Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity




Gillian May (Cleethorpes, 2021-10-10)


I am an RN for medical freedom

Joni Boyd (Keller, 2021-10-10)


The people who gave us Covid lied about their research and are still driving public health policy. Acting on the case proves if the court still has any respect for the welfare of the people and the relevant laws created to protect them.

Ty Wrage (Southside , 2021-10-10)


I believe there are criminal aspects to the origin, allevement, and reporting of the Covid-19 "pandemic". Those responsible for these intentional actions are a threat to the God given rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all humanity. They should be liable to the extent of their participation.

Earl Ashley (Madisonville, 2021-10-10)


There are so many people suffering from this experimental so called Covid19 jabs. Yet, the most of people are pushing them with their benefits of funding. This is very serious crime against humanity if the evidence can prove this jabs can harm more than what the purpose. Please investigate all the money flow from the big pharmaceutical companies. You will find very disturbing truths.

Akihiro Nakamura (Mercer Island, 2021-10-10)


Súhlasím s textom petície

Beata Svitkova (Bratislava - Karlova Ves, 2021-10-10)


The behavior of numerous governmental officials--both elected and appointed--clearly violates some or all of the principles of the Nuremberg Tribunal's principles.

Austin Elliott (Nacogdoches, 2021-10-10)


I am signing this petition, because the people of this world have been blatantly lied to, and our alienable rights have been stripped away from us, with only MORE of our liberties to be taken away in the future. This is Absolutely UNACCEPTABLE!
Human rights Violations are on Steroids and "We The People" MUST Stand & NOT COMPLY under ANY Circumstances, or our lives and Freedoms as we have known will be OVER!!!!

Cheryl Mallon-Bond (Centereach, 2021-10-10)


This might be the only way to let them get what they deserve and hold them accountable.
The people can´t thank you enough Dr.Fleming.
History will remember the brave like you, I have no doubt on that!
Kind regards from Germany.
God bless you

Marius Dörfler (Leipzig, 2021-10-10)


I believe pharmaceutical companies are actively suppressing information related to the safety of their covid vaccines. There is no long-term data on adverse affects. I am vehemently opposed to vaccine mandates.

Thomas J Leising (Edgewater, 2021-10-10)


Je signe pour sauver l humanite

Nadia Azouz (Marseille, 2021-10-10)


I believe there must be justice for the people who have been killed and maimed by this heinous, intentionally experimental injection, as well as all lies (and liars) affiliated with it! Top down!!

Janice Porter (Casa Grande, 2021-10-10)


I'm signing this because there is something that is wrong here, and it needs to be stopped. Those individuals who continue to push this harmful medical intervention, knowing full well it has caused much harm to many individuals throughout the world, need to be held accountable for their actions.

Jean Carbonneau (Portland, 2021-10-10)


J'ai honte de la France

Jean Maillot (Nice , 2021-10-10)


We the people of the world no longer tolerate this attempt by the NWO elites to enslave the population of the world using BIO weapons. We have had enough! Bring those in the World Economic Forum (WEF) tp justice and stop their oppressions and tyranny.

Gregory Weaver (Augusta, 2021-10-10)


WWII 62,000 Anzacs died so we Terra Australis living men and women, Crown, were given free will & self determination. As free, we never were given Informed Consent on this country being kidnapped and our trojan Govt working against the men and women here in such an insidious & contemptuous manner. I served my country, to find I had been deceived working for a fake queen. How we have been affected by this system is far too long a story but to say we stand retired with nothing is true. This faked Pandemic is the cherry on top of a War that should never & was promised not to be repeated. People are suffering now not in one or two countries but worldwide. Massive Genocide, murder yet again in true and now proven terms. Facts abound & yet the depopulation lies from world Govt and Media unabated. When will you stop this? When will enough maimed and devastated be enough for the Hague to recognise we have a Human Rights issue that demands an immediate cessation and criminal charges laid! The World is changing and everyone wishes peace. We need you as the lead legal to help us achieve this moving forward please.

Scott Miles (Perth, 2021-10-10)


This criminal behaviour must be stopped.

Jill Chisholm (Lawson, 2021-10-10)


it's horrible what is happening everywhere for so long

Lecompte sophie (Belcodène , 2021-10-10)


Simple citoyenne scotchée par tant de balivernes en 2021 !!!!!!

Sylvie COMBE (Orbe, 2021-10-10)


All countries need to standup to the tyrants pushing this agenda!

Janice Disher (Oakville, 2021-10-10)


I am signing this because I want to see these people who committed these crimes prosecuted and punished.

Tracy Dickau (New Smyrna Beach, 2021-10-10)


I’m signing bc there is conclusive evidence that crimes are being committed by the Deep State Cabal to use vaccines as a bio weapon against the people of this entire world!

Susan Schmidt (Dallas, 2021-10-10)


I believe Covid has been weaponized to gain power and control over free citizens of the world by the 1% Gulags of the world.

Sharon Jones (Eaton Rapids, 2021-10-10)


Je veux retrouver ma liberté, et je veux que mes petits enfants soient libres.

Odile Maillot (Grambois, 2021-10-10)


I'm signing this petition to save humanity.

Cheryl A Cowan (Clinton Township, 2021-10-10)



Brendan Behan (Belfast, 2021-10-10)


Je pense que toutes nos élites ont été corrompues et que dorénavant ils sont en train de commettre un génocide mondial par des injections qui causent des morts ainsi que des effets secondaires graves qui nuisent à tous et en ont totalement conscience vu les éléments en notre possession à ce jour efficacité des vaccins ?

Frederic Gobert (56160 - GUEMENE SUR SCORFF, 2021-10-10)


I believe there are injustices happening through forced mandates of the Covid-19 vaccines. The mandates are injuring people and breaking laws. I appreciate your consideration to review this.

Jennifer Schmitt (Parker, 2021-10-10)


Employer Vaccine Mandate, which I have declined. Currently permitted to continue work based on agreeing to semi-weekly rapid testing.

Lino DeGasperis (Killaloe, ON, 2021-10-10)


I believe the SarsCoV2 invention and subsequent so called vaccine shots are a crime against humanity

Catrina Coetzee Coetzee (Aranos, 2021-10-10)


Those responsible for crimes against humanity, removing personal freedom, pergery, need to be held accountable

Amber Onyan (McKinney, TX, 2021-10-10)


Je signe parce que je suis contre la privation de nos droits et par dessus tout de notre liberté

Sylvie Denis (Peyre en Aubrac, 2021-10-10)


I’m signing this because I’m in a public school and they’re mandating vaccine mandates..

Ben Espinoza (Torrance, 2021-10-10)


The tyranny must end

M G (West Midlands, 2021-10-10)


I m signing because I m a family doctor. I suffered a severe side effect 5 days after the vaccine Pfizer neuronitis and observed severe side effects with my patients.

Dominique Gilliard (Prilly , 2021-10-10)


Covid-19 experimental vaccine has already been proven to harm millions… yet governments keep coercing people to take it.. Amount of deliberate misinformation by politicians and WHO, censorship of scientists, doctors who question main narrative, banning life saving drugs like ivermectin.. is genocide…

Anna Siodelska (Sheffield, 2021-10-10)


I am very suspicious of the mandates and the vaccine’s validity. I believe there is more than meets the eye concerning COVID. Things are not always as they appear. This is dividing our nation.

Janis Katsu (Forest Hill, 2021-10-10)


I do not want a medical passport, I want my freedom back.

Sheree Darke (Sydney, 2021-10-10)


We must stand together against Tyranny.

Bryan Atkinson (Kempner, 2021-10-10)


I want to live in freedom and I want to decide about my health with myslelf.

Olga Brandejsová (České Budějovice, 2021-10-10)


Souhlasím s prošetřením kausy

Pavel Stráský (Brno, 2021-10-10)


I develped CA cells within 6 mos after receiving vaxx. I dont sant to happen to others. Be allowed to know our own bodies.

Nancy Eisenhart (Woodland Hills , 2021-10-10)


I'm signing because we have 4 children and we would love to have grandkids some day...this genocide needs to stop and get the satanic pedophiles out of our lives.

Amanda Billings (Galax, 2021-10-10)


1.PCR test used shows false positives
2. Lies about numbers of cases
4. Lies from SAPHRA about deaths from vaccines
5. Coercement to take vaccine with no liability to vaccine manufacturer or employer
6. People losing jobs because employers declare them as unsafe because they do not want to take the vaccine.
Many small companies closed because lockdown regulations notw in force since March 2020
Cannot breath in mask , forced to wear one
Misinformation & ensoring of medical information regarding Covid-19 and the vaccine
Failure to declare aborted cells in vaccines
Driven families and frieds apart because unvaccinated are demonized
Dotors silenced and threatend by disbarment
Early treatment option not standard control or told to people
Demonizing of Ivermectin, which saved my life
Scale of anxiety on the development of children cannot be calculated. My granddaughter to afraid to touch me, to not make me sick
Destroy normal life
Police brutality against peacefull demonstrations

Sandra Janse van Vuuren (Cape Town, 2021-10-10)


They are criminals

Darren Crouch (Epping, 2021-10-10)


Those responsible for the pandemic should be prosecuted.

Tara Stewart (Hood River, 2021-10-10)


I'm signing this because I believe the government around the world want to kill the citizens of them country with the vaccine and they don't respect the human rights, in Swiss too! Please stop this crime against humanity 🙏

Jonathan Deville (Orbe, 2021-10-10)


It is criminal of the governments and politicians, doctors and others to use the power given by the people to turn against them and use their office to harm the people's physical and psychological health . We are not to be coerced by these lowly means of blackmailing with our salaries and freedom so as to yield and get injected with what has widely become known as a dnagerous gene"therapy".

Aida Leonardi Balvannanadhan (La Wantzenau, 2021-10-10)


Authoritarian policies violate human rights.

Carol Porter (Kamuela, 2021-10-10)

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