Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



The pandemic has been used as a vehicle to destroy society as we know it - The so called Build Back Better (or the Great Reset). Possibly leading to a huge reduction in the world's population if the books written by the likes of Klaus Schwab and his cohorts are anything to go by.

Jason Taylor (Southall, 2021-10-12)


My family has been harmed from the actions of these perpetrators.

Geraldine McLendon (Crystal Springs , 2021-10-12)


The world needs to hear this

Evan Spellman (Prince Rupert , 2021-10-12)


My husband is being threatened with job loss. Our daughters have been discriminated against. I have been excluded from meetings or been required to sit apart from the group.

Carisa McMullen (Olathe, 2021-10-12)


La vérité doit éclater sur cette soit disant "crise sanitaire" et les mesures politiques prises non adaptées et pour défendre les libertés fondamentales.

Christine Morvezen (La Massana, 2021-10-12)


I strongly believe in this petition.

Peggy Graff (Jarrettsville , 2021-10-12)


My signature will be on every petition. I work in HC and I see so many rights being violated on a daily basis. To force or mandate an experimental drug into a person without consent is horrific and goes against human rights. Knowing that these have caused more deaths and adverse reactions to an and all vax put together!!! They went after my daughter in the military too who had 92.1 Antibody result! Stop this insanity and tyrannical behavior now! Thank you. I hope all are held accountable.

Denise Chalfant (Murietta , 2021-10-12)


Wanting the truth to come out.... nothing else but the truth only....and who better than Dr Richard Fleming can do Justice to this cause.... and all the more absolute Justice without a shadow of doubt. Thank You. God Bless 🙏....Take Care my friend

Steven Barnes (Mumbai, 2021-10-12)


I'm signing because I'm watching the numbers of vaccine injuries skyrocket and seeing their stories online including videos and pictures of what they are enduring. It is unconscionable what is happening. More will die from the shots. Now they want to attack children. Our military is being attacked by this so called vaccine. Our pilots are being attacked. Planes will be falling from the skies when they get blood clots and die. This is an attrosity. The so called cure is worse than the so called disease. This must stop!

Julie White (St charles, 2021-10-12)


I am a 74 year old with a US Army acquired lung disease from mandatory vaccination with Anthrax. I have a copy of the VAERs report...I had covid in April 2021 after 1.5 years of no wearing a mask and kicked out of two dr's offices...Now am well after HCQ treatment and refuse to take ANY vaccine/booster, flu injection. I have robust antibodies and unlike Bill Gates and other questionable pagans, I don't want to live forever---esp not off the backs of others.

Sally Richardson (Hendersonville, 2021-10-12)


I need to see people prosecuted for these Covid hoax Crimes Against Humanity. This hoax has caused the deaths of many people and should be stopped immediately. I cannot believe this mask hoax, the jab hoax and the virus hoax is still going on. Unbelievable.

Josephine Helms (Highlands Ranch, 2021-10-12)


Liliana Wojtulewicz

Liliana Wojtulewicz (wrocław, 2021-10-12)


Freedom and choice are our rights. Discrimination and coercion against people that choose not to participate in the vaccination is disgusting. Never in my life did I ever think I would see what’s happening I’m my Country and others around the world. Something has to be done soon.

Wendy Sharples (Birmingham , 2021-10-12)


We need truth ans freedom again

Vovard Marie claire (Paris, 2021-10-12)


Jesus Christ is showing us the TRUTH!

Bob Smith (Hanover, 2021-10-12)


It is abundantly clear now that there are obvious crimes against humanity regarding the virus that was made in a lab, released intentionally, is a bioweapon and has a genetic therapy injection that was made and ready to go that is also a bioweapon.

Claire Zengerle (Cuero, 2021-10-12)


Vaccine and the restrictions are against humans right and personal integrity.

Sylvia Brunner (Glendale, 2021-10-12)


Obviously people need to be held accountable for breaking the Nuremberg Code of Ethics.

Barbara Wegner (Big Stone City, 2021-10-12)


No one is above the law!

Kevin Kadamus (Pawcatuck , 2021-10-12)


I’m saying this because the crimes that have been perpetrated against the American people and the people of this world need to be brought to light and then appropriately punished.

Luciano Ramos (Sandpoint, 2021-10-12)


I have lost work due to a vaccine mandate imposed by my employer. These vaccines must be stopped before they are imposed on our children. We need to be their voice!!

Joyce Naumann (Athabasca, 2021-10-12)


I’m apposed to mandates of chemicals injected that are being used and are unknown and untested. Our rights are being violated our livelihoods are being threatened. Our freedoms are being taken away. My body my choice seems only to matter when I’m killing offspring. I’m choose my life, as is, with no chemicals. 100% natural.

Antonia Barron (Delray Beach , 2021-10-12)


I have extensively studied the covid situation for 18 months and criminal action is obvious

Max Perrault (Phoenix, 2021-10-12)


I’m signing because this complete disregard for HUMANS & HUMAN RIGHTS is medical & government tyranny and it MUST stop. SO many lives being impacted and LOST. Please help restore hope & trust in human beings again

Lana Nicoll (Edmonton , 2021-10-12)


We need to end the lies and the government's abuse of power

Hein van Zyl (Ekurhuleni, 2021-10-12)


I have rights as a human being to make a choice of what I put in my body. I am a free citizen.

Lisa Porras (Vacaville , 2021-10-12)


There is one human race that must unite against tyranny.

Barbara Kelso (Austin, 2021-10-12)



Anthony Miranda (Orcutt, 2021-10-12)


To prevent more suffering.

John Lawrence (Katy, 2021-10-12)


We the People of this World NEVER gave our consent to the Draconian and Unscientific Lockdowns and Restrictions on our freedom, The Great Reset, The Fourth Industrial Technocratic Totalitarianism that are being pushed and implemented by a few Elite and this whom they bribed to take part in these Crimes Against Humanity.
1. The Bioweapon Virus can be easily treated with Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Zinc and HCQ.
2. The Protocols used and enforced by hospitals to treat “Covid” are murdering patients - especially when they are denied Ivermectin and given Modazilam,REMDISIVIR and put on Ventilators which kill Covid patients.
3. Masks cause Brain Damage, Long term health issues like Cancer and Bacterial and Fungal Pneumonia which are classified as”Covid” and should never be worn by the public.
4. THERE IS NO PANDEMIC!!!! All deaths of all diseases are counted ANNUALLY. The WHO declared “Covid” a pandemic on 11 March 2020. The counting of ANNUAL COVID CASES AND DEATHS should have stopped on 11 March 2021. Instead of doing this, the WHO, CDC and all Governments just keep on counting and adding to the inflated figures of last year and use this to justify their State of Disaster/Emergency and propagate unjustified fear.
5. THE VACCINES ARE INEFFECTIVE AND DEADLY and killed and maimed more people than all the vaccines in the past 20 years. Countries with the most vaccinated people also have the most Covid cases and most of the patients in hospitals had both injections and still contracted Covid or are in hospital with severe adverse reactions to the Covid Vaccines. HALT ALL VACCINES IMMEDIATELY, TAKE IT OFF THE MARKET AND DESTROY IT!!
6. There is NO NEED for a Covid Pass or Contact Tracing system. The tracking systems will lead to a Technocratic Totalitarian System that will destroy humanity and any and all of our freedoms. Millions of people around the world are protesting against the Covid Certificates. WE DO NOT CONSENT!!
US11107588B2 - Methods and systems of prioritizing treatments, vaccination, testing and/or activities while protecting the privacy of individuals - Google Patents

All people responsible for the planning, coordination, implementation and enforcement of all Covid Lockdown Restrictions, Vaccines and Covid Certificates, must be held accountable for Crimes against Humanity. If found guilty, ANY AND ALL of their Assets must be seized and they must be jailed of life.

Susan Coetzee (Langebaan, 2021-10-12)


I wish the perpetrators of this crime against humanity, this whole Corona-affair and lie, to be judged and hopefully put out of post and into jail.

Angelika Jakobs (Bédarrides, 2021-10-12)


I am fighting for the future and honoring the past as my father And grandfather were WW1 and WW2 veterans respectfully.

Louis Tulik (Ludlow, 2021-10-12)


From the beginning of this Covid19 Charade, the emphasis has been on an unproven (but probably proven dangerous) gene-changing "vaccination" which would have been illegal had the facts about hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, along with vitamins D and C, as well a zinc been acknowledged. These were facts which those in authority should have known already as being safe, effective and cheap.
Anyone, including the media and up should be held accountable for what can best be described as crimes against humanity and thus be subjected to appropriate punishment.

D McGowan (Nanton, 2021-10-12)


The people responsible for these crimes against humanity, from government officials, to medical doctors, to school personnel and others enforcing the unlawful and unethical violations of bodily autonomy, medical choice, and health freedom should be tried in criminal courts and brought to justice. Thank you to all who are advancing these efforts!

Margot DesBois (Topsfield, 2021-10-12)


I am opposed to Crimes against Humanity.

douglas plant (edson, 2021-10-12)


I truly think that COVID-19 was released in to the world as a last ditch effort by the bloodline families to gain full control...It also affected the U.S. elections and installed an illegitimate President to further their world domination agenda...

Patrick Dizzine (Grapevine, 2021-10-12)


I've collected tons of evidence of malpractice, corruption, racketeering, crimes against humanity, treason, sedition, election fraud....I can't believe these people weren't arrested many months ago!!! Stalin-esque damage!!!

Alison Bacon (Los Angeles, 2021-10-12)


Fauci and his conspirator cohorts need to pay for their crimes...
No getting away with it this time...

Kee Dizzine (Grapevine, 2021-10-12)


They should all be tried for crimes and sentenced to hard labor camps for life if convicted!

Janine Davenport (Oklahoma City, 2021-10-12)


Je signe car l'obligation vaccinale ne respecte pas le consentement libre et éclairé des citoyens. Cette injection est toujours dans une phase expérimentale et à ce jour elle met plus en danger la santé qu'elle ne la protège.

Annie Bernat (Toulouse, 2021-10-12)


We, the People of the United States of America, are being deceived by many leaders in our Government. I want truth disclosed so that trust may be restored!

Kelly Maynor (Alexandria, 2021-10-12)


I'm signing because I am being coerced to get this vaccine in order to keep my job. I will not be coerced and want the truth to be revealed

Marilynne Oskamp (Ancaster, 2021-10-12)


I am signing this petition because it is important!

danny de cock (leuven, 2021-10-12)


I am concerned on what is happening all over the world, especially now in New Zealand

Anna Tersintseva (Auckland , 2021-10-12)


As a nurse anesthetist who served to intubate on the Covid response team at our hospital and as one who has suffered due to vaccine mandates this has directly affected me.

Linda Shaw (Mt. Washington , 2021-10-12)


PM Trudeau just banned the unvaccinates from work, restaurants, guns etc and travel in and outside Canada.

Linda Reid (Surrey BC, 2021-10-12)


Worldwide vaccine mandates for an UNTESTED drug is a criminal. The term vaccine does not apply to the mRNA genetic jab. The deaths and injuries caused by these inoculations which are being FORCED on the world’s population is unconscionable. These criminals must be held accountable!

Carolyn Chesser (Casselberry, 2021-10-12)


I'm an American and I want freedom of choice.

Brooke Van Ness (Houston, 2021-10-12)

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