I want to do the right thing.(St. Charles, 2019-10-03)
I been visiting prag 8 times always been at stalin plaza 80% of my time awake(barcelona, 2019-10-03)
Because it's a worth-keeping park and i don't support the renovation.(Herning, 2019-10-03)
Cause of the Nine Club and skater fcking unite!!!(New York, 2019-10-03)
The plaza is a special place for me. It got some of My greatest memories from this place. Please let it be!(Sandnes, 2019-10-03)
Stalin, it is skateboarding cultural patrimony and the world should start to preserve such things and give proper value to cultures that brings no money for corporations, that's been happening a lot trough the globe and has to stop.I started skating in 2004 and knew about Stalin trough VHS skate videos, I had lots of friends travelling from Brazil to CZ to film tricks over those marble ledges - that maybe means nothing to regular people but surely means a lot to lots of people and that'd be a shame to see that place destroyed.
(Salzburg, 2019-10-03)
Nejlepší místo na skejtovaní(Praha, 2019-10-03)
This is such a iconic place for Prague and her tourists.Everybody comes here to have a good time and to skate, have demo's, contests and festivals.
Taking this away will be a huge blow to Prague and it's skaters. We cannot let this happen :)
(Netherlands, 2019-10-03)
Stalin Plaza is so important for skateboarder around the world !(Barcelona, 2019-10-03)
The most iconic place for skateboarding in central Europe known globally. The uniqueness and dynamics of the plaza developed over decades and shouldn't be destroyed. Let it stand, let community flourish and let people do what they love.(Copenhagen, 2019-10-03)
For the culture(Morgantown, 2019-10-03)
I'm signing because I love skateboarding!(Toronto, 2019-10-03)
Me and my skate team is visiting the stalin plaza since more than 20 years. For us, this place formed so many good memories and good times, to loose it would mean loosing a great part of our lifes. I'm signing this, because someday i want to show my own children a place of freedom, creativity and joy. Because thats just what it is.(Leipzig, 2019-10-03)
I like this place and I don't want it to be destroyed(Nový Malín, 2019-10-03)
I’m signing because Stalin Plaza is a ******* legendary one of a kind spot that brings hundreds of people together. It really is a great community that has formed there and it would be a shame to destroy this beautiful spot.(Prague, 2019-10-03)
This spot is so legendary and I came this summer but didn’t take my board sadly so would love to come back and skate it(Glasgow, 2019-10-03)
Hopefully my little name from Norway can help out!(Oslo, 2019-10-03)
As a Pulaski kid I have an affinity for stone skate spots and public plazas dedicated to skating.The locals have made this one of the best skate spots in the world and I want it to be enjoyed by skaters for generations to come.
(oakland, 2019-10-04)
Save Stalin plaza(Esteio, 2019-10-04)
It´s like a Mona Lisa, The last supper, The starry Night for skateboarders! A piece of art in a beautiful juxtaposed culture.Destruction will be a really big loss
(palma de Mallorca, 2019-10-04)
My friend made me do it, but I think it is a nice place so I'll sign it anyway(Revúca, 2019-10-04)
keep stalin plaza forever.(Plzeň, 2019-10-04)
save historical skate spots(newcastle, 2019-10-04)
I want go there and skate all day and night. This is place for true skateboarding .(Lublin, 2019-10-04)
Myslím si že Stalin plaza je veľký prínos pre skateboardingovu kultúra po celom svete (keďže ho navštevujú aj ľudia zo zahraničia) a nemyslím si že by kultúra mala prísť o toto skvele miesto.(Žilina, 2019-10-04)
It is extremely important to keep an iconic park open for the community. If people are enjoying it & making the best out of the largest park in the area, it is important to let the plaza stanf as is.(Lawrenceville, 2019-10-04)
I’m signing because of the impact and the culture Stalin Plaza has curated within the skateboard community.(Minneapolis, 2019-10-04)
Mám na to místo krásný vzpomínky.(Dobříš, 2019-10-04)
I like skateboarding.(Snina, 2019-10-04)
The Stalin Plaza must be saved.(Arad, 2019-10-05)
I skated there once and it stole my heart. Save this legendary skate spot!(Trieste, 2019-10-05)
I'm signing because I'm a skateboarder. and plazas like these deserve its place for communities and programs such as the skateboarding community.Peace and love, Eduardo
(Miami, 2019-10-05)
Skatepark is only place where u can train like a beast.(Bzovík, 2019-10-05)
I've never been tgere, but I like the vibe of this place and don't want it to be changed(Prague, 2019-10-05)
Skate or die(Praha, 2019-10-05)
I live locally and this place brings immense value to the area(Prague, 2019-10-05)
For the culture!!!(Eatontown, 2019-10-05)
I support skateboarding all over the world(Apeldoorn, 2019-10-06)
Podepisuji protože ma pro mě a moje kamarady stalin velky vyznam(Praha, 2019-10-06)
Because i haven't Bern three der and i heard so much about tust Spot i always Walter to skaten there(Nürnberg, 2019-10-07)
I live in Italy and the first time I saw this place I fell in love! I did an Erasmus in Prague and the Stalin Plaza become one of my favorite places in the city so, please, don't change anything about that I'd like to come back in Prague and enjoy the view from the balcony near to the metronome(Novi Ligure, 2019-10-07)
Skate is life(Québec, 2019-10-07)
love the spot!love to our prag friends!
(Passau, 2019-10-07)
I‘m signing this petition because the Stalin Plaza is one of the most iconic Skateplaza in the whole world. No matter from where you are, everyone is welcome.SAVE THE STALIN PLAZA
(Benndorf, 2019-10-07)
This Place is Mecca for Czech Skateboarding History.(Broumov, 2019-10-07)
legenda skateboardingu(Bratislava, 2019-10-07)
Because it's the right thing to do. There is no better way to use the plaza than the one in which it's been used for the past 10+ years - skateboarding!(Brno, 2019-10-07)
I love it here(Sudice, 2019-10-07)
It's a historical place, that should live forever(Sušice, 2019-10-07)
Stalin je dobrý taký aký je a nič sa nemusí zatvárať, let the culture be the culture.(Cabaj-Čápor, 2019-10-07)
save this unique spot! skatelife forever🛹(Copenhagen, 2019-10-07)
Please!!!!(Ricany u Prahy, 2019-10-07)
I love Stalin!Not the person, just that place in Prague
(Praha, 2019-10-07)
Skateboarding builds community and represents freedom. Iconic skatespots such as this are catalysts for these ideals and to take away Stalin Plaza would be a dismissal of such matters. A spit in the face of humanity. People have come from all over the world to visit this skate spot. It must be saved.(Portland, 2019-10-07)
Stalin is my childhood(Šestajovice, 2019-10-08)
I love this spot and it‘s unique in the world of skateboarding!!(Wroclaw, 2019-10-08)
Every year i visit Prague for this espessialy place!(Supraśl, 2019-10-08)
I find it crucial to keep the current spot in the state that it is now, architectonicaly and for the purposes of leisure, sports and culture specifically the skateboarding. Stalin Plaza has become the landmark for the whole actuon sports cpmunity around the world and therefore it should be kept as it is.(Staré Měeto, 2019-10-08)
Im signing because i love skating there, chilling with my friends out there, and listening to music laud, thats not possible in the town.(Český Krumlov, 2019-10-08)
#savestalinplaza(Budapest, 2019-10-08)
this spot is iconic, and history should be preserved. the mere existence of places like this are part of the reason i skate. I'd like to one day visit this spot and many many others, and I cant do that if this bullshit happens!!(Carbondale, 2019-10-08)
Stalin forever!!!!!!!(Brisbane, 2019-10-08)
No destruktion!!!!(Karlovy Vary, 2019-10-08)
It is not fault of people who are having fun there and hanging out to take responsibility for people who city thinks are damaging this place. Take actions, definitely but not that you will distroy this place. It will not help anyone. The situation will just carry on somewhere else.(Prešov, 2019-10-08)
This is a globally recognized skatespot with rich history that not only benefits local communities but also brings tourists from all over the world to your city(Oakland, 2019-10-08)
I'm not skater, but i still love skating and watching YT channels like Maxim Habanec etc. I disagree with the demolition of one of the most famous skater-landmark. Stop the demolition wirh no actual reason(Prague, 2019-10-08)