One place less for young people to gather is not an option.(Helsinki , 2018-04-21)
We need this!(Helsinki, 2018-04-21)
SK8 is cool stuff to do!(Helsinki, 2018-04-21)
Its important to the helsinki skate scene(Oulu, 2018-04-21)
i'm signing because i love those kind of skateparks(Barcelona, 2018-04-21)
I would love to go skate there later on in my life(Zelem, 2018-04-21)
I love Finland skated tons of fun diy spots there back in 2010.(Victoria, 2018-04-21)
I back diy's all over the world, none should he torn down(Ojai, 2018-04-21)
This place is an example of what is right about skateboarding.(Lively, 2018-04-21)
Suvilahden skeittiparkki on kulttuurillisesti tärkeä jo nyt ja vielä enemmän tulevaisuudessa, kohteen houkuttaessa rullalautailijoita maailmalta ja ympäri Suomen. Ei anneta hienon asian hävitä, jonka on talkoohengessä pieni porukka rakentanut kaikkien käytettäväksi.(Helsinki, 2018-04-21)
The skatepark is too rad to demolish.(Katrineholm, 2018-04-21)
People need positive outlets and community.(Witley, 2018-04-21)
this park looks great good work!(villiers st frédéric, 2018-04-21)
Olen skeittiparkin käyttäjä ja vahvasti parkin säilyttämisen kannalla!(helsinki, 2018-04-21)
...this place is some artwork and also a place to meet nice people!(Erfurt, 2018-04-21)
We need more skateparks, not less!(Karjaa, 2018-04-21)
DIY is an important part of art and skateboarding and a pillar of great communities the world over. This park took a lot of hard work and hard earned money to build. Respect is due. Also! A free skatepark for the city for years to come! Obviously.(Raleigh, NC, 2018-04-21)
I love skateboarding(Palm beach , 2018-04-21)
LOVE(Helsinki, 2018-04-21)
I have skated here! The locals were so kind and friendly and brought me to this place even though I was a complete tourist. This amazing skate sanctuary should be preserved forever!(Los Angeles , 2018-04-21)
that skatepark is nuts!!!It has to stay for future inspiration of skateboarding.
(Berlin, 2018-04-21)
Skateboarding saves lives! DIY parks help build a positive community which can be a much needed support for anyone who needs it.(Kent, 2018-04-21)
f yah(Portland , 2018-04-21)
It needs to be saved(Helsinki, 2018-04-22)
They can’t take the park down, no way. Never. It has a lot of people’s sweat, tears and blood in it. And it has brought more joy to so many subcultures in Helsinki, to so many people, to so many kids.(Helsinki, 2018-04-22)
When I was in Finland I used to spend so much time there and when I get back I want to be able to see it again(Whangarei , 2018-04-22)
this place is a cultural and historical highlight of our culture in this country. It displays commitment, love and hard work .(Berlin, 2018-04-22)
This is a big part of Helsinki cultural history and made by citisens/ skateboarders themselves. Cant be destroyed. How many hockey players have you seen build their own rink?(Helsinki, 2018-04-22)
Kiinnostavamman helsingin puolesta(Helsinki, 2018-04-22)
Koska skeittaus paikkoja suomessa ei todellakaan ole liikaa.(Vantaa, 2018-04-22)
Skate or Die(Helsinki, 2018-04-22)
Love for skateboarding!(Hamina, 2018-04-22)
Love this skate park(Helsinki, 2018-04-22)
Olen saanut ekaa kertaa töitä ollessani suvilahdessa taiteilemassa. Paikkana hieno!(Lahti, 2018-04-22)
Skateboarding brings all age groups together and gives kids a passion to focus on that’s positive , we need to keep skate parks like this , don’t tear em down, tear em up on a skateboard.(Sydney, 2018-04-22)
because i'm a skateboarder(ciboure, 2018-04-22)
I want to save the skatepark(Moscow, 2018-04-22)
Älkää ottako pois nuorten mahdollisuuksia liikkua(Helsinki, 2018-04-22)
I think skateboarding provides a positive environment for the community.(Knoxville , 2018-04-22)
I love my city, Helsinki, but it's devastating how it is being destroyed and turned into this sterile generic piece of nothingness that has no character and no personality.. Helsinki needs places like Suvilahti DIY!!!(Helsinki, 2018-04-22)
NUORILTA ON OTETTU JO TARPEEKSI, kaikki urheilupuistot ja parkit tulisi kunnossapitää, eikä todellakaan vähentää entisestään.(Tampere, 2018-04-22)
Skatepark must stay!(Helsinki, 2018-04-22)
Kotikonnut ❤️(Helsinki, 2018-04-22)
Skateboarding is close to my heart and there is not enough of these skateparks in Finland.(Vantaa, 2018-04-22)
For cultural diversity and for an active and different architecture in helsinki(helsinki, 2018-04-22)
Skating saves lifes(Mühlheim, 2018-04-22)
I support the positivity of the community!(Mataram, 2018-04-22)
The people need a place to skate! Let them keep it!(Durango , 2018-04-22)