Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity




Martina Didyova (Nové Mesto nad Váhom, 2021-10-01)


Tyrannical and seditious actions are being conducted by governments and health authorities throughout the world to strip away our human rights. This must stop. I do not consent.

Elizabeth Huxtable (Kuala Lumpur, 2021-10-01)


Truth will prevail

Carla Braga (Johannesburg, 2021-10-01)


Už toho bolo dosť a musí sa vykonať spravodlivosť

Peter Kvašay (Považská Bystrica, 2021-10-01)


Perfect idea!

Vladimír Ondrejička (Križovany nad Dudváhom, 2021-10-01)


Už je neúnosné, čo sa na Slovensku deje.

Gabriela Nagyová (Piešťany, 2021-10-01)


I'm signing this because of all the War Crimes perpetuated against HUMANITY, all those involved should be held accountable for their evil satanic ways.

Andre Bond (Johannesburg, 2021-10-01)


Since the beginning of 2020 so many humans rights have been abused by the government. Big pharmaceutical companies, and other authorities. There has been so many crimes against humanity while falsifying figures and data to cause fear and chaos and tyrannical totalitarian controls. Forcing and coercing experimental vaccinations, while totally ignoring deaths, disabilities and life changing illnesses as a direct result. The majority of people are not stupid and are capable of research. In fact all of parliament is complicit in the crimes against humanity to forward their New World Order, Great Reset of tyrannical totalitarian dictatorship. This has to stop. The majority of people are not stupid, are totally researched and awake and will not comply to the tyrannical totalitarian agenda. What next, marshall law???

Tracy Esmond (Weston Super Mare, 2021-10-01)


Slovakia children, People is NOT experimental state for the experimental vakcin.

Filip Halaj (Ružiná, 2021-10-01)


I am signing because the lies need to stop. All over the world. People are being lied to and misled.
Governments do not protect the people anymore but separates them. That is the reality.

Wouter Kist (Zwolle, 2021-10-01)


I dont want to live in totality and teror.

Lenka Brezulová (Pilsen, 2021-10-01)


Som presvedčený, že ide iba o biznis a moc, a nie o zdravie ľudí.

Ľubomír Varga (Bratislava, 2021-10-01)


I just want to protect my family and live our life without thit covid totality.

Radmila Vallbona (Karlovy Vary, 2021-10-01)


Sion-holokaust sa vždy spravodlivo vráti každému tvorcovi entropie, zla a neprávostí!
The Zion Holocaust will always return justly to every creator of entropy, evil, and iniquity!

Ľubomír Varačka (Trnava, 2021-10-01)


Podpisujem, pretože súhlasím s vyriešením a potrestaním zločinov proti ľudskosti.

Eva Pajerská (Jasenie, 2021-10-01)


I am signing because of the reckless use of dangerous vaccines used with due diligence or account of the lives they are damaging.

Simon Lovell (Guernsey, 2021-10-01)


I am terrified for my grandchildren's future.

Cristine Proulx (Port Rowan, 2021-10-01)


súhlasím a chcem podporiť dobrú vec

Peter Marták (NOvé mesto nad váhom, 2021-10-01)


We are born free.

Qin Sun (Macquarie Hills, 2021-10-01)


Súhlasim s peticiou a modlím sa, až už konečne vyjde pravda a spravodlivý trest zodpovedných za toto šialenstvo.

Iveta Žáková (Dubnica nad Váhom, 2021-10-01)


Because my human rights and also my children's rights are systematicly destroyed step by step in my country last year.

Igor Miklec (Štvrtok na Ostrove, 2021-10-01)


All who are pushing the vaccines are commiting mass murder and must be executed now!

Gare Clement (Chiang mai, 2021-10-01)


The vaccines have killed more in 18 months than all other vaccines in 20 years collectively

Craig Havenaar (Sydney, 2021-10-01)


Because I can not agree with apartheid, segregation and fasism.

Jaroslav Rusňák (Stupava, 2021-10-01)


I'm signing this petition, so my children can have a future of freedom to choice, a future where truth and transparency is evident.

Julie Todd (Forked River, 2021-10-01)


Chcem aby sa spravodlivosť naplnila. Nikdy nedovolím, aby niekto siahol na naše deti.

Anna Franková (Poprad, 2021-10-01)


Hrubé porušenie základných ľudských práv. Som proti fašizmu a diktatúre ktorú na nás uplatňuje naša skorumpovaná a zapredaná vláda...!

Martin Lipták (Prešov, 2021-10-01)


Covid je podvod

Lapinová Katarína (Levice, 2021-10-01)


I believe that a people are being lied to and are pawns of a corrupt globalist agenda. If this is not put to an end soon there will be no turning back. It will be too late for all of us.

Frederick Pollock (Nanaimo, 2021-10-01)



Zdenka Patakyová (Kežmarok, 2021-10-01)



Hedviga Ďurišová (Trenčín, 2021-10-01)


Nesúhlasím s vládnymi opatreniami a s tým co sa tu deje.

Ingrid Slušniakova (Turčianske Teplice, 2021-10-01)


Human rights first
No one gets to decide for me

Chantal Henn nee Grotto (Benoni, 2021-10-01)


I am signing because this apartheid crime is spreading quite fast.

Lucie Karbulová (Ostrava, 2021-10-01)


Som proti vakcinacii experimentalnou latkou nasich obcanov a deti

Iveta Kotianova (Zvolen, 2021-10-01)


We are on the precipice of the apocalypse. Pharma, Gates, WEF, EU, and other global organisations are committing genocide in plain sight. I would like to avoid an all out war on the global corporations.

Michael Couck (Ghent, 2021-10-01)


Those responsible for untold, preventable deaths and the destruction of the economy must be held to account.

Brett Arthur (BCN, 2021-10-01)


I consider the whole Covid agenda, including involuntary vaccinations,to be the unlawful conduct of government and politicians,which must be punished.

Nora Durisin (Traun, 2021-10-01)


I want to know the truth

Štefan Valko (Karviná, 2021-10-01)


I’m signing because terrible things have been imposed on people purely for control & profit - I would like to see those who have perpetrated crimes being brought to justice.

John Carr (Oslo, 2021-10-01)


The actions of select individuals such as Mr Anthony Fauci, public institutions, regulatory bodies, private pharmaceutical companies, and media entities have led to millions of avoidable deaths. The suppression of treatments has been mass murder on a global scale.

Andreas Mijic (Carwoola, 2021-10-01)


There are people pushing this covid rubbish that need to be getting life in jail. They are creating a group of people that will be discriminated against for the simplest, everyday activities like buying food.

Caterina Johnston (Adelaide, 2021-10-01)


I am signing because many criminal acts were committed by certain individuals during this pandemic. Lying and discrediting effective treatments, using expensive ineffective treatments. And allowing millions of innocent people die unnecessarily by asking them to stay home until they deteriorate to a point when it is difficult to save them , causing unnecessary deaths. Countless lies were told by certain health authorities especially in the US, by Dr Fauci, the FDA and the CDC. The WHO has to be investigated too, as do the Bill Gates and the Bill Melinda Gates Foundation. Dr David E Martin has enough information to prove the aforementioned people guilty of crimes against humanity.

Kim Hiranand Keswani (Bangkok, 2021-10-01)


This is the most critical issue of all time. The lies, deception and mass murder must end now. The perpetrators must be held to account. Justice must be done. Truth, love and humanity must prevail.

Alice Ashwell (Cape Town, 2021-10-01)


Strellová Alena

Alena Strellova (Kežmarok, 2021-10-01)

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