stalin plaza has to stay!(Bern, 2019-09-24)
Because Stalin plaza is an amazing place for skateboarders and it has a lot of history and significance to the large community of people that use it(San Francisco, 2019-09-24)
Because that s heroes do.(02001, 2019-09-24)
I want to skate stalin again, its czech treasure(Prostejov, 2019-09-24)
I love this place! <3(Wien, 2019-09-24)
Save Stalin Plaza it is history of Czech Republic skate comunity(Łódź, 2019-09-24)
The skate is important(Barcelona, 2019-09-24)
Because the stalin plaza is in normal state but they want to build museum here that’s no sense.(Praha, 2019-09-24)
Stalin plaza is an amazing place to skate and hangout and also a historical skate spot(Denton, 2019-09-24)
Podepisuji, protože už když jsem v roce 1997 začínal jezdit na skateboardu, byla to pro mě Mekka, kde jsem se naučil několik nových triků, poznal spoustu přátel a užil nespočet překrásných chvil.Podepisuji také proto, protože jde o volný prostor, kde se mohou lidé navzájem potkávat a sdílet společně nejlepší výhled na Prahu.
Prosím, opravte pomník jako město ze svých zdrojů a nezbavte se tohoto problému skrze nějakého developera, který sice objekt opraví za své, ale zároveň tak díky svému konání odebere tomuto místu jeho genius loci.
(Mělník, 2019-09-24)
Is a wonderful place and had an amazing history in skateboarding and know all over the world(Berlin, 2019-09-24)
Stalin plaza is OG spot(Bratislava, 2019-09-24)
I love plaza skateboarding.(Port huron, 2019-09-24)
I like stalinplaza spot for skating(Brno, 2019-09-24)
This is an iconic skate spot known arround the world. People travel to your country for this space as it is today.(Geldrop, 2019-09-24)
Stalin plaza is a amazong place to skate and to meet friends at!(Stockholm, 2019-09-24)
I want save best plaza in czech republic(Praha, 2019-09-24)
Its my duty to protect the park(Riga, 2019-09-24)
Save Stalin(Ostrava, 2019-09-24)
Save a legendary skatespot and important place for the culture !(Leoben, 2019-09-24)
We love stalin plaza!!!!!!!!! Its a legendary and famous place!!!!! It has to stay as it is! Skateboarding is love!(St. Barbara, 2019-09-24)
To samé Stalin plaza as obvi(Brno, 2019-09-24)
For the sake of skateboarding(Saldus, 2019-09-24)
I love the park and the skateboarding community that has grown from it. This park needs to be open to the public and all skateboarders! I came from Los Angeles specifically to skate this. It helps the local economy as well as contributing to and actively growing community of skateboarders from all across the world.(Los Angeles, 2019-09-24)
Save stalin plaza!!!(Stockholm, 2019-09-24)
Mám to tam rada!(Praha 2, 2019-09-24)
Because it’s such an iconic place for the whole international skateboarding community!(Vienna, 2019-09-24)
Protože Stalin je láska! (myslím tím to místo :ddd(Praha, 2019-09-24)
I love this place!(Prague, 2019-09-24)
It's a beautiful place, and a iconic skate spot(Buenos Aires, 2019-09-24)
milujustacko(Praha, 2019-09-24)
Stalin is the best and most atmospheric skate spot in Europe!(Dresden, 2019-09-24)
Because Stalin Plaza is one of the places on earth, as a skater you just know, growing up.(Fürth, 2019-09-24)
I’m signing because this place has and is always a favourite of ours when visiting Prague. It shouldn’t be replaced by a building or other things.(Stockholm, 2019-09-24)
I have seen many skaters enjoy themselves in a safe, respectful, and overall positive way. Tearing down something like this would devastate the skateboarding community in the area.(Sacramento, 2019-09-24)
Save Stalin plaza!!!(Legnago, 2019-09-24)
Its a nice spot like how ut is right now(Haarlem, 2019-09-24)
Zapisuju se ,protože stalin je nejdůležitější místo čéského skateboardingu a celé kultury kolem něj(Plzeň, 2019-09-24)
Protože odmítám i představu, že by Stalin zmizel z Prahy..Je to místo které má neskutečnou atmosféru s jezdí na něj lidi z celého světa. Myslím že nám i přes svůj původ dělá ve světě dobré jméno ! Nebojím se toto místo přirovnat k leckteré památce v praze i jinde v republice
(Plzeň, 2019-09-24)
Skater(Dolní Suchá, 2019-09-24)
Skateboarding is love(Altmünster, 2019-09-24)
I'm signing because these people deserve the chance to have a place to skate, you'll be forcing more skaters to switch to street skating which is more dangerous and more accidents are bound to happen that way, you'll be getting more complaints about the skaters from the older folks and I don't think you want to hear that all day, skating gives most kids something to be passionate about, please don't take away an environment that's just for skaters, the community of skaters is actually very welcoming and nice(Bakersfield, 2019-09-24)
It is my favourite skatespot.(Győr, 2019-09-24)
Skate or die!(Surrey, 2019-09-24)
I'm signing because the skate park has to stay the same(Huntington park, 2019-09-24)
I'm signing cause this spot IS legendary. It's part of Praha's history.Have a look to the agreement we found with the City council in Lyon to save "hotel de ville". Stalin plaza is part of the international renown of the City.
It can't disappear !
(Lyon, 2019-09-24)
Skating is a way of life(Auckland, 2019-09-24)
I really love this place😊 / Mám opravdu rád tohle místo😊(Ostrava, 2019-09-24)
Because I love the place and I think it made history for so many people and it should stay as it has always been!!!(Jičín, 2019-09-24)
Because I believe Stalin monument area should not change.(Prague, 2019-09-24)
Its place for skatebording(Elblag, 2019-09-24)
Because I love skating! And haven’t skated the Stalin plaza yet! So Fck no taking it away! Leave untouched(Christchurch, 2019-09-24)
Because this skatespot is a world wide legend. It represents a piece of culture, lifestyle since decades and in this contemporary time and for sure in the future. It is such an important place with such power. A place for people from all over the world. There is so many people they know Prague just because of that skatespot...Save Stalin Plaza!!!
(Berlin, 2019-09-24)
Tiago Lemos shuv rewind(Bristol, 2019-09-24)
I've been To Stalin plaza and it's just about as perfect as it is now thanks. Money can't buy everything you know, look at Christiania Freetown i Copenhagen, I bet some tuxedo wizards would like To flip the steak over that grill to..(Norrköping, 2019-09-24)
Because that plaza is historic Spot for all skaters on the planet and I haven't skatet him jet. But I want to do it so badly in the future!(Essen, 2019-09-24)
Means a lot to a lot of people(Altrincham, 2019-09-24)
Stalin Plaza is an iconic International skate spot & has been ever since I started skateboarding. It has produced greatness from local talent to worldwide professionals & deserves to stay! Like Macba in Barcelona & Love Park in Philadelphia, these street spots deserve the recognition for what the have done for skateboarding history.(Melbourne, 2019-09-24)
whole skateboarding culture based on this place(Nizhny Novgorod, 2019-09-24)
It’s an important skateboarding spot and destination for skaters around the world(Aarhus, 2019-09-24)
Best spot in Prague!!(München, 2019-09-24)
My friends and I skated the place a few times. It was a lot of fun. We will come back, so please don’t destroy this beautiful area. It‘s important for so many young people.(Berlin, 2019-09-24)
Skateboarding(Christchurch, 2019-09-24)
This Place can't be lost. Its a place worth conserving for thousands of people visiting every year.Its a cultural heritage.
(Dresden, 2019-09-24)
It's a legendary place for skateboarding. I never been there and i want to go sometime.(Tampere, 2019-09-24)
I was there two times and its perfect place for urban colture!(Nova Gorica, 2019-09-24)
Preserve public areas of cultural significance. People before profit.(Dublin, 2019-09-24)