Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



We are experiencing a genocide - the holocaust all over again only worse. STOP KILLING US and forcing us to take the killer shots. It's the worst crime against humanity yet!!!

Loraine Passey (Wicklow, 2021-10-07)


Horrific consequences from this bioweapon and the vaccine cannot be accepted.

Samantha McEwan (Burgoon, 2021-10-07)


The criminals responsible for this genocide must be held accountable.

John Gruhn (Singleton, 2021-10-07)


All human beings need their God given soul, body and mind protected from being subjected to Evil designs!

Lazarus Dsouza (Goa, 2021-10-07)


I believe in accountability,

Emilio Nazario (Dover, 2021-10-07)


It is becoming clear the pandemic has been used for political, global ends worldwide and has nothing to do with upholding human health or individual human rights. This insanity has got to stop.

Diane Geurkink (Union, 2021-10-07)


The Truth must be known so that Crimes Against Humanity will never happen again.
Thank you.

Eva Moran (Melbourne, 2021-10-07)


Não podemos permitir que meia dúzia de poderosos, possam cometer genocídio, usando a ciência como desculpa, e não permitindo um debate franco e aberto sobre as vacinas contra a covid. Que acredito nem ser vacina, e sim uma experiência genética.

Elcio Silva (Limeira, 2021-10-07)


I'm signing because I don't believe in medical fascism, and I no longer want me or my adult children and their children to live under tyranny, and capitalist communism.

lynn perry (Bridgwater, 2021-10-07)


For the families of all the people lost to the bio-weapon virus and bio-weapon vaccines

Stephen Covey (Athens. PA, 2021-10-07)


Este experimento está sendo um crime contra a humanidade
As pessoas que se vacinaram, não assinaram termo de ciência e autorização para participarem desse experimento, tão pouco foram advertidas dos riscos que correm.

Claudia Canabrava (Londrina, 2021-10-07)


The global response to covid is criminally killing millions due to the intentional restrictions on early effective and inexpensive treatments, combined with deadly, ineffective vaccinations whose statistics are being covered up

Diane Liska (Irwi, 2021-10-07)


כפיית חיסונים נסיוניים, שידוע שיש הרבה נזקים מהם, למרות שהידיעות האלה מוסתרות מהציבור, וסלקציה נגד מי שמסרב להתחסן, זה מעשה נפשע

דבורית בן שאול (גבעת יערים, 2021-10-07)


The people of this world should NEVER be used without full informed consent as part of a medical trial by ANY drug company as per the Nuremberg Code. The Covid Plandermic has been in direct violation of this agreement. Everyone involved needs to be tried and punished. This is a truely horrific chapter in our history and I cannot imagine the horrors to be suffered by all those who have been wilfully mislead into receiving this form of Gene Therapy.

Lisa Cumalkovs (W.A, 2021-10-07)


I am signing this petition because educated men and women abdicated their duty in areas of public health, medicine, virology, biology, critical sciences, public health administration, government, and public policy by ignoring known, relevant, scientific data and knowingly enacted public health policies that have led to the death and suffering of millions across multiple nations who have been administered deadly spike proteins, adjuvants and known toxic chemicals while undermining effective repurposed drugs and denying early treatment. These actions as well as the creation of biological warfare agents demand that those who were responsible for the suffering and economical damages inflicted on the nations through multiple generations be brought to trial in an international court of law.

Carol Baugher (Port Orange, 2021-10-07)


pretože je to správne rozhodnutie, ja ako správny dezolát toto musím podpísať.

Radoslav Uškovič (Dubnica nad Váhom, 2021-10-07)


Encuentro todo esto injusto desde que empezó...nunca he creído nada...y a los pequeños no se les toca,no tienen poder de decisión,y hay muchos padres que no ven nada del engaño...mi hijo tiene 19,pero hay que luchar contra esto,en todo lo que se pueda...y demostrar a la gente la farsa de la pandemia...

Sonia Garcia Rodriguez (Gerona, 2021-10-07)


- The 1947 Nuremberg Code
- The 1964 Declaration of Helsinki
- The 1967 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and
- The 1975 Biological Weapons Convention Treaty

BENHARBONE william (Toulenne, 2021-10-07)


People have died due to suppression of early treatment, stress, suicide, fear of getting other illnesses treated. They have died due to adverse events from a vaccine that is ineffective.Those in power are complicit in these deaths.

Lisa Murray (Columbus, 2021-10-07)


Freedom is eroding rapidly and criminally under a false pretence.

David Shaw (Upton, 2021-10-07)


🛑 Stop génocide 🛑

Céline Heyden (Poitiers, 2021-10-07)


Truth, at whatever cost, will always outweigh the consequences of lies and deceit.

András Belina (Tullinge, 2021-10-07)


What the government is doing is a crime to humanity

Arrmand Adams (Brighton, 2021-10-07)


I don ´ t agree with all this covid restriction

Zdenka Galikova (Mlynica, 2021-10-07)


Those involved in this crime, must be held accountable.

mario mihevc (nsw, 2021-10-07)


I am signing this because humanity deserves it.

Aboo Ayn (Male, 2021-10-07)


Podepisuju protože nám všem vzali životy, zničili je a pošlapali naše svobody a práva. Podepisuju proto, abys e to zastavilo a vinici byli potrestání.

Svelana Pavlikova (Kurim, 2021-10-07)


I want to stop the genocide being committed by this illegal forced mass vaccination

Dionysios-achilleas Fragkedakis (Thessaloniki, 2021-10-07)


I’m tiredly of them trying to kill us!!!!!!

LeeAnn Simon (Prince George, 2021-10-07)


I'm signing because Governmental lack of action is leading to unnecessary pain and suffering.

David Delaney (Armadale, 2021-10-07)



Irma Gaud (Juana Diaz, 2021-10-07)





Podpisujem, pretože nesúhlasím s touto diktatúrou proti živým človekom

jana kantorová (Povrazník 6, 2021-10-07)


Ctím si zákony SR, Ústavu SR, som za spravodlivosť, právny štát a zachovanie ľudskej dôstojnosti.

Anežka Poradová (Lučenec, 2021-10-07)


Are there still some decent people in this world who will fight for the rights of individuals against the tyranny of so many!

Lorna Short (Parksville, 2021-10-07)


Podpisujem kvôli ľudských právam na ktoré je zasahovanè neľudsky a protizákonne...!

Martina Kaločaiová (Martin, 2021-10-07)


I am signing because I can not stay silent. What is being perpetrated on people all over the world is not only inhumane, but is evil. I am praying to my Lord and savior, Jesus Christ that you will not only consider this petition. But that you will act upon it and stop this madness and hold those responsible accountable.

Matthew Wilburn (Huntington, 2021-10-07)


Coercion and forced mandating is not free choice if your job, your ability to travel to shop are held up as a weapon . The trial is not completed and it's at this stage is experimental. This is genocide as so many thousands are having adverse reactions causing death. This gives no immunity or non transmission. To the contrary there are treatments that have been purposely banned. Our elderly have been killed intentionally. Crimes against humanity. This is also only the beginning of the journey.

Elizabeth Dilley (Wyong, 2021-10-07)


Les vaccins ARN Messager ne protègent pas et au contraire sont un danger mortel, véritable crime contre l'humanité.
Nécessité de poursuites pénales pour les gouvernements mondiaux et conseillers scientifiques qui utilisent et imposent (manipulation, chantage) ces injections aux peuples.

Sylvie Fournier (BIARRITZ, 2021-10-07)


I believe in freedom.

Ercan Ciftci (Melbourne, 2021-10-07)


The industrialised countries are moving towards the NWO and this plandemic is nothing more than a tool to bring us into the Great Reset.

Alan Tan (Sydney, 2021-10-07)


We must seek justice for the victims for this false policies!

Yoko Kanamori (Tokyo, 2021-10-07)


Sám sa chem starať o svoje zdravie a zdravie detí

Martin Imre (Bratislava, 2021-10-07)


I care for humanity and future generations and want to stand on the right side of history.

Danette Moore (Shreveport, 2021-10-07)


God always wins!!!

Sarah Scruggs (Fort Lupton, 2021-10-07)


At the moment, my husband, a City employee, awaits to have his career ended and his family, myself and his son, turned destitute overnight, because he does not wish to take this experimental injection. Any route we have tried is failing. Our son cannot attend school without it and I cannot work without it.

There is nothing healthy about us being on the street because of our choices. There is nothing healthy about being threatened with ruin to get now THREE INJECTIONS just to feed ourselves.

We have family members severely harmed by this injection - my grandfather went blind within a week - and have experienced it’s devastation . We will NOT take it. We do NOT want it. And we are forced to forfeit our lives for it.

I will stand in front of any court, any judge, doctor or professional and say

Melanie Haggblad (Airdrie, 2021-10-07)


Quiero que se aclaren absolutamente todos los acuerdo y manejos que se han hecho y se viene haciendo en torno a la pandemia de covid19, en particular las vacunaciones.

Fernando Cabrera (Asunción, 2021-10-07)


I am shocked by the way we are being treated by the government’s trying to strip us of our basic human rights

Jean McGowan (Johnston, 2021-10-07)


I care about my health my whole life. I will not allow others to decide about the future of my health status.
I invested a lot of time and money to be healthy in my life. I will not want to invest much more money to cure because I made wrong decisions. I am pretty sure that this petition is one of the right ones.

Anton Krajčík (Púchov, 2021-10-07)


For individual freedom.

Lívia Peral (Brasília, 2021-10-07)


I am a federal government work against the so called vaccine. I am pro-God, Pro-Life and Pro-Freedom!

Robert Feldmann (Nashville, 2021-10-07)


The vax plus masks are killing me.

Remy James (Bellingham, 2021-10-07)


Pácha sa globálny zločin na ludstve, chcem spravodlivý trest zločincov, pravda musí zvíťaziť.Obmedzovanie nosením rušok a respiratorov,,,očkovanie z neoverenymi vakcinami,, nespoľahlivé PCR a antigenove testovanie, musí skoncit

Lubomir Abrahsm (Trencin, 2021-10-07)



Soňa Bojnanská (Bratislava, 2021-10-07)

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