Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I am signing for freedom against tyranny. We see through the lies.

James Moore (Dublin, 2021-10-06)


Porque quiero que salga toda la verdad a la luz y paguen todos los culpables por la información engañosa sobre las vacunas y todo el daño que están haciendo a la población mundial desde perder todo hasta perder la propia vida por todas las mentiras que nos han estado diciendo, deseo que pague cada una de las personas que han estado y están involucradas en este genocidio mundial

Montse Cozar (Manresa, 2021-10-06)


Urgently needs investigation.

brian tranter (BIRMINGHAM, 2021-10-06)


To save humanity!

Martin Ek (Tranås, 2021-10-06)


They are coming after me. My job. My family. My savings.

Luiz Mirisola (São José dos Campos, 2021-10-06)


I fear for the future of our children and grandchildren unless these criminals are stopped

Peter Wright (Woodstock, 2021-10-06)


I'm very concerned about how this affects me, my family, and my country.

Peter Honsalek (Johns Creek, 2021-10-06)


because I do not agree with the current situation

Marcela Gjabel (Nová Dubnica, 2021-10-06)


Because…… this has to stop

Kate Buchanan (Dorset, 2021-10-06)


Iam singing because my fundamental human rights are being violated

Ingrid Petríková (Martin, 2021-10-06)



Peter Buček (Pezinok, 2021-10-06)


Plně souhlasím,

Hana Franková (Slavkov u Brna, 2021-10-06)


I believe the current forced vaccination mandates and forced injections have breached international law

Benjamin Benson (Perth, 2021-10-06)


Podpisujem, pretože zločiny proti ľudskosti musia byť zastavené čo najskôr a spravodlivo potrestané. Toto čo sa deje teraz na Slovensku a po celom svete sa musí čo najskôr skončiť a už nikdy viac sa to nesmie opakovať.

Vanda Pavlová (Bratislava, 2021-10-06)


I support this petition because I and my children are directly adversely affected by the actions of our politicians who violate our fundamental rights and freedom in Slovakia.

Helena Badinova (Bratislava, 2021-10-06)


I really believe this to be true and this needs to stop.

Yvonne Gambling (Sandhurst, 2021-10-06)


Mandated to vaccinate for COVID-19 is a crime. I will not comply. I will lose my employment.

Donald Newlon (Wise, 2021-10-06)


I want to protect our future generations from this genocide that globalists, politicians, elite and big pharma are making.

Borja eguizabal (Logroño, 2021-10-06)


Súhlasím s podaným návrhom

Ľubomír Kadák (Trenčín, 2021-10-06)


I'm signing this petition because I believe the measures taken again the so called virus have caused more harm to the public than saved lives.

Fernanda Rodrigues (Montréal, 2021-10-06)


Nesuhlasim s akoukolvek formou obmedzovania slobody, absolutne nesuhlasim s experimentalnou vakcinaciou !!!

Bibiána Pirníková (Spišská Nová Ves, 2021-10-06)


I want to stay healthy and free without vaccination.

Erika Hudranova (Spišská Nová Ves, 2021-10-06)


I feel the few have abused the power of the elected offices they hold, they need to be held accountable for ignoring the Constitution.

Kim Periman-Burton (Springfield, 2021-10-06)


This is indeed a crime against humanity and to our children!! People are getting hurt and even dying now from this so called vaccine!!! Stop it now before it’s too late.

Eva Tjajkovski (Stockholm, 2021-10-06)


People need to be held accountable for all the deaths attributed to these vacines.

Phyllis Picklesimer (Springfield, 2021-10-06)


The recklessness in authorities and people in position of trust refusing to use the safeguard of time and establish the harm and effectiveness of Covid injections before mass rollout.

Wendy Daden (Chelmsford, 2021-10-06)


I am extremely concerned!! This has never sat well with me & now I know why.

Chris Ross (Melbourne, 2021-10-06)


Humanity must be saved from this atrocity. The people of the UK don't seem to be waking up to what is going on with these jabs. Perhaps now is the time for the real truth to be revealed. I pray it will happen now.

Christine Olby (Ipswich, 2021-10-06)


Quiero que los responsables de esta dictadura sanitaria y de la aplicación de estos venenos mal llamados vacunas covid 19 paguen sus delitos genocidas con sus respectivas condenas

Fred stalin Jaramillo pintado (Piura, 2021-10-06)


I am signing because it's not ethical to force people to put something in their body they don't want. It's one thing to control people's behavior or movement to protect others, but it is just plain wrong to force them be injected with something they do not agree with.

Loren Gray (Mesa, AZ, 2021-10-06)


I am a professional in biopharmaceutical supply chain management and auther of "Supply Chain Management in the Drug Industry: Delivering Patient Value for Pharmaceuticals and Biologics" (Wiley, 2011).

I can categorically confirm that the only way the COVID mRNA/Adenovirus vaccines could be developed and manufactured in the timescale of less than 12 months is if there were major contraventions of the EU's "Rules and Guidance for Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Distributors." Vaccine manufacture has been treated as it is a 'nice to have', rather than a series of highly sensitive biological stages with the potential to kill patients. That is why I am signing, this has to stop now. Regards, Hedley

Hedley Rees (Bridgend, 2021-10-06)


The tyranny, corruption and pedophilia in this country is atrocious. Hope this petition will make us free men and women as we were born to be.

Barbara Jackson (Townsville, 2021-10-06)


The right thing to do

Denny Dennison (Las Vegas, 2021-10-06)


Som zásadne proti experimtovaniu vakcínou na ľuďoch

Marta Čepišáková (Toporec, 2021-10-06)


Because I do believe in Creator given sovereignty of human being and his/her body! HPL to all

Daniel Marcincak (Toronto, 2021-10-06)


I believe in freedom and am strongly against global tyranny!

Joe Thompson (Newark, 2021-10-06)


Justice must be served

Dale Glenn (Wellingborough, 2021-10-06)


I believe that World Government's are perpetrating a criminal conspiracy to commit harm to the population by their actions with regard to Covid-19 vaccination. I further believe that they are perpetrating a systematic genocide against the World population by use of bio weaponry in contravention of the 4 conventions.

Philip Weston (Yambol, 2021-10-06)



Viera Vargova (Nitra, 2021-10-06)


Crimes against humanity should be prosecuted. Criminals should be held accountable for their actions. If what these people have knowingly done isn’t found to be a crime then humanity is lost.

Blanche Whiteman (Corrales, NM, 2021-10-06)


I am afraid about my and my children future and live.

Malgorzata Marciniak (New Ross, 2021-10-06)


Podpisujem ,pretože nesúhlasím so súčasnou situáciou a podporujem ĺudí ,ktorí sa proti tomu postavili

Julia Ďurišková (Banská Bystrica, 2021-10-06)


I'm signing this because I'm not a monster and believe these crimes against humanity have been committed. I want justice for all of the lives lost to the monsters who have not only created this poison but were complicit in forcing and coercing the covid tests (false positives) and the covid shots.

Nathan D'Arcy (West Branch, 2021-10-06)


I'm signing because saying nothing is allowing history to repeat itself.

Peter Johnson (CHEADLE, 2021-10-06)


It’s the right thing to do

Charlie DeFrancesco (Lincoln, 2021-10-06)


I believe in the real medical science, not MSM, Elites and politicians. #Padorafiles will show how and who financed the hoaxed virus to cull the populations with vaccines to fund the World Bank. People know the TRUTH.

Angus Turner (Adelaide, 2021-10-06)


I believe that the inhumane measurements that have been enforced due to a virus that has not yet been isolated, are crimes against humanity.

Elisabeth Franzen (Winnetka, 2021-10-06)


I fully agree that these bastards need brought to justice

Kev Cairnie (Edinburgh, 2021-10-06)


I’m signing because they must be PUNiSHED for crimes against humanity!

Jana Soukupová (Dobruška, 2021-10-06)


Para fomentar La Paz,La Justicia y la Verdad en nuestro Amado Planeta…

Euclides Jiménez Castillo (Wavre, 2021-10-06)


We have to have someone accountable for what is happening. As much as I do not wish evil on anyone, the evil that is being forced on the world population must be stopped! Freedom of choice and informed consent must be preserved.

Tina Quinn (Calgary, 2021-10-06)


I'm signing this because we must end the creeping tyranny and genocide by corrupt governments, NGOs and big business

Colin Hoppe (Bromsgrove, 2021-10-06)


I'm signing to protect humanity and to stop the genocide of millions

Karen Wilkins (Ann Arbor, 2021-10-06)


I am signing because the constant push to control individuals and steal their freedom and poison their bodies must stop. Those responsible must be called to account. It's time for the lies to end and for the world to wake up to the truth.

Mark Lee (Kingsville, 2021-10-06)


This case needs to be heard. These criminals need to go to prison!

Gavin Draycott (Leicester, 2021-10-06)


They have no right mandating a drug still in study period and hiding the adverse reactions just to profit

Ellen Kinnally (West Palm Beach, 2021-10-06)


I.m signing. Cause i belive that the vaccine does not help.

Jacques Pretorius (Richardsbay, 2021-10-06)

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