Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



All that COVID stuff is illogical and it’s not the roll of politiciens to take charge of healt

Claude Hetu (Saint-Hubert, 2021-10-11)


Boli porušené moje práva a bol som obeťou vydierania zo strany výkonnej moci.

Richard Takacs (Dunajská Lužná, 2021-10-11)


Everyone involved must be held accountable!

Nicholas Fontaine (Rapid City, 2021-10-11)


It's so important to help our fellow man in any way we can.

Carol Dunaway (Fort Worth, 2021-10-11)


Je signe parce que cela fait bientôt 2 ans que nous vivons dans la peur et la manipulation des personnes et des idées, que toutes ces décisions liberticides engendrent des relations familiales, amicales, humaines et sociales désastreuses et catastrophiques, que nos enfants sont privés d'apprentissages corrects, que le respect de nos libertés est bafoué, anéanti, que les 3 beaux mots de notre devise républicaine : Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité ne représentent plus rien, que je ne suis plus du tout fière d'être française même honteuse, que... il y a tant et tant à crier...

Bernadette KERNE (GUEREINS, 2021-10-11)


Because these people need to be held accountable for public failure and crimes against humanity

Rachael Trueman (ROTHERHAM, 2021-10-11)


I agree with all of accusation

Margaret Gawenda (Mississauga, 2021-10-11)


It is imperative that the perpetrators are brought to justice.

Ian Clarke (BUDE, 2021-10-11)


I’m signing because the vaccines were never needed. This is pure evil.

Bill Schmidt (Cashmere , 2021-10-11)


Question de justice et de vérité.

Clement Giroux (St-Vital, 2021-10-11)


It’s time to stop the most atrocious crime against humanity of all time and bring the perpetrators to justice.

Tiago Vicente (Zürich, 2021-10-11)


People are being forced to take experimental treatments that can damage their immune systems for the rest of their lives.

This is a crime.

People are being denied treatments that may work, as alternatives to COVID-19 vaccinations.

This is a crime.

What else is going on that we have not learned about, that may also be crimes?

Toni Andriotis (Nepean, 2021-10-11)


Suhlasim s podanim a cim skor riesenim tejto otazky je to genocida narodov a chcem aby vsetci boli cim najskor za to potrestany

Iveta Sojkova (Folkestone, 2021-10-11)


Súhlasím s petíciou

Valeria Čapeková (Žilina, 2021-10-11)


stop the vaccine murders

Dan Clark (martinsburg, 2021-10-11)


I'm signing this petition because the current push to force any [wo]man to take any medicine through threat, duress, and coercion is breaking the Nuremberg Code. I don't want all the Western Countries to be like the Nazis.

rodolfo rivera (Santa Ana, 2021-10-11)


I want to see the elite, cabalistic-globalists fail. God wins in the end. Let’s help him.

Cooper Dunn (Arlington, 2021-10-11)


I am a licensed physician assistant who believes that we have just cause for this case

Anne Ryland-Anderson (Ashland, 2021-10-11)


Everyone should be accountable for their own decisions and actions......

Debra Moriarty (Muswellbrook, 2021-10-11)


I’m fed up with government corruption and erosion of freedom.

Peter Futas (Alliston , 2021-10-11)


Because there is mass genocide taking place under the guise of vaccines for your health.

Fiona Brown (Goudhurst, 2021-10-11)


Human rights need to be recognized.

Wanda Oprica (Avon, 2021-10-11)


I am signing this petition because I believe in soveringty over my body and the freedom that our ancestors paid dearly for to protect.

Grant Parson (Oakville, 2021-10-11)


The Australian government ,at federal and state level, are actively and passively trying to coerce my family and myself into a medical experiment (covid mRNA injections) when we are unable to give informed consent.
We do not know the contents of the injections, nor the medium and long term side effects. Their efficacy is questionable.
The definition of a vaccine has been altered to make these injections fit the criteria.
The injections are gene therapy (ref Robert Malone MD, inventor of mRNA injections),which people are not informed about.
Doctors here have been told not to give medical exemptions to these injections or will face disciplinary action from medical boards. They can't even prescribe off-label medication as an attempted prophylactic.

Steven Carr (Wurruk, 2021-10-11)


I'm signing because as a practicing Catholic am against all cruelty and medical terror on all people no matter of their origin of birth, ethnicity, or religion. I believe that every person has a right to personal freedom, dignity and pursue of happiness.

Monika Weber (Rubicon, 2021-10-11)


I'm absolutely disgusted with the insanity that had gripped the world
Those responsible must be brought to justice

Graeme McKeich (Newcastl6, 2021-10-11)


It is time for those responsible for these revolting crimes against humanity to be held responsible.

Tina Sandoval (THOUSAND OAKS, 2021-10-11)


Freedom and liberty

Dr Andrew Milner (Cawthorne , 2021-10-11)


Those responsible for such a crime, must pay..!

Wladimir Silva (Guarulhos, 2021-10-11)


I'm signing this petition because Gain of Function as well as experimental drugs which are not proven to be effective and safe should be banned as they represent a threat to humanity.

Sylvia Feldmann (Vlaardingen, 2021-10-11)


I feel this (Covid) situation and the emergency laws regarding a pandemic has escalated into a non democratic statute that is defamatory to its constituents. Our freedoms are being obliterated on the whim of those who should be acting on our behalf and not against the very people they assert to appropriately and honourably govern.

Angi Preston (Burnley, 2021-10-11)


there will be no impunity !

Erick Gros-Dubois (Bethune, 2021-10-11)


Laws are being broken, freedoms TAKEN. We need to peacefully fight back

Barb Friesen (Conquest sk, 2021-10-11)


I believe that the Covid vaccines are under-researched and are dangerous to the health of anyone who accepts the "jab", and it is a violation of human rights for governments to force its citizens to be vaccinated.

Wanda Vockeroth (Calgary, 2021-10-11)


I am signing this petition because this criminal activity has to stop. Without freedom over our own body we have nothing left to live for. We are the lab rats for the elite.

Manuela Duschl (Fort Myers, 2021-10-11)


Nesúhlasím s očkovaním

Danka Šabova (Topoľčany, 2021-10-11)


L injection que l on nomme vaccin anti covid est meurtrière, engendre des maladies. On oblige les citoyens à se faire injecter ce pseudo vaccin, en leur imposant des restrictions, dans leur vie, si ils ne se font pas injecter. C est criminel.les responsables doivent être punis sévèrement.

Sandrine Charpentier (Le Pont-de-Beauvoisin, 2021-10-11)


There should be repercussions for the people perpetrating this crime including governments, big pharmaceutical companies, police, doctors, nurse's scientists and government advisors

Paul King (Nottingham , 2021-10-11)


I am signing because the scientific truth has been withheld from the public. The trial period was not completed and participants were lied to. Early treatment was withheld from the ill in favour of understanding the outcome of a reactive result. Big Pharma are not held accountable for damages. It is an experiment under EUA. It is a new method for humans. It is unsafe. It is political. It is coercion. It is medical apartheid. It is destructive to humanity and humanism.

Basil Roberts (Johannesburg, 2021-10-11)


This has been the biggest act of global terrorism in human history.
Mislabeling experimental mRNA gene therapy as a vaccine is a crime against humanity. It must be properly labeled and people must have proper informed consent. The forms of coercion must stop.

Jason Hubley (Mahone Bay, 2021-10-11)


This is the most horrendous crime against humanity committed and it is essential that justice be served against all those who participated in it.

Adrian Funkey (Camps Bay, 2021-10-11)


I agree that ICC should do something about this.

Juan Ayala (Elberton, 2021-10-11)


Margita Šrámkova

Margita Šrámkova (Malinovo, 2021-10-11)


Truth must be debated, in a free open society, always, on the pros and cons of any vaccine, no matter when in its manufacture or distribution.

Daren Doucet (Petit Rocher Sud, 2021-10-11)


I believe we need to bring these people responsible for so much harm to justice

Edward Danao (Las Vegas, 2021-10-11)


Humanity must be saved from these bad players committing these atrocities.

Angelana Avila (Fresno, 2021-10-11)


I believe that these gangsters are guilty of the crimes stated and many more. They need to be brought to justice immediately.

Gary Morris (Sutton, 2021-10-11)


Trestné činy takéhoto sofistikovane obludného rozmeru si vyžadujú bezpodmienečne veľmi rýchlu a adekvátnu odozvu.
Martin Graus

Martin Graus (Piešťany, 2021-10-11)


What is happening is so wrong and against so many international and national laws

Steve Lindley (Port Hedland, 2021-10-11)


All parties involved in any behavior related to Crimes Against Humanity must be held accountable for their actions.

Mary Torjusen (Vancouver, 2021-10-11)



Marina Succi (Melbourne, 2021-10-11)


I agree with all Dr. FLEMING an believe everyone should be made accountable . I am tired of being lied to by people an media.

Debra Murphy (Rockwall, 2021-10-11)


I am signing because this dark and criminal agenda of those involved MUST be stopped. Those who participated in these heinous acts must be arrested and prosecuted!

Hal Weinshank (San Diego, 2021-10-11)


This crimes must be stoped.

Luminița Rișca (Timișoara , 2021-10-11)


I agree with the fair condemnation of persons for crimes against humanity and brought to justice.

Martin Para (Mochov, 2021-10-11)


I want to help to raise truth and freedom on this planet.

Martin Oros (Nitra, 2021-10-11)


I want the heads of all Canadian government, both provincial and federal, as well as all heads of provincial and federal Health Authorities to be tried for crimes against humanity. They (government and authorities) are forcing gene therapy on its populations by creating mandates, duress, and economic hardships against the people, and coercing these gene therapies on me and my Indigenous Brothers and Sisters - many of us are dying as a result. They have not once provided us with any demonstrable and justifiable reason to coerce these gene therapies on its people. No risk analysis, no cost-benefit analysis. They are pushing for genocide.

Jay Montague (Ottawa, 2021-10-11)


I want to save the human race, my children, and the people after I am gone.

Chrystal Ellison (Yonkers, 2021-10-11)


I want those responsible brought to justice

Joy Doogan (Dumbarton , 2021-10-11)


We need to thoroughly investigate all aspects of the 'Covid 19' (inclusive of SARS-CoV-2 & COVID-10) pandemic and find out the root and branch causes of this international disaster. We also need to examine the so-called 'vaccines' which are actually also a type of gene therapy that might not have made it to market under more usual times.

I believe that many important facts, observations and hypotheses are being down played and swept under the carpet. They need to be brought out again, re-considered and openly examined with full public awareness and understanding.

The 'gain of function' research programmes need to be laid open to scrutiny too, so their role in the present pandemic can either be established or discounted accordingly.

I think all substantive ideas concerning this humanitarian crisis should at least be given some consideration in our endeavor to unpick this Gordian knot.

The same goes for treatment protocols which clearly need further investigation to establish which ones are most effective in the short and in the long term for the treatment of Covid 19 symptoms.

Its in the public interest to thoroughly investigate what has actually been going on, both overtly and covertly and establish a priority check list of scrutiny and responsibility.

Matthew Rhodes (Norwich, 2021-10-11)


Je veux être libre de douter. Et je souhaite faire un pas de côté face à cette campagne vaccinale.



I'm horrified by what is happening, it must be stopped!

Rebecca Bonurelli (Swansea , 2021-10-11)


This has got to stop. We’re poisoning the planet.

Eugene Hanson (Labelle , 2021-10-11)

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