Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



What is happening in this world is not scientific. What is happening is coercion and it is wrong. There are vast amounts of data to back up that these vaccines do not do what they were intended to do and so why do we continue to keep pushing then?

Sebastian Bunney (Whistler, 2021-10-26)


I want every last person involved by either inventing, producing, mandating, cohersing, forcing and pushing the people to take the vaccines and be held accountable for crimes againsst humanity. That includes our politician who are supposed to be working for us. NOT killing us. Now they are going after our children, grandchildren, and future generations because the are psychopaths and greedy for power, control and profit. Sickening!!! They have no care for the rest of us., not even babies. They are getting as bad as Nazis.

Jo-Anne Dupont-Horvath (Elliot Lake, 2021-10-26)


Never again was supposed to mean never again. It's a shame that we find ourselves, once again, witnesses of crimes against humanity.

Carla Burris (Wolcottville , 2021-10-26)


These criminals need to be exterminated.

JOHN MAHER (CLIFTON (QLD), 2021-10-26)


Stop vaccines, stop vaccines mandates, stop genocide against humanity.

Tomas Balsaitis (Eastbourne , 2021-10-26)


I'm signing because the rights, the dignity and the humanity of all people is being threatened by evil megalomaniacs and their mindless and compliant co-conspirators. They must be stopped!

Michael Wheeler (Springfield KY, 2021-10-26)


As a Mr. in Medicin I know things are told which are not true. Telling lies - people loosing all and or dying or sick for life - must be punished!

Annette van Vuuren (Kvelde, 2021-10-26)


What is being done is a crime against humanity. "The jab" is being forced on people against their will. The jab does not work and is killing and maiming people. Additionally, there are viable, inexpensive therapeutics that could be used that are proven to reduce the symptoms of COVID avoiding hospitalization.
These therapeutics are being withheld from the population resulting in thousands if not millions of people dying.

Adelaide Pund (LA JOLLA, 2021-10-26)


I'm signing to ensure the survival of humanity and illuminate the evils being perpetrated on our fellow mankind. We're not going to take it, anymore.

Jenny Ramsay (Santa Fe, 2021-10-26)


I'm signing because it's time for those to be held accountable for their actions of malfeasance and crimes against humanity. Amen!

Lori Nakamura-Higa (Kaneohe , 2021-10-26)


There are so many human rights violations and our Doctor's and Lawyers are afraid/not willing to speak out, I will in every way I can

Kari Faba (calgary , 2021-10-26)


Im signing this because no government shall force vacinate.

Ryan Berkhous (Laingsburg, 2021-10-26)


I am signing to prosecute covid plandemic perpetrators for CRIMES against humanity.

Mehdi Rowshanaee (Smithfield, 2021-10-26)


I want these illegal experiment stopped

Sheila Mulka (Newington, 2021-10-26)


Far too many “anomalies” occurring. Toxic vaccine being forced on the young, the healthy, the naturally immune. I know people who have suspiciously died, people whose cancer has suddenly reappeared, young men with permanent heart conditions. I want to see justice. I know health care workers and professors who are losing their jobs because today their integrity. The people responsible, and all their underlings, and everyone who participated in mandates, in suppressing critical information, in nullifying the possibility for consent, they must all face their victims, and they must face penalties under the law.

Greg Cowan (Waterloo, 2021-10-26)


I’m signing this petition to hold people that violated our constitution and Nuremberg code. And they continue to violate our rights! They are committing the crime against all humanity and have to be stopped!!!

Kira Dessau (Garfield , 2021-10-26)


The crimes against humanity need to stop and the people responsible need to be held accountable.

Jason Walls (Cincinnati, 2021-10-26)


Justice and TRUTH should not be under minded.
WE THE PEOPLE need to be heard.
Regard and Thank you for your efforts.

Vincent Mancini (Saint Colomban, 2021-10-26)


Потому что я против фашизма.

Darbinyan Pasho (Blagoveschensk, 2021-10-26)


I'm medically exempt from wearing a mask and have been denied my rights in various establishments in Ontario Canada.
Now with the "Vaccine mandates" in my area, I'm denied my rights to participate in society, and further persecuted and made to feel like a second class citizen with great division between the vaxxed and unvaxxed.
I feel all the protocols for this engineered Covid "Virus" through gain of function engineering in the Wuhan lab are Crimes Against Humanity, including my right to autonomy with regards to my health and body.
These heavy handed tactics by our governments is total control of our society and removing our legal rights which I believe is Crimes Against Humanity!

Cathy Bretfeld (McKellar ON, 2021-10-26)


I want these people to see justice before the Lord comes back

Mike Lovell (Denham springs, 2021-10-26)


The vaccines are an experiment with brand new technologies so we need to understand what’s working and what isn’t. There is clearly information about the possible harms of the Covid 19 vaccines being withheld or obscured. In addition, the discussion of evidence surrounding repurposed drugs is being controlled. My research confirms discrepancies between the evidence I have seen and what my government has told me and because of this, I am signing the petition.

Steve Denham (Auckland, 2021-10-26)


These crimes cannot go unpunished.

Michael Peters (Auckland, 2021-10-26)


Life , Liberty , freedom is at steak .

James Good (East Falmouth Ma., 2021-10-26)


The crimes against humanity are clear and need to be stopped before more people are harmed, especially the children which are the latest targets. I expect those responsible for these crimes to be held accountable.

Leah Kubetz (Eau Claire, 2021-10-26)


i am signing because Never again means never again please :-)

Michael Spangler (North Port, 2021-10-26)


The truth, data, and evidence prove these "vaccines" are not vaccines. To be clear, which definition are we using now? Before or after CDC redefined "vaccine" and "vaccination"? Convenient method to align with their products, yeah? The risks from these injections FAR outweigh any potential benefit. On the contrary, Ivermectin, HCQ, and protocols that health experts put together have proven far more effective against COVID-19 infections. However, the damage is done when agencies like the FDA act nonsensical with statements such as, "You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it". Whether it was a joke or deleted is irrelevant. You falsely (i.e. intentionally) manipulated and coerced the public's opinion on the matter, and that's not the only example.

But it's all whatever right? Just keep lying about no therapeutics available, because that's exactly what "justifies" your EUA, ergo global injection program, mandates, and slow burn into global tyranny. Oops said the quiet part out loud. Should I include the WEF and Klaus Schwab's end-goal with all this? Curious minds sure do wanna know about this "Global Reset" and overpopulation problem/solution.

If any of you were honest, you'd address and review the already existing therapeutics and immediately nullify the EUA, mandates, and sinister injection programs worldwide, then put those guilty of these crimes on trial. The citizens of the world know you won't do that though, so we'll keep doing it for you, with some help. No matter how hard you censor, deplatform, mandate, or silence us it will not matter. Let's go Brandon and damn the torpedoes.

emma olson (Minneapolis, 2021-10-26)


The covid 19 pandemic has caused incalculable damage against the world population.

Matthew Cox (Colville, 2021-10-26)


Полностью поддерживаю , потому что нарушены все принципы демократических свобод

Наталья Михайлова (Тамбов, 2021-10-26)


These monster, demons must be stopped!

Marian Hancotte (Traverse City, 2021-10-26)


Stop this genocide!

Edmond Dano (Mississauga, 2021-10-26)


medical apartheid is criminal and inhumane

Richard Woods (Manchester, 2021-10-26)


I want justice for this massive crime against humanity and freedom.

Lesa McBride (Floyds Knobs Indiana 47119, 2021-10-26)


The cruelty and media control over the population while attempting to cull most of humanity is inexcusable. Continued lockdowns, segregation of societies, police brutality, and complicit government officials shows that people must be held accountable. My support places me at risk, but I must take a stand.

Marc Carignan (Reno, 2021-10-26)


Medical tyranny must stop!

Juli McLain (Stevensville, 2021-10-26)


this is an attack on humanity

Graham Watson (Mount Gambier, 2021-10-26)


I believe that the vaccine mandates are continuing to be pushed in order to harm the people of the world.

Ralph Kline (Las Vegas , 2021-10-26)


because i want to live in a healthier world

Diana Safeeva (Ufa, 2021-10-26)


I'm signing because I do not consent, yet jobs are threatened, lives are threatened, reputations via discrimination. What was done violates and continues to violate all ten codes of Nuremburg. Adverse reactions and deaths already outnumber easily all other vaccine combined. This is satanic and wicked and the righteous must stand against at all costs.

Allen Jones (Monroe, 2021-10-26)


Everything about coronavirus, covid 19 and consequently due vakcination seems to be criminal aktivity. Hope it will be clarified and stoped.

Ivanka Trávníčková (Praha, 2021-10-26)


I am signing this petition because an international crime has been committed against a huge population of the world with this experimental gene therapy jab.

David Brown (Baltimore, 2021-10-26)


I believe that the roll-out of these experimental, dangerous, harmful and untested vaccines across the entire globe constitutes the greatest crime against humanity ever perpetrated by any country, organisation, entity or individual. Let all perpetrators urgently be brought to justice and punished most severely, including with death sentences where appropriate. Thank you.

Elizabeth Hinton (Wagga Wagga, 2021-10-26)


We are free people and should have the right to choose and have informed consent.

Lisa Bombardier (Colchester, 2021-10-26)


The truth and they must be held to account.

Gerald Hancotte (Traverse City , 2021-10-26)


Because I care about humanity

Nancy Chimienti (Farmington Hills, 2021-10-26)


This needs to be done.

Karlene Logan (In, 2021-10-26)


I'm tired of these crimes and someone needs to be responsible for them

Beth VanHoven (Hudsonville, 2021-10-26)


I'm in full agreement with the signatories.

Jeff Morris (Kansas City , 2021-10-26)


I'm signing this because the people responsible for these heinous crimes need to be held accountable for their actions. I'm signing this for my children and grandchildren.

Patricia Long (Spearfish, 2021-10-26)


Justice for mankind

Mike Stephens (Jacksonville, 2021-10-26)


I know 2 people who died shortly after their 2nd vaccine and 2 people who are permanently disabled. I know nobody who died from COVID. The evidence is overwhelming that the vax is the goal and the whole COVID narrative was to push the vax. It's not about health.

Priscilla Gagnon (Condor, 2021-10-26)


I am fed up with this plandemic and I want all of those responsible to face prosecution, prison and/or execution!

Samantha Bookman (Gilbert , 2021-10-26)


I want these criminals held accountable for their actions.

Heather Sanchez (Daleville , 2021-10-26)


We have to fight death cult psychopaths

Konstanty Mazuruk (Huntsville AL, 2021-10-26)


These people NEED to be held accountable, for ONCE!!

Dixie Quandt (Dayton, 2021-10-26)


It's time for these global elites to be removed from office and serve time accordingly for the crimes they are committing against humanity. Freedom is our god given right and I will not comply with this nonsense, dissent, tyranny and evil people who have sold their souls out to the rest of the human race. The root of all evils.... Money

Patricia Manalli (North Myrtle Beach, 2021-10-26)


Crimes against humanity are being committed and cannot be allowed to continue or go unpunished.

Herb Weber (Ottawa, 2021-10-26)


This is truly a crime against humanity and it needs to STOP.

Cherol McMonigle (Boise, 2021-10-26)


It is my civil rights to choose what medical treatment I choose to inject or not inject into my body. The Nuremberg code should be upheld. My body my choice.

Adrienne Duncan (Scarborough, 2021-10-26)


The people involved with the maiming and deaths caused by this bio weapon virus need to be held accountable for their crimes against humanity.

Gregg Hansen (Bonita, 2021-10-26)


We need to stop the injustices that our happening in our Provinces and Country.
It is evident that there is Criminal Activities going on and only one sinister Agenda by our government and is to be jabbed. This has got to stop!!

Barb Everatt (Holland Landing, 2021-10-26)


They must be held accountable now. This is wrong, and letting them get away with it is also wrong.

Mary Smyly (Milton, 2021-10-26)


We need justice

Janet Coy (Mission bc, 2021-10-26)


Fascists should be arrested and punished!!

Bill Earle (Barre, 2021-10-26)


Im singing this petition , because we need to stop experimental injection,we have to stop making healthy people being sick from it or dayig from it

Grace Szwed (London, 2021-10-26)


I am signing this petition because what has been done to the people of the world with the lies of Covid-19 treatment, power seeking, control, and financial gains by pharmaceutical companies with their dangerous "vaccines" is simply abhorrent. Informed consent has been denied as well as basic rights to control one's own body. A great nation, The United States of America, has been corrupted and destroyed during the stolen 2020 election and that criminal act continues to harm the U.S., it's people (especially children) by unconstitutional and irrational mask mandates, the pitting of citizen against citizen over irrational deleterious "rules" and "guidelines" --- it runs the spectrum of disastrous actions across all sectors of this nation that greatly affects other free nations trying to do the right thing around the world. Also, corrupt and non-thinking, cowardly "doctors" "simply following orders", thuggish hospital security, staffers and nurses, world officials, Pharmacists, so-called Big-Tech, government staffers, the CCP, and many other people in related medical fields and including local and state "leaders" (politicians and media) who carry through with horrendous policies --- including school officials at all levels; i.e. University presidents, hateful and nasty teachers and their staff have collectively contributed to the current nightmare that seems to have a strangle-hold on the rights, privileges, and sensibilities of all good freedom-loving people of the world who simply want to be left alone to make their own decisions for themselves and their families. Further, criminals were released from prison and students were released from schools and soon followed anti-American Marxist communists "Americans" from all walks of life burning down U.S. cities --- BLM protested mask-less and then when the sun went down the Antifa hordes came out to "protest". The Biden administrations Garland would say (not exact words), "It's not terrorism because they are protesting at night." Not a word about the people injured and not a word about the non social-distancing hordes of rioters not wearing masks. In fact if they wore masks this only helped them to hide their identities. The people that are responsible for this world-wide assault on people's health, happiness, and peace should be held criminally responsible and rendered the maximum appropriate judgement and punishment by law for what they have done to all of us. The effects of this will be felt for all time. There is no memory hole deep enough to bury these events, but I am certain someone will try. If we do not stop this now and prosecute those responsible it will happen again and again and again. Justice must be rendered to recover our good world.

Mark Sommer (Groveport, 2021-10-26)


Humanity must be protected against the evil.

Z Rowny (Burlington, 2021-10-26)


We the people have the constitutional right and freedom to choose its personal health care protocol, availability of health care options and practicing the best safety interest of the community even the world

Roy Chandranata (Colorado Springs, 2021-10-27)


This is America, land of the FREE

Jennifer Trevino (Mt. Orab, 2021-10-27)


These crimes against humanity must be stopped!

Louise Rodrigue (Ottawa, 2021-10-27)


The shots are toxic!!! This needs to end!!!

K Peebles (Longmont, 2021-10-27)


We need immediate prosecution of vaccine crimes and the withholding of effective treatments.

Norman Miller (MIDDLEFIELD, 2021-10-27)


What is going on in this country is so evil. It must be punished swiftly.

Sondra Safer (Brookfield, 2021-10-27)


These people should have to stand trial for the terrors they have committed against law abiding people.

Barbara Leroux (Cornwall, 2021-10-27)


Premeditated criminal acts that surpass crimes against humanity.

Richard McArdle (Nakhon Ratchasima, 2021-10-27)


No citizen of any country should be forced to participate in a gene therapy experiment that may well end their lives prematurely, which is happening to so many. Many are permanently injured with cerebral or nervous system or vital organ damage and their quality of life will never be the same. The makers have indemnity? Who is culpable for the injuring and killing? Those Responsible. I am signing this petition because this is not a vaccine and the truth is not being given. End the charade.

Sean Casey (Austin, 2021-10-27)


There must be consequences for the evil that has been done to people worldwide.

Julie Colish (West Bloomfield Township, 2021-10-27)


The lack of transparency with the whole Covid pandemic from the beginning. The suppression of successful medicines and therapies. The lack of moral ethics in investigative journalism within the media and social media giants. But the number one reason is the outcome of these vaccines that have caused so much harm and continue.

Christina Guadalupe (Edmond, 2021-10-27)


I'm signing because there is too much conflicting information about COVID 19 and the Vaccines it should be everyone's choice what is put in thier bodies without mandates or threats...

Dean Drake (Ontario California , 2021-10-27)

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