Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I belive in power of true and light over evil.

LILLA RODZIEWICZ (Toronto, 2021-10-27)


The science of medical conditions associated with the epidemic is not being followed but is being politicized for huge profits for criminals in the pharmaceutical in governance bodies thereof.

Bruce Allmon (Marthasville, 2021-10-27)


This has to be stopped

Cockayne Erica (Doncaster, 2021-10-27)


I'm signing this petition because these people who have the hands in making the disease Covid-19 be held accountable for all the deaths & destruction the world has endured.

Cathy VanNorwick (HONOR, 2021-10-27)


Im accountable if i do nothing

Jason Mann (Sydney, 2021-10-27)


This is not what should be happening in a free society

Rick Belfield (Currimundi , 2021-10-27)


These poisonous injections must STOP! You will be held accountable for all the deaths and injuries these cause!

Jeff Wood (Newport News, 2021-10-27)


What is happening is wrong.

Colin James (Carmarthen, 2021-10-27)


I’m signing because I’m outraged at the crimes against humanity occurring in Australia and across the world.

Colleen DuBois (Queensland , 2021-10-27)


Human rights

Eoin ó FhearIghl (Dublin, 2021-10-27)


I care for people and dont want to see them suffer. My heart broke for Maddie who is only 12 years old and no main stream media coverage. Her severe adverse effects were recorded as stomach cramps. So this is for Maddie and children like her.

Melisda Venter (Auckland, 2021-10-27)


I am signing because the NWO hopefuls are destroying human beings by taking away our sovereign body freedoms and destroying our world with these dystopian "vaccine" mandates, lockdowns, supply chain problems, etc. I am signing because I love my children and grandchildren and want to leave them a good world to grow up in as I had. I owe it to them. I am transfixed by what has been allowed to occur.

Glen Thompson (Pensacola, 2021-10-27)


Since the vaccine rollout all I hear is people dying of heat attacks, strokes, rare blood clots. I have noticed fast tracked aging, and confusion in various age groups. People are being injected with Covid Spike Protein. Why has it taken so long for any authority to do something. These so called vaccines are not safe or effective and are obviously dangerous. These Drug Companies must be held liable, their actions are crimes against humanity..

Sue Clapton (Cheshire, 2021-10-27)


I want justice for the war crimes against humanity that is running ramped across this world with no one doing anything to stop it. God will judge all in their responsibility to protect humanity and stop all this insanity to depopulate this world by the corrupt elite and ignorant followers of satan.

Jeanette Greywolf (Riverton, 2021-10-27)


I care about all these murders. I want humans to thrive.
I care about truth, too. Suppression of free speech, and freedom of assembly (such as churches) has prevented people from finding out what real doctors really say and what their actual clinical observations are. This has killed many thousands, which will become millions. Freedom is not merely amusing. It is life-and-death.
Computer geeks are practicing medicine without a license resulting in death.

Esther Cook (Ivydale, 2021-10-27)


Signing this because of what I learned in history.

Diane MacDonell (Birnaby, 2021-10-27)


Thank you for presenting the opportunity to voice together defiance to the injustices perpetuated on the trusting world population- using fear and science to achieve their profits and power goals.
May justice be served to all those who knowingly participated in these crimes against humanity.

Diane Mack (Wilton , 2021-10-27)


I want to be involved and stand up for truth and for protection of humanity

Marianne Sherman (Richardson, Tx, 2021-10-27)


Justice is Needed.

Eric Hanssen (Pensacola , 2021-10-27)


souhlasím s peticí

Adolf Růžička (Brno, 2021-10-27)


The data is available and several highly successful treatments have been proven and suppressed by those committing crimes against humanity. Those responsible must answer for their crimes.

Roy Whewell (Seymour, 2021-10-27)


I’m against forced vaccines/mandates

Jan Dickinson (Independence , 2021-10-27)


These people can't get away with the destruction they've caused. So many lost friends and family. And the media needs to be held accountable as well for the brainwashing

sue coelho (Tomerong, 2021-10-27)


Concerned about the damage/death of many people from untested Covid jab.

Diana Rendell (Tumut Plains, 2021-10-27)


I'm signing because I believe that what our govt is doing is nothing short of criminal and every organisation... Doctor...State and employer who has embraced this criminal activity while hiding behind a so called plaque or hiding behind mandates should be held accountable. I would like to see fauci tried for crimes against humanity as well as anyone who aligned themselves with him.

Robert King (Hurley Wisconsin, 2021-10-27)



Michael Marino (San Rafael, 2021-10-27)


I am signing because this is worse than HITLER these vaccinations destroy white blood's MURDER

Lynda Olisa (Loganlea, 2021-10-27)


This wrongdoing MUST be stopped. Millions of people globally are dying and being harmed by this dangerous campaign. The guilty must be held accountable for their actions. Enough!

Anne Sutherland (CHIPPING NORTON, 2021-10-27)


I am in total support of the prosecution of all individuals who have committed crimes against humanity. Nuremberg is the basis. V2 is now.

Arthur Maynard (Gambrills, 2021-10-27)


I am disgusted and appalled by the discrimination of our current government, discrimination against people who don't want the vaccine. This country has always been a country of choice and freedom for the people and the government has no right in demanding people have the vaccine. There are more and more people having severe adverse affects from these vaccines and debilitating their lives leaving them with permanent heart conditions and other crippling illnesses. The truth of which seems to be being covered up and hidden from mainstream media. This vaccine has been rushed through way to quickly and the long-term effects have not been established. I will not play russion roulette with my health or that of my children and grand children through the possibility of having severe heart or health problems as a result of this money grab scheme by Big Phsrma amd paid Lobbyists and Polititions who dont care about their cinstituents.
People are only getting the vaccine because the government is emotionally blackmailing them by taking away their rights to work, travel and being free within our society and they are scared. Our government should be ashamed of themselves and need to take a good look at what they are doing and give the peoples freedom of choice back. The flu has been fatal for many in the past and statistics show it seems to have been taken over by covid. The way I see it covid is a severe flu. I have never had a flu vaccination and by living a clean life and using natural supplements I dont get the flu. It is no surprise people over east are getting sick when they have had to be locked away in their homes and unable to live normally. Being locked away is a sure way to cause illnesses and depression adding stress for our already stressed health system. The government seems to think they are helping people but all they are doing is adding to the problem and causing more divide and anguish in the people. I should be allowed my choice of whether to vaccine or not and so should all the people without the emotional blackmail and discrimination.

Kelley Williamson (Melbourne, 2021-10-27)


I want the crimes against humanity with mandatory vaccines to be investigated at the highest levels. I want the persons responsible held accountable for this world wide genocide.

Michele Ralston (Mableton, 2021-10-27)


The global 'elite' are evil

Robert Walker (London, 2021-10-27)


To stand up for human rights and mankind against tyranny and government corruption

Jayne Robins (Armstrong Creek, 2021-10-27)


I believe we have the right to refuse the COVID vaccine. Especially if we already have natural immunity

Paul Goodmurphy (Sault Ste Marie, 2021-10-27)


My body is a gift from God and His temple because He lives in me, and the state has no claim over it!
God Bless America

Deborah Watkins (Wilmington, 2021-10-27)


These horrendous criminals must be held accountable

John DeKort (Daly City, 2021-10-27)


Because evil and those who have had the history of crimes against humanity must be punished by death via the Nuremberg Code of 1947, hopefully the trials begin as early as possible but it looks like Winter 2022 but it will and all humans we area getting out of this scamdemic before Spring 2022!

Akshay Desai (Rowland Heights, 2021-10-27)


do not want a vaccine mandate and I believe they are dangerous

shelley Smith (Lakeway Tx., 2021-10-27)


This medical tyranny and globalist inhuman agenda must stop!
The ones at the top and their puppets must be held accountable.

Alix Schaefer (Saanichton , 2021-10-27)


I agree that these are indeed crimes against humanity. All people deserve the right to be informed by their governments, and to make their own decisions concerning medical treatment. We have been lied to, controlled, and experimented on. All persons responsible for these heinous acts must be held accountable with no exceptions. And by that I mean even those working in medicine and related fields, as well as government, who failed to speak out about and against these crimes, and who went along with the criminal cartel who perpetrated these crimes against us. This is why I’ve attached my name.

Lisner John (Batavia, 2021-10-27)


I do not believe in vaccine mandates.

Terry Johnson (Okanagan Falls, B.C., 2021-10-27)


I want those that have broken the Human Rights Code to be prosecuted , they have caused many deaths and are completely complicate in those tragic events .

Jack Hilson (Sydney , 2021-10-27)


This is a criminal enterprise deceiving the world.

Mark Legault (Moose Jaw, 2021-10-27)


I'm signing because the courts are the only way to punish the guilty without violence.

Eric Martineau (Killeen, 2021-10-27)


My rights as a US citizen are being abused in a way our forefathers could not have imagined. I have a right to say what I believe. I have a right to choose my own religion, and not be forced or mandated to become biologically corrupted by the Pharmaceutical industry and its many components. Our children’s lives hang in the balance. This is an atrocity beyond comprehension!

Joseph Lacy (Mount Laurel, 2021-10-27)


Our Premier, Mark McGowan, has decided to unlawfully mandate that every worker, pretty much, needs to be double jabbed by the end of December 2021 or they will lose their jobs. Companies and businesses are being coerced by the Minister also, mandating that any company found to have people in their employ who have not been double jabbed by said date will be fined $100,000 per employee and the employee wil be fined $20,000.
I'm not against actual vaccines, I'm against experimental poisons being forced onto us through unlawfull coercion by politicians who are elected by us to serve us, the people.
I am pro freedom.

Petr Pavlov (Perth, 2021-10-27)


I'm singing because I'm concerned.about the Future of Humanity.
All these what is going on with this vaccination throughout the World is the Crime against Humanity, Human Rights and Freedoms.
We must stop this cruel experiment.

Oksana Galyas (Kaliningrad, 2021-10-27)


I am sick of these bloody mafia idiots who think they can escape judgements
Because of their big pockets. They are the same as any street robber or muderer and deserve NO special treatment….evil is evil!!

Aron Poettcker (Sherwood Park , 2021-10-27)


I'm signing because I am a human being, not some form of livestock, with basic human rights which include the right to breath freely without restraint, and the right to refuse any medical procedure without explanation, coercion, outside influence, or penalty.

James Anderson (Kingman, 2021-10-27)


Governments around the world have perpetrated crimes against humanity against their own citizens by forcing & coercing both adults & children to submit to everything from chemical injections & the many harms & deaths resulting, to job & livelihood losses, to incarceration, to fines & much much more besides.
The perpetrators must be brought before a court of justice & their cases & the charges of their crimes against humanity heard, defended as the perpetrators might find possible, as they are prosecuted to the full extent of the law, up to & including the death penalty for the perpetrators where the perpetrator’s actions warrant.
The ICC must make every effort to the extent possible, to make the victims whole again, including monetary awards as deemed proportional to the victims & victim’s families’ suffering.

Bill Hemstock (Fort Saskatchewan, 2021-10-27)


My body my decission. Nobody can precribe what risks are more convenient for my body if those associated from vaccines side effects or those associated with the disease itself. Nobody will tell me whether I must or must not innoculate my children.

Štěpán Frýbert (Prague, 2021-10-27)


I want a better world for my kids and grandkids Let’s get rid of this evil God bless humanity

Harold Abram Jr (Black River NY, 2021-10-27)



Vincent Tripi (Miami, 2021-10-27)


I am signing this because forced vaccination is a criminal act and all involved should be arrested.

Nathan Lench (Prophetstown, 2021-10-27)


These crimes against humanity must be prosecuted.

Stephen Leonard (Palm desert, 2021-10-27)


We are becoming subjects of a genocide - the atrocities are numerable and we need an intervention before more damage can be inflicted among the innocent.

Bryan Cramer (Victoria, 2021-10-27)


This must STOP!! These evil people have blinded people into thinking this is right. It is NOT A VACCINE and we are all part of their experiment. Definitely like what the Germans did to the Jewish people only they are being much more devious in their way to get people to be sheeple. Just say NO WE WILL NOT COMPLY!!

Sandra Marshall (Calgary, 2021-10-27)


I've lost my job as I don't want to take an experimental injection.

Lockdowns are wrong and being used as a means of manipulation.

The right to travel and choose what is done to anyone's body is paramount.

Evan Staff (Auckland, 2021-10-27)


The Genocide against the people of the world must stop now.
All persons responsible must be held accountable for their crimes.

Jennifer Clayton (Avila Beach, 2021-10-27)


What is happening is beyond incompetence or simple corruption. This is a well-organized and orchestrated conspiracy. The conspirators must be brought to justice.

David Williamson (SANDIA PARK, 2021-10-27)


The Crimes against Humanity need to be prosecuted and those responsible held accountable!

Angela Sampson (Box Elder, 2021-10-27)


Truth should come out!!!!!!!!!

Nancy Fleenor (TOLEDO, 2021-10-27)


I want my grandchildren to have healthy immune systems and free lives.

Raymond Taylor (Malaga, 2021-10-27)


Because we all know this is a medical genocide. I have enough proof myself, I can't begin to imagine the evidence other people have.

Mike Hanna (Kelowna, 2021-10-27)


What have these humans become? Puppets of Satan! So sad that they would want to destroy other human beings, their families, friends and those who get in the way. Lord, please help us!

Jennifer Kramer (Goshen , 2021-10-27)


Im against this vax pass and any forced health decision made by the government!
Our bodies our choice!
No one should have to choose to put food on the table over a forced mandate vax that’s not even approved by the FDA it’s been accepted for emergency use only! But no liability or guarantee what this will do your our own health! Not ok!!!

Maria Correia (Mississauga , 2021-10-27)


Crimes against humanity from Faust and Bill Gates

Simon Christiansen (Ishøj, 2021-10-27)


I sincerely believe that this evil that is being perpetrated against humanity ranks right up there with what was done to the Jews by the Nazis and that those responsible must be held accountable!

Cindy Maurer (Lancaster , 2021-10-27)


If we don’t stand up to these evil animals, we will loose our freedoms , our way of life & our identity forever . . .

Richard Abbatangelo (Melbourne , 2021-10-27)

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