Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



We the people must revolt against this tyranny! They would prefer us to shut up not stand up. These crimes against humanity especially the children must stop now!!

Rachel Rogers (Chicago , 2021-12-16)


I firmly believe that the world population has been attacked with a biological weapon and that all and anyone involved need to be held accountable

Steve Nemeth (STRUTHERS, 2021-12-16)


As someone that has had adverse reactions to previous vaccines, I am very careful now what I put in my body. My faith in Jesus Christ and understanding of the Bible prevents me from taking harmful chemicals that are present in the vaccines that are currently being mandated and forced on the public. Please stop this evil now.

Daniel Parsons (Kalama, 2021-12-16)


Criminals should be held accountable for their crimes.

Wendy Gunter (BULLHEAD CITY, 2021-12-16)


I believe this whole CoVid scenario needs to be exposed for the betterment of mankind and not hidden from the public.

Tom McGaughan (Myrtle Beach, SC, 2021-12-16)


I am signing this because I believe a great injustice to the people of the United Kingdom (and the entire world) has been committed. All those responsible must be investigated and face trial.

Elizabeth Tyrie (Tavistock, 2021-12-16)


I'm signing because I urge the International Criminal Court to prosecute the perpetrators of this worst crime against humanity ever.

Gillian Burt (Murcia, 2021-12-16)


I am concerned about what is happening in the USA with the bullying of CoVid.

Mira Claire (Golden, 2021-12-16)


I have huge admiration for these heroes who have put their reputations on the line to do what is right. It is time to redress this collective insanity/hypnosis.

John Mauremootoo (BRISTOL, 2021-12-16)


Too many have stayed silent for too long. We stand up NOW, or we may never stand up again.

Christopher Tanner (Reno, 2021-12-16)


The trues must be heard

Attila Legradi (Budapest, 2021-12-16)


I'm signing this because I believe their have been crimes against humanity that have killed millions of people world wide.

Janet Molina (Bend, 2021-12-16)


Forced vaccination using harmful compounds for a man-made pathogen is criminal.

Mike West (Boise, 2021-12-16)


The imposition on humanity of coercion to take medical treatments MRNAs in the guise of vaccines, the attempted cover up of gain of function research, the closure of society and economic vandalism imposed : all of this must stop NOW - I am adding name to this petition and urge those who will receive the completed petition to take action at once.

Mary Clair Fitzpatrick (Dublin, 2021-12-16)


I'm signing because I believe the coercion of individuals to take an experimental (and failing) prophylactic that has been mis-designated as a 'vaccine' is a fundamental crime against humanity. I speak as a Professional Medic and Security Specialist that was recently forced to depart a project in Iraq by the US DOS because I refused to be coerced into this injection. I feel vindicated in this decision having seen two family members suffer from injuries caused by these experiments and a number of fatal cases in my social circle.

Paul Heslip (Alfaz del Pi, 2021-12-16)


I'm signing because these injections are have been proven to most definitely be NOT safe; they are causing untold numbers of deaths around the world, and untold numbers of serious adverse effects.

Christine Thompson (LINCOLN, 2021-12-16)


The release of the Virus and Vaccine BioWeapons, are truly Crimes Against Humanity

John Carl Rankin (Cabo San Lucas, 2021-12-16)


I believe in the intelligence of nature. All other animals thrive on this planet with the resources given by nature. Our modern technical progress is becoming our downfall. Health care should include movement, sun, sleep, mineral enriched water, and wholesome food (provided by the earth grown in nutrient rich soil). Education and knowledge of maintaining our most valuable asset, our body and mind, should be taught in schools. Fear and peer pressure only works with the ignorant.

Kathy Hester (Oceanside, 2021-12-16)


Those responsible for this catastrophe must be brought to justice and answer for their actions

Andrea Shipperley (Penzance, 2021-12-16)


The crimes these people have committed need to be made public, and they need to be held accountable for what they have done.

Samantha Stephens (Lebanon, 2021-12-16)


It is time for the corrupt and cynical governments, corporations and bought shill are brought to book and punished for the harms they have done to a very large part of humanity.

Peter Dawson (Durham, 2021-12-16)


I'm a lawyer who's been investigating the origins of COVID-19 and it is clear that this virus was engineered and deliberately released to initiate a "public health" response that would generate pharma profits and allow for corporations' totalitarian control.

Alexis Baden-Mayer (Riverdale Park, 2021-12-16)


To hold all those accountable for all the crimes against humanity taking place and the complete epic fail of an experimental injection and medical protocols that killing people and being forced and mandated on the entire population ignoring our constitutional rights and freedoms. These crimes have created economic destruction and a destruction of lives. These criminals need to be held accountable for their crimes against humanity.

Lori Ann Cammllarie (Fort Wayne, 2021-12-16)


I am signing because the U.K. Government want to bring in digital ID passports (Michael Gove) and have mandated Covid jabs to NHS staff which will progress to the U.K. people. Vaccine mandates under force of government punishment and accompanied by threats of unemployment, societal segregation and medical apartheid are a direct violation of the Nuremberg Codes under International law, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the principal of informed consent. I am deeply concerned for my children and especially for my grandchildren if this madness is not stopped. The U.K. Government and Members of Parliament (including Governments around the world) who support these draconian laws will find themselves on the wrong side of history.

Denise Worthington (Preston, 2021-12-16)


I am signing to protest the widespread use of experimental covid shots without getting informed consent.

Helen Fast (Oak ank, 2021-12-16)


I feel that the people who have knowingly misled world governments and peoples for the current global Covid hysteria and its social and economic impact must be held accountable for their actions.

Jack von Eberstein (Tenino, 2021-12-16)


I'm signing this because I am enraged at the callous disregard of human life in the pursuit of personal financial the arrogant belief that they are unreachable due to their power, and at the extreme bullying behavior and volation of the trust their jobs/positions engender.

Jennifer Johnson (Post Falls, 2021-12-16)


I believe in the freedom of choice. I think that what is happening now is a crime against all people. And someone has to stop this madness and stand up for ones that have been harmed.

Dena thompson (Fort scott, 2021-12-16)


The need for justice and accountability for those responsible for these heinous crimes

Graham Wood (York, 2021-12-16)


I am signing this petition because I am saying NO to emotional, physical and spiritual harm being inflicted upon humanity by entities and people who absolutely do not have human beings best and highest interests such as autonomy and sovereignty over their bodies, hearts, mind and how we choose to care for ourselves, our loved ones and our entire humanity.
It is time now for the beings and people who are placing profit and power over health and welfare of humanity to be held accountable for their actions.
*To take personal responsibility for their choices and consequences due to experimenting with our bodies, health and minds and lying about it,
*Consciously deceiving and manipulating people who have placed their faith and trust in governing, health, scientific systems entrusted to protect and support them.

Grace Rosen (Port Townsend, 2021-12-16)


Nuremberg Code!

Keyvan Davani (Vienna, 2021-12-16)


What is going on is wrong and those involved need to be held accountable.

Rebecca Mogielski (NEW BRIGHTON, 2021-12-16)


I believe the government is permanently harming a persons body with the covid-19 vaccine. I believe that the evidence exists and is known by the government that the vaccine is being improperly used on a one shoe fits all requirement.

Donald Kisler (Kalispell, 2021-12-16)


I still believe in human rights and our ability to decide for ourselves what is the best for our own bodies. Politicians, technocrats, oligarchs, Big Pharma should be charged for crimes against humanity. I hope, this will happen soon, before hundreds of thousands of people are murdered 😢

Krassimira Daskalova (Sofia , 2021-12-16)


Of crimes against humanity!

Edwina Astley (Zug, 2021-12-16)


Here in Australia, we are being maliciously driven to take "the shot" to keep our right to work in the fields of Education, Healthcare, and more. How can we truly speak of giving our personal consent in such circumstances?



the COVID lockdowns, media lies & misinformation, rigid,ineffective treatment protocols in hospitals and CDC & NIAID corruption need to STOP!

Peter Tamm (asheville, 2021-12-16)


I'm signing because those behind the fear tactics/misinformation and harmful shot must be held accountable. They are guilty of deceit and murder.

Peggy Lindsley-Lambert (Lebanon, 2021-12-16)


I agree that the people need to be held accountable to humanity for what they have done.

Cynthia Placido (Haliburton, 2021-12-16)


I'm signing due to alarm over the vaccine damage I see clinically.

Emily Hall (Auckland , 2021-12-16)


Everyone has the right to informed consent, safe medicines and the right to refuse any medicines that are not supported by pier reviewed safety data from clinical evidence based scientific medical research and scientific debate by expert doctors and scientists with the appropriate qualifications.

Ann Yuill (South Petherton Somerset, 2021-12-16)


The guilty need to be held accountable.

Carol Nelson (Wales, 2021-12-16)


I believe criminals should be prosecuted for these crimes against humanity.

Daniel Weigand (oak lawn, 2021-12-16)


I did a lot of research and have read a lot of published studies on the matter during the last months. It is almost unbelievable all what I found, how is it possible they can allow this to continue ?

Eddy Verbinnen (Itegem, 2021-12-16)


I just learned of you & your work on C-Revealed. Episode 11… you are amazing!!! I’m listening now for my 3rd time.

Lorraine ALTAMURA (Yonkers, 2021-12-16)


The government are pushing an experimental gene therapy injection onto its citizens and are using fear, propaganda and threats to push this.

Alex Gregg (Banbury , 2021-12-16)


Freedom 4 humanity

Rene Gabriel (Muri , 2021-12-16)


Strongly support this petition. Humanity may never return to normal if the vaccination drive doesn't end.

Shrivathsa B (Bangalore, 2021-12-16)


I am concerned these untested vaccines are being forced on our children.

Danielle Millar (Edmonton, 2021-12-16)


This is an atrocity! Time to put the Liars and people responsible on Notice/Trial!

Lisa King (Muskegon Heights, 2021-12-16)


These criminals need to be brought to justice. People are living in fear and not really living..

Brian Peters (Flourtown, 2021-12-16)


I'm signing this because I believe in justice for ALL, which means prosecution of evil.

Tamara Renee (PORTLAND, 2021-12-16)


I fear a terrible deed has been committed against mankind.

Dan O'Connell (Richardson, 2021-12-16)


The people responsible for this world wide travesty need to be held accountable.

Margaret Beierwaltes (Niles, 2021-12-16)


I am signing because I completely agree with the fact that it is a crime against humanity.

Ines Holečková (Jílové, 2021-12-16)


I have natural immunity and do not want to risk damaging my imune system.

Dreama Billups (Pickerington, Ohio, 2021-12-16)


Nuremberg taught me a lesson!

Chris Smith (Uxbridge, 2021-12-16)


Lack of information about how to treat this virus; deliberately withholding treatments; coercive control of world populations; draconian measures to enforce obedience to nonsensical orders; deliberately scaring people to death; causing immense harm by isolating people from each other; telling people masks will protect you (false); censoring anyone who asks questions or makes comments that differ from the 'official' line; spending trillions of ££ on propaganda regarding the severity of the virus; spending trillions of ££ on a PCR test that was not fit for purpose; decrying natural immunity; forcing people against their will to have injections that cause more harm than protection and have killed people; lying about statistics; ignoring respected scientists who wanted to help solve this; passing laws by stealth and subterfuge to make people comply with ridiculous, illogical orders; repeating the mantra 'safe and effective' about the injections, whilst all the time knowing no proper, accepted regulatory procedures had been adhered to; putting children's lives on the line by injecting them too; constant harassment to get the injections, whilst never giving ANY information about risks \ benefits \ alternatives \ not having it. The list is endless. The perpetrators of all these things (crimes against humanity) need to answer for their malfeasance, wilful misconduct and general disregard for life.

Jan Evans (Stourbridge, 2021-12-16)


I am convinced that there is an organized world wide active effort to kill and incapacitate much of mankind through deliberate Covid 19 spread and toxic forced vaccination programs. We are being lied to by our own government agencies and they are deliberately promoting and unconstitutionally forcing totalitarian public health measures that are not supported by science.

Stuart Sweeney (Palm Desert, 2021-12-16)


Corruption conflict of interest at the highest levels FDA, CDC, NIH, WHO, And the three branches of USGovt

John Deininger (South Abington Township, 2021-12-16)


I’m signing this because rights en treaties are being violated.

Rienk Dolstra (Gorredijk, 2021-12-16)


Those responsible should be brought to trial.

Peter Finch (Little Lorraine, 2021-12-16)


I sign because I believe that we are seeing an authoritarian agenda that has come between Americans and their freedom of choice, their sovereignty over their bodies and their health, and their relationships with the doctors. The NIH, the NIAID, the CDC have failed miserably in keeping the American public healthy. We are on of the sickest, most medicated societies in the developed world. If anything they all should have been fired long ago. The only benefit to society that I can see these agencies providing is the filling of the coffers of Big Pharma. America is sick, and this plandemic is making Americans sicker. Let's go find out who and why.

Laurie Berke (Naples, 2021-12-16)


Quiero ser Libre.

Angel Carretero Avellaneda (Madrid, 2021-12-16)


i don't think it's nazi Germany as such, but the tactics used including media propoganda are synonymous with an abuse of power and a dictatorial narative similar to what has been seen in the likes of ww2, now there's an aim for segregation and polarizing people, in nz the prune minister has admitted on live television she is creating a classist society degrading the country back to political achievements that have since been abolished 100 years ago in civilized democracies.

Aaron Rush (Auckland, 2021-12-16)


I'm signing this because I truly believe in what Dr. Flemming is doing. I stand behind him and his research 100%!

Lorraine LaJoie (Gorham, 2021-12-16)


I'm signing because the COVID 19 is a manmade bioweapon virus and this is the biggest genocide in the history. The governments' mandate is a violation of the international law.

Em Kat (Astoria, 2021-12-16)


I am in the safety profession and have been involved with mandated worker requirements since March 2020. I have watched this unfold and evolve. The statistics and mandates are fabricated and punitive in my opinion, and have caused untold misery and economic damage...for nothing more extreme than the flu (hospital protocols/vaccines causing further damage notwithstanding).

Greg Grosser (Olathe, KS, 2021-12-16)


I believe global populations have been purposely culled for the reason of controlling the masses.
And to create a new Central Bank Digital Currency System that usurps the trusts of each nation in this global event.

Nancy George (Randolph Center, 2021-12-16)


Hello, I am signing this petition because it is absolutely criminal of all the unnecessary deaths that have happened all over the world because of these people prohibiting the use of ivermectin and other modalities that could have saved millions of lives…Thank you for pursuing this.

Monique Bricca (San Rafael , 2021-12-16)


I want those responsible for the deaths and permanent injuries to humanity to pay for what they’ve done here on earth, in the flesh. I want justice.

Tahirih Caban (Elizabeth , 2021-12-16)


It’s the Right thing to do I just been watching your interview and I put some of it on my own Facebook side you’re a hero of mine

Howard Barton (Aalborg, 2021-12-16)


I cannot sit back and do nothing! I am not a person of influence, I am a 69 year old grandmother, but I want to do what I can to make a difference in this world. Ever since I got suspicious about the censorship of anything but the approved narrative, I have been doing research. I have listened to many respected doctors and scientists who have been speaking out at great personal cost. I am heartbroken at the suffering that has been inflicted on humanity and I want to see the perpetrators brought to justice.

Anne Clifton (Youngsville, 2021-12-16)


Because this madness has to stop.

Claire Thompson (Novato, 2021-12-16)


This is a crime against humanity! It's time to end this world-wide genocide.

Karen Lightbody (Campbell River, 2021-12-16)


The murders and destruction of lives and society must be stopped. NEVER AGAIN!!

Ruth Farcas (Milwaukie, 2021-12-16)


The global madness HAS TO STOP!

Sharon Hooper (Christchurch, 2021-12-16)


I want the people responsible for developing this bioweapon be held responsible for their action. I want the Governments responsible for Mandating these jabs to be help responsible for the health injuries, mental health stresses, job losses, business losses and financial stresses associated with these mandates to be held responsible for their actions, I want the Doctors & Pharmacies to be held responsible for injecting this toxin without providing informed consent. Also the school administrators & business owners / Corporations/ Universities to be held responsible for coercing their employees / students to take the experimental jab without informed consent. We need to name and shame and expose these people and hold them accountable.

Tracey MacKenzie (Scenic Rim, 2021-12-16)


My mother died from the vaccine and I want justice for her and my family

Alexandra Kelly (London, 2021-12-16)


I don’t want to be silent. It is a terrible tragedy what has and is happening to humanity with the label Covid 19.

Donna Stone (Lebanon, 2021-12-16)


The future of our children.

Sandy Guziak (Winnipeg, 2021-12-17)


Something needs to be done to change the tyranny

Penny Condon (Powell River , 2021-12-17)


Because of crimes against humanity

David Dinius (Reno, 2021-12-17)


Morally I don't see any way not to sign this petition. Our lack of freedom to make the most basic decisions about our bodies are unAmerican and indeed, a crime against humanity.

Janice Hickey (Vancouver, 2021-12-17)

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