Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



Anyone who tramples on others' peoples' rights should be held accountable.

Maria Kasionis (Melbourne, 2021-10-16)


This had to stop our government are careless and putting our lives in danger

Chantal R (Oakville, 2021-10-16)


I believe in human rights

Lee Danielle (Gagny, 2021-10-16)


We definately are not following the science. Nothing makes any sense to me in regard to sars cov 2 and covid 19

Jennette Meehan (Dublin 11, 2021-10-16)


Because the creation of COVID is a crime against humanity and is destroying and dividing God’s people and those responsible for playing with Lucifer shall be held accountable. Those playing with fire are burning all of those around them. I myself, a single mother of 3 children, have be left with decision to get the mandated jab in order to continue to provide for my children, or stand up for my beliefs and what I know is right and have my nursing career cut short. I will always choose integrity and morality when making these decisions even when the path they may lead me down may be uncomfortable. I will sleep at knowing that I have honored my God and He will take care of us!

Kimberly Sligh (Lenexa, 2021-10-16)


I like a freedom

Pavel Jordán (Ostrava, 2021-10-16)


If you commit crimes against humanity you must be held accountable!!!

Morgan Anderson (Tallimba, 2021-10-16)


I don’t agree to have an injection that’s still in trails stage ... people are filling our hospitals with adverse reactions which are all disabled for life.... what would anyone in there right mind risk such a procedure.... Unbelievable.. What’s happening in the world...

Michelle Watt (Sydney, 2021-10-16)


I am horrified by the evil disregard for human health, bodily autonomy and dignity and integrity of both the individual and the global population evidenced by all authoritarian measures instigated in the name of 'Covid-19', not least the administration, often under duress and always in the absence of informed consent, of the gene therapy injections that are causing devastating and seemingly deliberate harm globally. This is evil on an unprecedented scale.

Silvija Davidson (London, 2021-10-16)


Pokud nezastavime globální covid fašistické zrůdy, tak naše životy končí a naše děti nemají budoucnost. Děkuji ze srdce za vaše srdce a vaši práci.

Jiří Černohorský (Brno, 2021-10-16)


The vaccines are killing people and the government is pressing ahead with booster campaigns

Kenn Daly (London , 2021-10-16)


Humankind needs a solution of this criminal act.

Boris Straka (Písek, 2021-10-16)


All of the criminals who orchestrated this crime and those who made it happen by following orders MUST be held accountable to disincentivize any similar behavior moving forward.

Gary Miner (Augusta, 2021-10-16)


I believe in the right of informed consent.

Rogiee Van vlissingen (Bronx, NY, 2021-10-16)


Stop the genocide

Ian Nohar (Glasgow , 2021-10-16)


I’m signing because the pharma fascism must be stopped immediately

Olegs Kuprisovs (Maidstone , 2021-10-16)


It's time to stand up against this tyranny and take back our freedoms!

Peet Dictor (Niagara Falls, 2021-10-16)


For FREEDOM and Humanity

Terence Cartlidge (Berkswell, 2021-10-16)


I’m signing because we should always have choice. We should not be forced into taking a vaccine or any drug.

Caroline Miller (Dunfemline , 2021-10-16)


I firmly believe that the injustices committed upon the people around the world by those in positions of authority, power, and or influence through their financial means, easily and obviously constitute "crimes against humanity", and as a result should be heald accountable for these injustices. This can never happen again and the people of the world should stop any such evils immediately so not to further harm the people of our world.

Daniel Hassett (Ronkonkoma , 2021-10-16)


I believe that this virus and vaccine were created to enable one world control through health passports. We are God's creations and he is in control. Not the global elite.

Lori Weingarten (JUPITER, 2021-10-16)


Justice for the killing raping for our innocent woman children and men

Abieda Petersen (Cape town , 2021-10-16)


I agree with this movement and those pushing trough covid terrorism should by punished by law.

Lukas Mikula (Mudronovo, 2021-10-16)


I am signing this petition because of the dangers and damage created by these novel mRNA Jhené therapies. There have been no animal studies, no long-term studies, no informed consent and lack of adequate surveillance or monitoring of the adverse events.

Karen Rucas (Toronto , 2021-10-16)


What big pharma and government are doing is evil!

Sean McFarland (South Haven, 2021-10-16)


The freedom of people to make their own personal medical decisions must always be protected and preserved. Those who's aim is to knowingly enslave or kill others through any means must be punished to include death.

Glen Jones (Aurora, Colorado, 2021-10-16)


I gave my full support to Dr. Richard M Fleming work on Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity.

KK Tai (KL, 2021-10-16)


Because I am human!

Pauline Pauline (Essex , 2021-10-16)


Podpísané, odoslané.

Maria Zarnayova (Presov, 2021-10-16)



Lenka Králová (Nový Bor , 2021-10-16)


The measures introduced across the world to control a so-called pandemic have very little to do with controlling a pandemic and everything to do with destroying human rights and freedoms.

John Kerr (Cardiff, 2021-10-16)


Because I believe human rights are being stripped away by government in the western world

Eddie O Grady (Tralee, Kerry, 2021-10-16)


Freedom and for all who have died … I sign for my constitutional rights

Amber Thornburg (Hilton Head Island , 2021-10-16)


I believe in the constitution!

Mike Chamberlain (Littleton , 2021-10-16)


súhlasí s petíciou

Beata Jašicová (Tlmače, 2021-10-16)


I want my freedom back

justin marks (Chesteremere , 2021-10-16)


I believe in the sanctity of all human life. I want these evil doers held accountable.

Tracy DiBenedetti (Nampa, 2021-10-16)


We need to make justice by condemning these people who are forcing vaccination on people with an experimental vaccine without disclosing the contents and adverse side effects of those vaccines. They say that people take the vaccine on a voluntary basis while they are threathening people's livelyhoods. Which is absolute coercion and equal to forcing people to take the vaccine. And theu won'y accept debate about these vaccine anf much less allow people to be prescribed with Ivermectine which is proven and much much more effective medication to treat COVID19. There is clearly violation of all possible human rights and these people need to be held accountable for such crimes and immediately removed from their positions of power.

Edgar Rico (Brossard, 2021-10-16)

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