I'll be so sad if they demolish this skate park. I'd like to visit it one day but idk if I could do it in the future because of that.(Leon, 2018-04-20)
Duh(Sacramento , 2018-04-20)
Skating is gr8(Brerton, 2018-04-20)
Skateboarding is an integral part of this place(Los Angeles, 2018-04-20)
Why wouldn't you sign?(Los Angeles, 2018-04-20)
Save suvilahti DIY!(Lohja, 2018-04-21)
These spaces are fulfilling a need that hasn't been met by the civic community.(Los Angeles, 2018-04-21)
this place should be publicised not demolished! i would travel to Finland literally JUST to skate this!will be in Europe next year, now i know its there, if its STILL there, i will be doing exactly this!
(Melbourne, 2018-04-21)
I skate and I want to protect the culture around it from greasy fingered capitalistic criminals who destroys this planet.(Oulu, 2018-04-21)
Visiting Helsinki, a true experience was skating Suvilahti DIY and being welcomed by the loving and generous atmosphere surrounding it and the skaters that built and skate it.A true land mark in skating and a place that makes the world a better place!
(Stockholm, 2018-04-21)
Because it’s a great place for a comunity of good people to do someone constructive and creative(London, 2018-04-21)
Fight the power(Helsinki, 2018-04-21)
one of the world's best DIY-skateparks ever! Should be part of the UNESCO-list!(Munich, 2018-04-21)
For all my skater brothers in Finland(Brussels, 2018-04-21)
Fundamentally place for skateboarding and youth culture. Save it!(Finland, 2018-04-21)
This looks like a great skatepark that people obviously enjoy.(Birmingham, 2018-04-21)
DIY skateparks are extremely important in todays society. With more and more people skateboarding every day, places like this are popping up in every city across the planet. The people who designed and built this spot did it purely for the love and enjoyment of skateboarding. These DIY skateparks create enormous pride and a sense of community everywhere they pop up. PLEASE let Suvilahti DIY continue to exist and grow. You will never regret it.(South Salt Lake, 2018-04-21)
<3(Helsinki, 2018-04-21)
DIY skateboarding culture has to be supported!(Balingen, 2018-04-21)
suvilahden parkeilla on paljon tunne arvoa ja ne on hyvät parkit(Loviisa, 2018-04-21)
Skaters in Finland should have the chance to skate!(Östersund, 2018-04-21)
ive been riding the park since a kid(Helsinki, 2018-04-21)
I sign because It's the most beautiful skatepark i ever seen(Beaujeu, 2018-04-21)
Skateboarding has to be kept alive(Hamburg , 2018-04-21)
Save this awesome skatespot !(Bollebygd, 2018-04-21)
I love the area(Helsinki, 2018-04-21)
Big part of Finnish culture.(Helsinki, 2018-04-21)
I love Suvilahti(Tromsø, 2018-04-21)
Never been to this skatepark and I certainly dont live anywhere near that place. But a skatepark like this should not be disrespected like this and be destroyed. Save this park!(Groningen, 2018-04-21)
you lead the world in play and education and DIY is the ultimate expression of all that.(Melbourne, 2018-04-21)
Because I’m a skateboarder simple as that(Cuffley, 2018-04-21)
this shit is rad and can't die........the hype is real(london, 2018-04-21)
Koska suvilahti diy täytyy säilyttää!!!(helsinki , 2018-04-21)
Skateboarding is life!(Uzwil, 2018-04-21)
Suvilahti skate park is important cultural feature for the area and creates cultural and social value that is ever so important in Helsinki(Espoo, 2018-04-21)
Because i want this skatepark rest(Baudour, 2018-04-21)
Suvilathi is an iconic DIY!!!(Malmo, 2018-04-21)
these places are important to their surroundings as they are to skating!(Kadima, 2018-04-21)
Its a masterpiece of finnish youth culture and building skills! Also its becoming a trademark place to vist, when you come to Helsinki!(Helsinki, 2018-04-21)
We need to save this area.(Espoo, 2018-04-21)
Pitää miettiä nuorisoa joka on meidän tulevaisuus, kun valtio ja kaupunki vie heiltä jotain tärkeäö, niin mitä he ajattelevat päättäjistä sen jälkeen? Aina nuorilta viedöön ja mitään ei anneta takaisin. Se on huono vaihtokauppa.(Vantaa, 2018-04-21)