Allow Essential Maintenance of Golf Courses During Lockdown Period
I play at this awesome courseYvonne Orrell (Paraparaumu, 2020-04-08)
NZ GolfCarl Bird (Hamilton, 2020-04-08)
Appreciate these are challenging times but let's not let all tradition go out of the window when some simple controls and management will reduce risk considerably.Peter Godfrey (Wellington, 2020-04-08)
The one thing all of us golfers(and there are 1000's) are looking forward to after being cooped up for so long is a game of golf. Not allowing golf courses to do basic maintenance during the lockdown will result in an even longer break from doing what we love to do most.Janet McGrath (Christchurch, 2020-04-08)
Important that clubs don’t close, due to lack of upkeep.Rhonda McFarlane (New plymouth, 2020-04-08)
I love golf and don’t want courses to close because of neglectRobert Adair (Paraparaumu, 2020-04-08)
Of course its essential maintenance!!! And not like its all day every day work. Plus its out in the open, fresh air and exercise! No one else around (you'd be able to see if there was) so no chance of accidental human contact. Why isn't it allowed??? Its essential to every golf club, to most sports clubs! and to all their members and visitors. Its essential for NZ Golf and NZ in general! Also to the worldwide golfing industry, competitors, sponsors etc#nelsongolfclub
Tracey Diggs (Nelson, 2020-04-08)
The country will need sport when all goes backSteve Williams (Lower Hutt, 2020-04-08)
This petition is in the interests of many healthy citizensCraig Higgins (Auckland, 2020-04-08)
The benefits of allowing this are a no brainer. It protects jobs, mental health, physical health, and green spacesAdam Gibson (Auckland, 2020-04-08)
I know that (among Other sporting venues) the cost for fixing the ‘damage’ created during non- attendance time (lockdown) is going to far outweigh the cost r risk of t would take for someone to maintain things within our current lockdown system.Kim Rangihika (Hamilton, 2020-04-08)
The damage that will happen will be at a huge cost to clubs and some may not recoverGerard O'Loan (Tauranga, 2020-04-08)
Don,t understand how maintenance of a golf course greens can cause covid 19 when they are working by them selvesJean Logan (Dunedin, 2020-04-08)
Save our greens, save our clubHeemi Stevenson (Whanganui, 2020-04-08)
I don't want to see our golf courses go under!Sam Avison (Wellington, 2020-04-08)
I’m signing this petition to show my support for the financial survival of golf clubs as an integral part of the community and a valuable part of the health and well-being of New Zealanders. If through the Covid19 epidemic we lose too many golf clubs and courses then we risk the pastime becoming an elitist release for the rich and famous as the cost of playing becomes unattainable for the masses.Brent Powell (Wellington, 2020-04-08)
I don't want to see clubs suffer because they can't complete what is solitary work.Robbie McLachlan (Waikanae, 2020-04-08)
The restriction simply does not make sense. These guys work alone and there will be significant damage done if they don't keep up the maintainenceSteve Hockley (Lower Hutt, 2020-04-08)
This is very shortsighted of the govt and needs to be quickly rectifiedGraham Archer (Thorndon, 2020-04-08)
Golf greens need a lot of maintenance.They get diseases too....
tim gallen (Wellington 6011, 2020-04-08)
It would be criminal to let these courses go to rack & ruin!!!!Jane Macaulay (Auckland, 2020-04-08)
G I ROLSTONgary rolston (palmerston north, 2020-04-08)
I want the greens to survive.Simon Dew (Masterton, 2020-04-08)
It’s farkn obvious... councils still allow contractors to mow lawns... this is a multi million dollar industry (bowls as well)... you will crush communities if golf clubs close!Layne Shepherd (Pukekohe, 2020-04-08)
This is an activity with negligible or at least easily manageable risk in terms of transmission of Covid 19 and is the sole income of many people and on that basis should be allowed.Stuart Preston (Wellington, 2020-04-08)
Its essential that golf clubs can carry out basic maintenance to ensure this virus isn't detrimental to the future of golf clubs around New Zealand. If council's still allow maintenance to parks why can't we maintain our golf courses! For the mental health of members being able to get back on the course once lockdown is over and not have it delayed because the course has suffered as this would make the players suffer even more!Jaimee Leach (Christchurch, 2020-04-08)
It is essential that maintenance is carried out.Ray Magee (Alexandra, 2020-04-08)
I want the golf courses in New Zealand to be kept pristine. I think it could be a good time for them to get in great condition.W O'Connor (Wellington, 2020-04-08)
This is signed in support of the environment that many older New Zealanders use for basic fitness, fellowship and support to or from people of a similar ageMac Rivers (Lower Hutt, 2020-04-08)
The damage caused to the courses could take months to recover when the job required in the most part is done in isolation.I don’t see it as difficult to ensure isolation is practised as a priority while they carry our important upkeep.
Gary Clarke (Wellington, 2020-04-08)
Golf is hard enough when the courses are in shape!!Becks Johnson (Dunedin, 2020-04-08)
The greens need maintenance. It's obviously not for general play but preventing huge costs after lockdown getting them ready again. Outdoor activity after lockdown is ESSENTIAL!Tony McKendry (Lower Hutt, 2020-04-08)
I believe having the greens & courses in prime condition without the danger of infection is imperative to the futures of these much loved & popular spacesEwan Caldwell (Dunedin, 2020-04-08)
I'm signing because the current restrictions regarding golf course maintenance makes no sense (as much with this current regime). The care and upkeep of golf courses is essential for the long term well being. Short sightedness by by a government with no plans or real idea how to handle this crisisJohn Worthington (Porirua, 2020-04-08)
I believe course maintenance can be carried out within Covid guidelines of separation and this will ease the costs later on an already cost challenged sport. I would suggest survival of some clubs is dependent on being able to maintain their course to some extent now.Peter Hazledine (Mt Victoria, 2020-04-08)
Golf clubs need to be able to open for financial and community reasons. For many, the social side of golf clubs is the only contact they have outside home.Shane Elers (Paraparaumu, 2020-04-08)
Our green keeper luves accissthe road from whakatane golf club does not even have to drive to work and can be there by himself even just to mowClaire Balderstone (Whakatane, 2020-04-08)
Just walking past the golf course and seeing the deteriation of the greens and fairways depresses me. Just one greenskepper would make a big differenceSteve Ray (Wellington, 2020-04-08)
I play golfRob Sullivan (Wellington, 2020-04-08)
I don;t want to see golf courses fall into disrepair and I consider the risk is minimal.Bill Gardner (Paekakariki, 2020-04-08)
I know the incredibly hard work that goes into courses to keep them maintained and feel for the staff, also once this is over I want to get right back on the course.Nikki Allen (Taupo, 2020-04-08)
Recreation is an important part of wellbeing particularly for the physical health of the older generation and the mental health of all recreational participants. Golf clubs are already financially troubled and the significant increase in greens cost will tip a number of clubs over the edgeAlan Thomson (Omokoroa, 2020-04-08)
He likes fishing and I love goldVaughan Williamson (Christchurch, 2020-04-08)
I believe green maintenance is critical to the survival of any club as the cost to repair or replace greens are in the tens of thousands and most golf clubs do not have the financial resources to do this.Ashley Turner (Wellington, 2020-04-08)
Maintenance should be allowed as the green keeping staff can comply to the safe distance and this will allow golfers to return to their game once the lock down is over .This will bring a bit of normality to life.Bill Mclinden (carterton, 2020-04-08)
I believe that one or maybe 2 persons doing maintenance on a golf course is not a threat to the lockdown. Doing no maintenance is a definite threat to the golf clubs.Kaye Cuthbertson (Christchurch, 2020-04-08)
I'm hanging out to play golf so want the courses in playable conditions when we come out of lockdownOwen FROST (Upper Hutt, 2020-04-08)
Our beautiful golf courses need to be maintained otherwise it could cost thousands of dollars to remedy- money which golf courses do not have.Jenny Wiggins (Upper Hutt, 2020-04-08)
We need to keep them in decent conditionRyan Lindsay Crocker (Melbourne, 2020-04-08)
I'm signing because if our greens are not maintained they will become unplayable. If the golf course folds that will mean more unemployment for the staff.Kay Glenny (Napier, 2020-04-08)
Golf courses struggle financially at the best of times and it will be important for our social wellbeing post COVID 19 to have them in a condition that will not require high costs to recover over a long period of time.Course Maintenance is mostly done individually and social distances can be maintained.
Heinrich Schulze (Wellington, 2020-04-08)
So all people will still have the opportunity to play golf on the future which is a very healthy past time both physically and mentally which is much needed in today's worldGeoff Young (Hataitai, 2020-04-08)
I’m a golfer and I don’t want to see my golf course and any other course go under due to damaged/diseased greensSam Cross (Dunedin, 2020-04-08)
I am signing because our green work exceptionally hard year round to keep our course in top shape, they can manage course maintenance without contact with anyone else as the tasks are for person at a time tgo complete.Justin willetts (Wellington, 2020-04-08)
Its safe to maintain turf - an individual job. Cant lose precious golf courses.Philip Walker (Upper Hutt, 2020-04-08)
It is such a stupid regulation.No respect to golfers or golf clubs.
Bruce Simister (Tauranga, 2020-04-08)
I'm signing this because sensibility tells us that a green keeper can work in complete isolation, have no contact with anyone outside his/her "bubble" and provide service that will be appreciated by thousands of New Zealanders. All NZ golf clubs and courses, including practice facilities, are closed to the club members and casual golfers, so therefore the requirement to "close their face to face function" has been met without exception.Pete Gallen (Upper Hutt, 2020-04-08)
I want to get back to golf as quickly as possible after the lockdown has been liftedAlison Holdem (Tauranga, 2020-04-08)
Otherwise it will be months after lockdown for golf courses to be useableMark Storer (Wellington, 2020-04-08)
am quite sure the Govt/MBIE won't pay to have the courses reinstated to original condition prior to Covid-19 lockdown. If the bowling clubs can make a claim why not ourselvesBILL TANGNEY (Wellington, 2020-04-08)
I’m sinus petition because sport and recreation is needed for our well-being of people and I thought of losing my golf club and a number of golf clubs going broke with in New Zealand made me feel really depressed.Leighton Kearins (Auckland, 2020-04-08)
Gary MayGary May (Christchurch, 2020-04-08)
I am a member of Wainuiomata Risk End golf and it is imperative for the viability of our club that we be allow to maintain the course, as this will greatly affect its staff, ageing volunteers, golf fraternity and community as a wholeGavin Rangi (Wellington, 2020-04-08)
I am concerned for the outcome of no maintenance on greens and how this will affect the many clubs that are already struggling.Dinah Macdougall (Lower Hutt, 2020-04-08)
I"m signing because I think my golf course greens should be maintained during the lockdown as in my opinion this is essential to the long term viability of my course.Graham Murphy (Upper Hutt, 2020-04-08)
One person working in isolation won't do any harm.Brian Veitch (Carterton, 2020-04-08)
It will encourage the community to get back to normal as soon as possible.Barbara Gibson (Welllington, 2020-04-08)
For me , the golf course is my happy place where I can switch off from ant pressures in my life. Also socially it is very important to meLiz Baker (Wellington, 2020-04-08)
I am signing this because I am concerned at the loss of playing conditions and the huge expense at restoration if golf greens are not maintained. I believe greens can be maintained - at a low level - by a single green keeper working alone on a golf course.Peter Rankin (Porirua, 2020-04-08)
I think that one greenkeeper on his own say 2 mornings a week would be sufficient to keep the greens going and not break the very necessary lockdown.Mike Dixon (Masterton, 2020-04-08)
Simple maintenance done now within isolation procedures, will save millions of dollars.Sue Armstrong (Paraparaumu, 2020-04-08)
Golf courses require ongoing maintenance, it’s a fact.Lance Duckett (Porirua, 2020-04-08)
We need or outdoor activities to resume asap after we get let loose againSalt Streetfood (Masterton, 2020-04-08)
I am a member of Manor Park Sanctuary Golf Club and concerned that lack of proper maintenance will damage the course.Peter Ferry (Paraparaumu, 2020-04-08)
The Government is too often forgetting economic reality in this mad Covid 19 world. This is a classic example - restoration will cost MILLIONS. Just by allowing one Greenkeeper on each Golf course (zero risk) MILLIONS of recovery costs will be avoided. Get real, do any reality check you like - this is a no brainer.Jaimes Wood (WELLINGTON, 2020-04-08)
If there is no work done on the golf courses now, will cause months and months, possibly years of extra work and expenses to try and get them back to playing condition.Andrew Graham (Wellington, 2020-04-08)
I'd hate to see some courses go under because of the cost to get greens back up to a good playing standard. Courses are closed so no public to be in contact. Workers also can keep separation while doing their works.Craig Pursglove (porirua, 2020-04-08)
I love golf and golf provides important jobs and income. Much better to keep up the standards now before long term damage is done to golf courses due to neglect.Sarah Pearson (Queenstown, 2020-04-08)
The additional stress on people who maintain the turf is going to cause mental health issues down the road. 99% of us would camp in the shed if we could to be able to at least cut and protect the course!Shane Templeton (Sanya, 2020-04-08)
the golf club would be inoperable if not properly maintained and far too expensive to reinstate to a playable conditionAlan Tucker (Otaki, 2020-04-08)
I cannot understand why one greenkeeper cutting the greens on a machine is in any danger of spreading or contracting the virus . Most golf clubs are judged by the condition of their greens and 4 weeks neglect will destroy years of work.Jennie Ellison (Richmond, 2020-04-08)
Because this urgently needs doing is there not enough job losses without ones that aren't necessaryScott Dewar (Paekakariki, 2020-04-08)
In small towns especially around the country the Golf Club is an important social centre for all ages. We can't just let them go under when the efforts of one person (on their own) can save them .Jim McCaig (Te Kauwhata, 2020-04-08)
I'm signing to save the golf courses, and there is no additional risk if the rules are adhered to.John Tulloch (Masterton, 2020-04-08)
Golf courses are struggling to stay in business before covid-19, the last thing they need is no maintaining.Green keepers are working outside but they can work alone and with no one on the course how can this be any worse then people going out for a walk(exercise),where they will see other people on there travels.When we all get back to work it is important that we can all get back to normal, and it is really essential that the normal is there for us to be able to do.Luke Underwood (Wellington, 2020-04-08)
Our mental health also needs to be looked after - all recreational facilities that can be maintained safely during lockdown should be. Exercise and community will be an important part of getting NZ moving again. Please please don't let these facilities needlessly dieRhys Nimmo (Wellington, 2020-04-08)
This is critical & needs to be doneAnita Karaitiana (Masterton, 2020-04-08)