)

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