Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



We need to take these criminal orgs down

Victor Vogt (Gregory River QLD, 2021-11-03)


I’m signing this petition because our government has overreached their authority and are encouraging segregation, discrimination and criminal behaviour in our society all the while ignoring seasoned scientists, doctors and frontline medical professionals … this must be stopped

Chantalle Boulard-Patterson (Lively, 2021-11-03)


Tyranny cannot go unchallenged. Sovereignty cannot continue to be violated in any measure or form. I DO NOT CONSENT to be ruled by psychopaths, to have my God-given freedom doled out to me in bite-size portions, nor to be forcibly injected with anything against my wishes, particularly something of unsafe origin or questionable contents. Period!

Eric Colwell (Englewood, 2021-11-03)


What they are doing to the human race horrific

James Bradford (Nicholasville, 2021-11-03)


We are witnessing and going through the evilest crimes against humanity with a so-called coronavirus vaccination. That is harming and causing deaths.

TINA SZERSZYN (Newcastle, 2021-11-03)


I'm signing this petition because my conscience says I must do so. Crimes against humanity have been committed for the past 2 years, and today the criminals with the government's support just approved mandating the dangerous vaccines to children as young as 5. I owe it to my grandparents and parents who fought with all they've got to leave me a better world, and now it's my turn to do the same for my children and grandchildren. God is with us and we will win at the end.

Ninoca Li (San Antonio, 2021-11-03)


I am OUTRAGED at what is happening throughout the world as a result of these CRIMINALS releasing an OBVIOUS bioweapon in the form of SARS CO-V 2; as well as their mandated "vaccine". These are OBVIOUS crimes against humanity, and these wicked individuals NEED to be held accountable! I, myself, am currently recovering from a SEVERE respiratory illness, which I only acquired AFTER my own doubly-vaccinated mother moved in with me! I REFUSE to be vaccinated, and honestly believe I am a victim of my mother's "shedding" of spike proteins. I am also a nurse, who has been forced to choose between working or remaining unvaccinated. This simply has to stop! May The LORD have mercy on us ALL...

Caroline Kelly (Niagara, 2021-11-03)


We have to charge these criminals ASAP

Peter Grace (Papamoa, 2021-11-03)


Violations under NUREMBERG Code, Crimes Against Humanity, Treason, corruption and orders to murder, main and torture!

Julie Mellae (Sydney , 2021-11-03)


We have to stand up for people killed and harmed by theses vaccines

Rosetta Crook (Madisonville , 2021-11-03)


I am signing because I have currently been stood down from my job by my employer because I refused to have the covid-19 vaccine or provide any of my personal information. My employer took this road, due to the forced mandate implemented by our current state government, requiring anyone who works outside their home to be vaccinated or don’t work. I am also taking the risk of being ostracised from society for at least 2022 as the government has made it clear in press conferences that the unvaccinated won’t be able to join the rest in living life for that year. He also plans to implement pandemic legislation that will allow him to do this for as long as he wants when ever he wants making him a very dangerous leader in a democratic society because we have absolutely no rights whilst he continues on this path. Please help us

Amy Gibson (Melbourne , 2021-11-03)


I AM a Sovereign Being

Jana Jorgenson (PARKSVILLE, BC, 2021-11-03)


There are safer medications to treat CoVid and the vaccines are dangerous and unsafe, killing and giving people lifelong extra illnesses and they also don’t work or have any decent efficacy, shown by them now giving boosters already !

Garry Muschialli (Aspendale , 2021-11-03)


These evil people need bringing to book. And especially after the Pfizer whistle Blower has spoken to the BMJ today, about abject failures during the "trails" they held for the CV "Vaxx". The FDA was informed of the "100s"of failures and did nothing, and waved it through for Emergency use. This whistle blower was sacked from her research job the same day she reported all to the FDA. This is beyond evil my friend.

jay adams (Manchester, 2021-11-03)


We lost a loved one who was denied proper attention and care by her primary and the hospital "dr".

Susan Hornbeck (Corpus Christi, 2021-11-03)


History is being repeated.

Deb Milton (Adelaide, 2021-11-03)


Im against the forceful administration of medical treatment.

Ryan Bennett (Auckland, 2021-11-03)


Lack of transparency
Suppression of information
Disregard for basic Human rights

Steve Bourne (Bunbury, 2021-11-03)


My sister (an ER physician) is permanently disabled due to COVID vaccine injury.

Sasha Gordon (Salt Lake City, 2021-11-03)


I need to see monster paying for their faults

Christine Petronne (Eaubonne, 2021-11-03)


Crimes against humanity

Micky Graber (Atwood, 2021-11-03)


I believe people are being coerced into taking a dangerous medical procedure (Covid-19 injection) against their will.

Michael Knight (Caldas Da Rainha, 2021-11-03)


I have been fully aware of the deception regarding the 'pandemic' nearly from its outset and am shocked at the level of blatant criminality to which things have risen with the approval of actually injecting young children with the most harmful biologic ever unleashed upon intentionally uninformed citizens.

Bradley Lewis (Playa Del Rey, 2021-11-03)


I want the deaths and injuries to stop and the people responsible to be held to account.

Merridy Parker (Wyong, 2021-11-03)


These monsters are corrupt and abusing the human race.
There needs to be accountability taken and punishment to fit these crimes.
We, the people have the right to make our own personal choices and live our one life the best way we see fit, with no coercive behaviour.

Kaylene Burns (Bell Post Hill, 2021-11-03)


It is not good waths happy-end! It is a CRIME against Humanity!

Denisa Bechir (Stuttgart , 2021-11-03)


Připojuji se k této petici, protože se dále nemohu dívat na diskriminaci, šikanu a nucení do vakcinace látkou, která je teprve v klinické fázi.

Michal Salač (Ústí nad Labem, 2021-11-03)



Vida Jakstiene (London, 2021-11-03)


For humanity!

tony bailo (melbourne, 2021-11-03)


The government is GOP, we pay them out of our tax dollars, and they work for us. They have no rights to take our Rights away, telling us how we need to take a Gain of Function - Gene Therapy ..Bio Weapon. They need to be held accountable for their actions. We the People need to stand our ground... period.

Phoenix Hurley (Canyon Lake, 2021-11-03)


1 - I have read hundreds (maybe a thousand) of articles re: this supposed "pandemic". The only people dying in seriously significant numbers are those over 65--especially over 75 & 80, and those with significant co-morbidities. The death rate for those under 65, with normal health, are so low, that never in history have nations authorized a vaccine for a "pandemic" affecting so few.
2 - Never has there been a reason to bring a vaccine to market--much less 'mandate it" by Government "supposed" authority: when there were so many cures available that really work to stop the virus--and at such affordable rates. From that standpoint, I believe the vaccines are actually not just unneeded--but potentially illegal. Their only purpose being to enrich those who hold ownership (stock etc) in the big pharmaceutical companies producing these "vaccines" (Non-vaccines).

Joe Foreman (Topeka, 2021-11-03)


U have commited crimes against humanity.

Tracylee Botha ( Capetown, 2021-11-03)


Abats le nouvel ordre mondiale
davos forum économique mondiale
👎shwab👎alexandre laurent 👎
bill gates👎, sorros 👎et toutes la cliquent larem doivent être condamnés pour crime contre l'humanité.


Frédérique Vidal (Annecy, 2021-11-03)


It ils a crime Against Humanity

Karima El atlassi (Baillargues, 2021-11-03)


Our human rights are being trashed, people are being forced to accept medical mandates and our freedom has been taken away with masks and lock downs enforced by army and police using unwarranted force acting like govt. goons, and loss of freedom of speech and movement.

Keith Harper (Sydney 2230, 2021-11-03)


The Australian Government have failed the people, Mandating an experimental injection and forcing workers to either have the jab or lose your right to work, forcing children to take the jab by coercion, failing to uphold the constitution, disregarding the Declaration of Human Rights and common law.

Mark Hunt (SEYMOUR, 2021-11-03)


covid and Vax policies are ALL based on pack of lies which are destroying peoples lives, jobs, and families. This is a crime against humanity such as we have never seen before

Michael jACQUES (West Allis, 2021-11-03)


crimes against humanity

Mario Castaldini (Woodside, 2021-11-03)


I am signing this partition because the way the vaccine has been handed out to the masses without proper testing.

Paul Jacques (Sydney, 2021-11-03)


These world wide Crimes Against Humanity need to investigated and the perpetrators need to be held accountable.

m egger (perth, 2021-11-03)


I am being forced and coerced into taking an experimental drug with the threat of being removed from my workplace, locked out of financial society, bank accounts frozen, fined $20,000AUD if I am found working on a work site without being vaccinated by the deadline.

Ryan Bennie (Falcon, 2021-11-03)


Its experiment.. No for Health...

Simča Harvanova (Snina, 2021-11-03)


Prosím o vyšetření této situace, která nemá konce.Očkování proti Covid odmítáme, je to experiment na lidech, kdy lidé hlásí tisíce nežádoucích účinků a úmrtí.

Lucie Gabčová (Bohumín, 2021-11-03)


Human rights

Joe Ryen (London, 2021-11-03)


I’m signing this petition
Because this vaccine is the crime against humanity

Inna Shusteris (Bet Shemesh , 2021-11-03)


My body My choice

Jacqui Keane (Dubbo, 2021-11-03)


Ve vakcinė jsou jedy a těžké kovy a paraziti, testy jsou jedovaté a zákazy neprospívají psychice lidí, léky na covid jsou levné a dostupné bez potřeby očkovat, jsem z České republiky

Jana Brezovska (Chaloupky, 2021-11-03)


Justice must be served against the NWO and their nefarious tactics resulting in unnecessary deaths and not physical harm

Gilles Savoie (Moncton, 2021-11-03)


I am signing the petition because the government of singpore forcing the vaccine mandate on use and discriminate people not vaccinated to go shopping mall and food court and go to work

Rajathuray Manirajan (Singapore , 2021-11-03)


Vaccination should be a free choice without being forced into making such a choice.

Manny Micallef (Melbourne , 2021-11-03)


Friends and family are being forced into taking the vacine or lose their jobs. We have refused to take it and are not allowed to travel to other states in Australia or overseas. We are being lied to.

Suzette Durandt (Normanville, 2021-11-03)


Truth, justice and the American way......

dennis Charriere (State College, PA, 2021-11-03)


This I so wrong !! I'm being forced to choose between my career and loosing everything...not sure what part of that is not coercion !!

Stephanie Reid (Ennismore, 2021-11-03)


I do not agree with our freedom if choice taken away. I believe what is being dine is inhumane

Paula Denysschen (JOHANNESBURG, 2021-11-03)


This is the most egregious crime ever committed against humanity and those responsible must be brought to book.

Danie Malan (Stellenbosch, 2021-11-03)


Jsem proti povinnému očkování proti covid 19

Tereza Hlavičková (Mělník 1, 2021-11-03)


The preservation of rights for ordinary people is vital.

Caren Dessington (East London, 2021-11-03)


I am signing this petition because I feel that there has been a lot of fraud perpetrated by various government officials in Canada and the US concerning the covid-19 pandemic.

Bruce Tompkins (Edmonton, 2021-11-03)


Misinformation goes all ways unless factual data shows otherwise which in the case of Covid and Vax, reality shows that even with Covid VAx we still get covid infection, we still get hospitalized, we can still die. Reality shows Covid Vax side effects which has not been appropriately studied which reality has shown to be possibly more deadly than being un-Vax.

Ra Ventura (Riverview, 2021-11-03)


I wish an end to the tyranny, corruption and despicable actions of those responsible for, supporting and forcing the use of unwarranted, unethical and highly concerning, toxic vaccines, vaccine mandates, lockdowns, restrictions, and all other related control measures based on and justified by a foundation of COVID lies, including the suppression of cures, and the steps already taken and those previewed to remove our inalienable rights. This needs to be stopped,

Katrina Archibald (Venus Bay, 2021-11-03)


What is happening is sick. Blatant lies and mass murder. It needs to be stopped, nobody is fooled by this fake pandemic we know what they are trying to do.

Emma VOGELAAR (Hull, 2021-11-03)

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