Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity
Vladan MultrusVladan Multrus (Praha, 2021-10-02)
It is clear that the agenda and narrative around covid-19 is rooted in collective deception and controversy. People desperate not to die from it, even though it is no more of a threat than seasonal flu outside of the risk groups (elderly and comorbidities), have, as a result, enlisted in a massive drug trial for mRNA vaccines and the deaths and adverse effects of those have been ignored to the point that an investigation is critical as to why and how things have got to this level of illogical fear that ignores science, stifled by medical stupidity. There can be no other explanation for it than that key role players have much to gain and humanity has everything to lose. Investigate and put an end to this absurd situation and free economies from lockdowns and governmental tyranny.Jennifer Grinwis (Underberg, 2021-10-02)
It's important to punished tyranny and discrimination and racism to non vaccinated people. It is against free will and against humanityMarta Vankusova (Rugby, 2021-10-02)
I , Victoria am on the firm understanding that for a very long time now, informed consent has been grossly negligent in our medical affairs. Violation of every treaty and law protecting our human rights has and continues to be broken. I as a living woman want justice, and answers.Victoria Tomlinson (Sheerness, 2021-10-02)
As a high school teacher I’m signing this petition because of the persecution and threats from my employer.Lubos Bartko (Kosice, 2021-10-02)
. uz nemozme dalej trpiet...Zuzana Haragová (Prievidza, 2021-10-02)
Face the consequencies. Noone can run out from responsibility! Let us see how the justice works! Thank you all the international teams for cooperation. This shows, how the world can unify by the same issue!Pavel Skorec (Uhrovec, 2021-10-02)
Issue need be solve quick.Robert Busovsky (NOTTINGHAM, 2021-10-02)
Som proti kovid utlakuAlena Sekerová (Strážske, 2021-10-02)
I'm Signing because this criminal goverments need to stop.Adrian Nelson (Derry, 2021-10-02)
I am signing because I agree. Thanks a lot for your work❤Magdalena Křenková (Stará Říše, 2021-10-02)
Som proti nátlaku na očkovanie a proti očkovaniu deti na covid 19.Marcela Farkasova (Lučenec, 2021-10-02)
The truth is out there and justice needs to be upheld and common law rules highestJohn Langley (London, 2021-10-02)
Štátne orgány sústavne porušujú ÚSTAVU Slovenskej republiky. Členovia vlády SR sa verejne vyhrážajú obyvateľom a porušujú základné ľudské práva,Marek Novák (Chorvátsky Grob, 2021-10-02)
PodepisujiDagmar Princ (Praha, 2021-10-02)
I’m sick of the lies and control that are being put in place. Taken away my human rights.Emma Gibbs (London, 2021-10-02)
Podepisuji, protože se mi nelíbí kam s covidem spějemeMonika Mašová (Uherské Hradiště, 2021-10-02)
Chci zůstat svobodným občanem, mít svá práva a nechci být diskriminována.Edita Byrtusová (Třinec, 2021-10-02)
I have No faith in the recent covid vaccines and believe them to be highly dangerous, potentially lethal and not safe to be administered either with consent or more particularly by coercion and deceptionSally Styles (Melbourne, 2021-10-02)
I'm signing because we cannot allow Crimes against Humanity to go unpunished. Those perpetrating these crimes must be held accountable and these crimes must be put to a stop immediately for the sake of all decent people on this earth.Cheryl Watson (Barberton, 2021-10-02)
All involved in this need to be held to account!Susan matib (Leeds, 2021-10-02)
Stačilo tohoto kovid ošialu...Milan Pituch (Družstevná Pri Hornáde, 2021-10-02)
Crimes against humanity need to be investigated and Governments, mainstream media, big tech, the medical establishment, WEF, WHO and United Nations need to be held to account.Alexandra Kenney (Glasgow, 2021-10-02)
It is completely violating human rights.Amanda Farrelly (Dublin, 2021-10-02)
PodpisujemAgneša Gallayová (Lučenec, 2021-10-02)
Prosím o přednostné vyřízení peticeJana Sekerová (Čelákovice, 2021-10-02)
I’m appalled at the current complete disregard of the Nuremberg Code as well as the other international declarations. It has to be addressed and stopped through the courts. I worry this won’t happen as the judges may already be in the pockets of the Globalists responsible.Heather Duke (Birmingham, 2021-10-02)
I’m signing because I have lost all trust in those governing this country and in the NHS. I genuinely fear for future generations under this uncaring regime.John Wallace (Pulborough, 2021-10-02)
I want the people committing crimes against humanity to be prosecuted and held responsible for their participation in crimes against humanity!Angela Lockridge (Shelbyville, 2021-10-02)
This is a crime against humanity, indeed.Rebecca Lee (Burlington, 2021-10-02)
No covidPavel Pelnář (Habartov, 2021-10-02)
I'm signing because I love my childrens , my life and liberty,but in the Slovakia we are starting to lose this normal thinks. And I am worried about this situation .Henrieta Joubinová (Čeľadince, 2021-10-02)
I'm signing because of influential individuals actions, that knowingly has brought or are about to bring many people in harm's way.1) CMO Chris Whitty is acting against the interest of children, risking unnecessary severe adverse events (SAE) and deaths amongst children, based on an argument of education. In this he´s acting against the JCVI recommendations and CDC statistics of a 99.998% survival rate from COVID-19 amongst kids 0-17 years of age.
2) Anthony Fauci has illegally been continuing gain of function research in Wuhan through Peter Daszak. Further Fauci has contributed to implementing devastating lockdowns and continuing these in disregard of the consequences.
3) Peter Daszak who's an outspoken opponent to the lab-leak theory and the direct sponsor (EcoHealth Alliance) of the Wuhan lab research, was the only US person with the WHO investigation about the origin of the virus and as such had conflict of interest. He should be investigated for both responsibility for the leak of the virus and suppression of facts, that have put people in harm's way.
4) It's easy to demonstrate that Christian Drosten circumvented the peer review process of the Drosten Covid-19 PCR test. His test is flawed and as such all the statistics based on his test have been flawed. Consequently he is responsible for obfuscating science on which politicians made decisions and as such responsible for bringing people in harm's way.
5) Tedros Adhanom, who's not a medical professional, has been responsible for exaggerating the risk of COVID-19 and promoting a vaccine for which safety hadn't been established. He's a former communist Tigray rebel receiving support from China, which likely affected the WHO investigation into the origin of the virus in China.
6) Pfizer and it's CEO Albert Bourla are responsible for not testing their mRNA vaccine properly. The average observation period for SAE was 2 months in their preliminary study, which was the basis for the vaccination program, various groups were excluded from the study and two graphs have inconsistencies. It's particularly problematic that mRNA vaccines had never been used successfully before. In general all vaccine companies should be scrutinized for putting people's lives at risk, inspite of their waived responsibility.
7) The collective big news media (Washington Post, CNN, The Guardian e.t.c.), the big tech companies (Google, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit e.t.c), and their CEO's should be investigated for their complicity in promoting the yet experimental vaccine as safe and censoring opposing views. Which have put people in harm's way, both in regards to the experimental vaccines and in regards to promoting devastating Covid measures.
9) Politicians in general should be investigated for responsibility in short circuiting the normal legal proces, like giving too short deadlines, which prevents sufficient debate and scrutiny of new laws.
10) The vaccines have been promoted as safe by various of the above parties, inspite of this not being established and they've continued to call it safe while the reported adverse events was increasing alarmingly, exceeding any previous level by a large factor. In Europe there have been reported 1,117,231 serious side effects and 25,248 deaths up until 18th September 2021 associated with the Covid vaccines.
11) There has not been a systematic observation of a subgroup of the vaccinated population, to observe for SAE's, in most countries. This is deeply problematic, especially in regards to experimental vaccines. This in itself can unnecessarily bring large groups of people in harm's way.
12) The parties participating in, sponsoring or following Event 201 at Johns Hopkins University in 2019, can't pretend to have acted irrationally because COVID-19 was unexpected.
13) Bill Gates has severe conflicts of interest, promoting vaccines, sponsoring and influencing many medical bodies, Event 201, ID2020, LSTHM Malaria Center where Chris Whitty was a leader e.t.c. and at the same time being invested in several vaccine companies.
14) The World Economic Forum (Klaus Schwab) has been sponsoring Event 201 and Klaus Schwab has been wishing for a pandemic. When it arrived, he promptly wrote his book "The Great Reset", promoted "The Great Reset" in several videos and called the pandemic a narrow window of opportunity that shouldn't go to waste. His ideas are fascistic in the sense that he wants companies to lead the world, in collaboration with states and wants control over where people can travel and what they can eat. He has a background as a leader of a former model nazi company Escher Wyss, while it was selling nuclear weapons to the apartheid regime. It was his father Eugen Schwab that actually ran Escher Wyss while it was promoted as a model nazi company, using prisoners of war to produce weapons for the Nazi regime. Klaus Schwab should be charged with conspiring with international corporations to take power from legal democracies and create an international fascistic order.
Frederik Grøn Schack (Carmelo, 2021-10-02)