PODPRITE Simfonični Orkester in Big Band Radio Televizije Slovenija -Support the Slovene RTV Symphony Orchestra and RTV Big Band



Svakom je kultura potrebna

Đuro Pete (Novi Sad, 2023-12-02)


Because access to music, specially classical music, and the arts in general is an inalienable right of each human being. It is as important as health and education. A person without culture is an incomplete one. By shutting down an institution like this, the government of Slovenia would fail at providing culture of the heights quality to its citizens.

Simón Zerpa Carballo (Aveiro, 2023-12-02)


Predragocena sta oba, da bi ju smeli ukinit. Treba je storiti vse, da se ju ohrani.

Romana Klement (Ljubljana, 2023-12-02)


Efforts must be made to protect and promote art worlwide. Art matters, Classical music does matter. Why try to erase the beauty of mankind? It would do better to protect it.

Jorge Munguia (CDMX, 2023-12-02)


Sono direttore ospite di questa orchestra Che ha fatto la storia di questa parte del pianeta che ha una grandissima tradizione culturale musicale . Non SI puó chiudere un orchestra per Çolpan di politici İMBECİLLİ ignoranti e corrotti . La cultura deve trionfare su questi demoni insaziabili vergogna A chi oserà fare un atto del genere vergogna davanti al mondo Della musica vergogna davanti Alla şua popolazione Che li ha eletti.

Lorenzo Castriota (Roma, 2023-12-03)


moj djed je suradjivao s ovim sastavima i znam koliko ih je hvalio i cijenio, zao bi mi bilo jer su odlicni umjetnici sto su pokazali i nedavno u Zagrebu svojim nastupom.

Darka Kragovic (Zagreb, 2023-12-03)


People need national orchestras, the society needs orchestral music.

Ena Hadžiomerović (Zagreb, 2023-12-03)


Music must be alive and to close an orchestra is like to put a stone over music

Corti Già Battista (Como, 2023-12-03)


Because art and music need to be protected

Stefano De Marco (Belluno, 2023-12-03)


I’m signing because I can’t stand my beautiful country turning into a bunch of philistines. It seems culture and traditions are constantly being dumbed down.

Romana Miles (Hastings, 2023-12-03)


Tisti, ki menijo, da je potrebno Simfonični orkester RTV Slovenija ukiniti, se naj speljejo na smetišče nekulturne Slovenije. Tisti, ki pa je zaradi varčevanja prišel na to bolehno idejo, naj gre tja, od koder je prišel...

Frančišek Verk (Ljubljana, 2023-12-03)


Culture matters, probably more than most things!

Goetz Bucher (Glasgow, 2023-12-03)


Nedopustno dejanje zoper katerega kategorično in odločno protestiram!

Romeo Drucker (Ankaran, 2023-12-03)


Glasba je zdravilo za dušo in telo.

Mojca Bedenik (Preddvor, 2023-12-04)


I’m signing because I want to support the music production of RTV Slovenia.
Slovenia and the entire world cannot lose such a precious cultural heritage

Irene Bigoni (Roma, 2023-12-04)


I'm signing because I heard the orchestra in November 2023 in Warsaw with Slovenian femal composer, Polihh Andrzej Panufnik and F. Liszt in the programme and was astonished by the high performance level and promoting music of their own country in Poland.

Elżbieta Rosińska (Sopot, 2023-12-04)


Canceling the Orchestra/Big band is the most outrageous proposition ever!

Gašper Okorn (Ivančna Gorica, 2023-12-04)

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