Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



Stop the vaccine for save people

Jianyong Dong (Philadelphia, 2021-10-05)


Overwhelming scientific study and evidence supports the immediate stop of this injection. The coercion of no jab, no job, marketing and convincing children without parental consent to get the shot, are all against the Nuremberg code, and the morals and ethics of humanity. Enough is enough. How many people have to die and be seriously injured before this stops?

Rhonda Hoffman (Pleasanton, 2021-10-05)


The pandemic has destroyed everything. Children have become so affected. We need to know how and why this happened and those behind this should be punished.

SajinI Shajy (Bsngslore, 2021-10-05)


Personally witnessed the demise of 3 elderly neighbor friends within weeks after vaccination. Witnessed next door neighbor struggling with shingles days after 1st of 2 vaccine injections.

Thomas Devine (ORADELL, 2021-10-05)


I am concerned about the destructive lies & fear about COVID-19 and the mRNA genetic engineering experiment jab being called a "vaccine" by the governments of the world. I am concerned about the govenments, news media, social media, educators, Big Tech giants, and others, silencing all debate about these issues. I am concerned about the banning of life saving medicines. I am concerned about COVID-19 because I was infected by it and was blessed to receive the early treatments with medicines that saved my life (Ivermectine, etc.) but others have not. I am concerned that the information is being kept from the general public.

Jim Morris (Fort Stockton, 2021-10-05)


I am afraid of police action and internment camps.

lucinda sanschagrin (val des monts, 2021-10-05)


I loathe and detest what these globalists and Masons are doing.

Michael McDonell (Krabi, 2021-10-05)


This is a crime against humanity to mandate a medical procedure of an experimental drug that IS NOT APPROVED BY THE FDA. And it is illegal to force a mandate on any drug!

Juli Cordano (Dahlonega, 2021-10-05)


It's a crime against humanity to coerce people to take an experimental against their will. Period. This was ratified in the Nuremberg Code and ratified by many nations including the USA. It's even more egregious when there is a plethora of data showing the vast amount of injury and death from these vaccines. In light of this this, anyone still pushing this nonsense needs to face the full brunt force of prosecution and punishment as outlined.

Joe Horgan (Wylie, 2021-10-05)


There should be no experimenting on people deliberately without them even knowing about it. The coercing that I have been exposed to is a crime that needs to stop.

Catherine Johnston (London, 2021-10-05)


We need to stop this criminal madness before it's too late to save humanity.

Teresa Nightingale (Halfmoon Bay, 2021-10-05)


I'm signing because we must stop these crimes against humanity before many more people fall for the fake news that they are going to die if they don't get the MRNA experimental injections.
I believe we allowed this feardemic to go on too long already and I will do everything in my power to stop the despots from destroying the health of the children.

Robert Azzopardi (Etobicoke, 2021-10-05)


I believe in justice. This is crimes against humanity. Doctors should do the right thing for their patients.

Jeanne Cavataio (Florence, 2021-10-05)


I support justice and humanity.

Gurpreet Johal (EDMONTON, 2021-10-05)


These tyrants need to go down!!

Robert Fleischman (Chino Valley, 2021-10-05)


Lockdowns and forced vaccinations have done enormous irreversible damages to people and society.

Danny Nguyen (Sydney, 2021-10-05)


All factors as outlined in the petition.

Tracey McDonald (Sydney, 2021-10-05)


Corona Vax is a crime against humanity

Wendy Slaney (Auckland, 2021-10-05)


Se condene a los responsables de lesa humanidad por la violación y atropello de los derechos humanos, la vida y la salud de las personas. Pido libertad, cese de tratamiento experimental genético y alto a la Dictadura sanitaria internacional GENOCIDA!

Jhon Pineda (Ventanilla, 2021-10-05)


It's virtuous.

Barbara Sherman (Vancouver, 2021-10-05)


This is the bigest crime against humanity in its entire history it has to stop now !

Michel Seger (Banglamung, 2021-10-05)


This Covid sham must stop! No vax no vax mandates. No lockdowns

Deborah Parkinson (Sydney, 2021-10-05)


These crimes have to stop and all involved needs to be held accountable ASAP. Has gone on way too long and too many have already died.

Gary Rose (Abilene, 2021-10-05)


A mandated vaccine is not voluntary, and informed consent cannot occur without public knowledge of vaccine ingredients and/or vaccine risks.

Teresa Crews (Colorado Springs, 2021-10-05)


100% suhlasim a podporujem kazdy vas krok. Dakujem

Luba Kecer (Auckland, 2021-10-05)



Héctor Cervantes (Las Vegas Nevada, 2021-10-05)


I believe those responsible for crimes against humanity need to be held accountable to prevent this from happening in the future to others.

beth dimmock (Fort Dodge, 2021-10-05)


Crimes against humanity

Pat Mattocks (Victoria, 2021-10-05)


The genocide has to end. This madness must be stopped.

Nancy Cournoyer (Drummondville, 2021-10-05)


There is a genocide going on and all the corrupt leaders and officials need to be brought to justice. Please hear our requests. Our pleas. You can help set this right.

Susan Norton (Lethbridge, 2021-10-05)


Psalm 34:21 “Evil shall slay the wicked: and they that hate the righteous shall be desolate.”

Proverbs 17:15 “He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even THEY ARE BOTH AN ABOMINATION to the LORD.”

Psalm 9:17 “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.”

James Miller (Wauchula, 2021-10-05)


What is happening is disgraceful. Genocide. They killed the elderly and disabled, now want the children to die.

Tony Minter (Wigan, 2021-10-05)


4 Million people have been murdered

GLEN BOLTON (Newcastle upon Tyne, 2021-10-05)


Resulta obvio de todo punto que el proceso de vacunación contra el coronavirus que ha tenido lugar ha violado el protocolo de Nuremberg en toda su extension. Las llamadas vacunas estaban en fase experimental, a pesar de lo cual gobiernos e instituciones forzaron su inoculacion bien mediante diversos tipos de coaccion o chantaje o mediante la desinformacion sistemática y ubicua. O retencion de informacion esencial como informar puntualmente de todos los efectos colaterales de la inoculacion.
En algunas ocasiones, incluso los gobiernos no hicieron caso a los consejos de las farmacéuticas productoras de la llamada vacuna. Es el caso de las inoculaciones a mayores de 55 con Astrazeneca. Dicha vacuna no fue probada experintelmante con esa parte de la población, asi lo informó la farmacéutica y recomendó no inocular a esa parte de la poblacion, pero los gobiernos de la UE no dudaron en llevarlo a cabo, igualmente en muchos casos pusieron a ciudadamos la primera dosis de una farmacéutica y la segunda de otra, lo que no se habia probado experimentalmente con anterioridad lo que supone una vez mas que los gobiernos experimentaron con sus ciudadanos al hacerlo, y no les avisaron de lo que estaban haciendo. Mucha gente ha muerto por causa de este proceso masivo y coercitivo de vacunación. Y esas responsabilidades deben ser purgadas penalmente.

Aitor Hernandez (Hondarribia, 2021-10-05)


I'm signing this petition because I believe the "vaccines" are a biological weapon, and the whole covid virus is a rouse to trick everyone to take the "vaccine".

David Pelletier (Winnipeg, 2021-10-05)


Soy Adrián esencia éterna
Como hombre vivo libre y soberano beneficiario y disponente del FIDEICOMISO OPPT ONE PEAPLE PUBLIC TRUST que embarga y cancela a todas las corporaciones registradas en la SEC
Ordeno que se lleve a cabo los juicios por crimenes de lesa humanidad que se están llevando a cabo desde el 2020 con los protocolos genocidas , terrorismo y vacunas experimentales asesinas inoculando a la humanidad.
Por ello invoco el tratado NUREMBERG

Adrian Marcelo (Córdoba, 2021-10-05)


Son tiempos muy críticos. Todo se derrumba por tanta podredumbre, nos desentimos de esta realidad por demasiado tiempo. Hacemos algo o nos llevan a todos al exterminio, llegando asi al fin de esta civilización. Fuerza al equipo de abogados, doctores, científicos y todas las personas defensoras de la humanidad!!!

Maria Ríos (Uspallata, 2021-10-05)


I trust that this document is go to bring justice to the survivors of the atrocities gainst many effected individual's.

Steven Baxter (Mullumbimby, 2021-10-05)


What's being done is criminal, led by the pharmaceutical companies who have profited & compromised doctor/patient interaction, governments who have not follow the 'science' & have censored doctors & scientists.

Patricia Miller (Sydney, 2021-10-05)


I am signing this because once more in history, people have committed heinous crimes against humanity and need to be held accountable for their purposeful and evil actions. The International Criminal Court was formed for this exact purpose - to not let the individuals responsible get away with their blatantly criminal actions, that have devastated the entire world, and been responsible for the deaths of millions.

Nestor Shapka (Bonnyville, 2021-10-05)


Estoy firmando por que me he informado y se de los problemas abversos de la sustancia que se esta usando la llamada "vacuna" esta dañando la salud y que todo esto es anti científico al igual que el pase verde de la vacuna... Esta cometiendo un crimen al obligar a las personas a tomar esas sustancia... Se les obliga o les quitan sus libertades o trabajo...

Eric Chirinos (Valencia, 2021-10-05)


This is a massive red flag and brench of human rights and vaccines have never been pushed as much as now on people who don't even have the cognitive ability to make this decision. Not to mention this being a clinical trail. This is sickening and discusting

Olivia Stevens (Christchurch, 2021-10-05)


Because justice.

Darko Kreculj (26000 Pancevo, 2021-10-05)


Politici porušují soudní nařízení.
Politici porušují svobodu a práva občanů.
Politici porušují Norimberský proces.
Politicians are violating court orders.
Politicians violate the freedom and rights of citizens.
Politicians are violating the Nuremberg Trials.

Radim Dratva (Ústí nad Labem, 2021-10-05)


We need transparency and truth

Marlene Curmi (Sydney, 2021-10-05)


These criminals most not be allowed to get away with their crimes, they are despicably evil, the good must prevail !!!!!!

John Berlin (Redwood City, 2021-10-05)


The genocidal agenda of these Frankenstein injections has to stop immediately. There needs to be another Nuremburg Trial for all those complicit in the crime against humanity.

Lucie Fox (Auckland, 2021-10-05)


A horrific global crime is being perpetrated using deadly injections with the intent to depopulate.

Brendan Leddy (Auckland, 2021-10-05)


You don't fight a pandemic with non-sterilizing vaccines, especially when there are many much safer treatments available.

Guy McLoughlin (Toronto, 2021-10-05)


Science and data are not being followed, people are dying, and it's due to the greed of a handful of individuals.

It's not ok

Milton Paredes (Rancho Cordova, 2021-10-05)


I am signing because there is enough evidence that this plandemy is a real crimes against humanity and already is to many deaths and injured people due to the experimental vaccine.

Mladen Panjako (Rijeka, 2021-10-05)


Havana Syndrome Victim

Kelly Howell (Phoenix, 2021-10-05)


The whole Covid19 pandemic, weaponized mRNA Vaccine which is a bioweapon, and the Tyranny of coercion, & force of the mandatory vaccine from the U.S.GOVT which is causing discrimination MUST STOP !!

Denise DeBoer-Duffer (Holualoa, 2021-10-05)


I object to forced forced vaccinations and can't help but believe all I am hearing from experts about negative effects of vaccines

Gregg Jones (Kedron, 2021-10-05)


I believe all things done in such trying times should serve the betterment of mankind...

robert a amos (Akron, 2021-10-05)


I. Signing this because I do not want to see any more children harmed by these unnecessary vaccines and mandates. There are early preventative treatments available btp treat COVID 19.

Andrea Dacosta (Meridian, 2021-10-05)


This is a major crime against all humanity. Bring them all to justice.

george semlanoi (Vankleek Hill, 2021-10-05)


We have to stop these psychopaths

Michael Stokes (Edmonton, 2021-10-05)


My Human rights have been breached because of the Federal Australian government and the Victorian state government

Josipa Silic (BUNDOORA, 2021-10-05)


The early treatments which could save many many lives are being wilfully ignored ie vitamin D3, calcifidiol, hydroxychloroquine and zinc, ivermectin.
Experimental gene therapy injections are causing thousands of deaths and many more injuries done life changing and these consequences are being wilfully ignored

Jennifer Nockolds (Guildford, 2021-10-05)


Because vaccines have killed 100s of thousand already and antidofy dependant enhancement will kill most of the vaccinated if the Vaccines are not stopped immediately and find help for the vaccinated before they all die

Joseph Kayne (Cambridge, 2021-10-05)


The world’s governments have gone off the deep end; human rights and common law are disregarded and trampled on in the name of a health emergency that doesn’t exist since the virus has a rate of survival of 99% for the majority of people.

J Wild (Brisbane, 2021-10-05)


Evil, corruption and greed must be rooted out or it fester and takes hold of all levels of society. Making the innocent people suffer. Please deal with these problems for us.

Heather Drayton (Kyogle, 2021-10-05)


I am signing this petition because in my highly educated opinion there are multiple crimes against humanity being committed on an international scale worldwide under pretense of pandemic and color of law. This evil must be stopped now! We, the People, will no longer tolerate such illegal activity of any kind, shape or form, and therefore we demand an immediate investigation into these matters in order to stop fascism in its tracks once and for all, and bring those accountable to justice of such magnitude that it never happens again. I am signing for my children and for my children’s children...
PS: The Satanic NWO is being defeated... its perpetrators will face justice some day. Which side are you on? We will know soon from your actions. Please launch an investigation without delay! This is the most important test of your life. Do the right thing! Thank you! Father of two... 💜

Dennis Mclaine (Reno, Nevada, 2021-10-05)


These global criminals must be brought to justice for disintegrating the world as we know it.

Christine Lehmann (Baranduda, 2021-10-05)


These people need to be held accountable for their crimes against humanity.

Michael Miranda (San Jose, 2021-10-05)


We need to change the future for all children.

Rachel Johnson (Bargara, 2021-10-05)


It’s a horror unfolding before our eyes.

Josef Bloch (Spring Valley, 2021-10-05)


Deep State is committing crimes against humanity with forced innoculations.

Wayne Winter (Henderson, 2021-10-05)


I'm signing because I am on the side of truth and I stand with those against evil.

Charles Pace (Tucson, 2021-10-05)

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