Petition to Stop The Fluoridation of the Whangarei Water Supply
Fluoride is a toxic poison that shouldn't be in drinking water and it effects the penial gland.John Hieatt (Whangarei, 2023-08-31)
I do not want this chemical in my drinking water. It is expensive to remove the flouride from my water once it is in the water supply. I am concerned about adverse health risks as a result of water fluoridation.There are documented studies of harm from water fluoridation. Also there are studies indicating no benefit of this process in preventing cavities in developing teeth which is the main cited purpose for introducing water fluoridation.
Nikki Lawton (Whangarei, 2023-08-31)
The government is trying to kill us and some of is want to be healthyMegan Buckley (Whangarei, 2023-08-31)
resultsDuncan O'Neill (Whangarei, 2023-08-31)
Fluoridation of our city's water is bad for our health long term.Delaine Jones (Whangarei, 2023-08-31)
Fluoride should not be in the human bodySuzie Marshall (Whangarei, 2023-08-31)
I believe the negative effects of fluoride in our water is not acceptable. It will force myself and others to invest in alternative options which not all can afford.Christian Destrieux (Whangarei, 2023-08-31)
Fluoride is poison.Any intelligent human being knows that.
Vanessa Redfern (Whangarei, 2023-08-31)
This has been an ongoing debate for years.It is time the truth was told about what fluoride is actually made up of and how dangerous it is for the human body.
Patricia Ringrose (Whangarei, 2023-08-31)
I oppose fluoride being added to our town water supply!Lara Whitehead (Whangarei, 2023-08-31)
I wish to keep our water supply free of all synthetic chemicals including those like fluoride. My family drink a lot of water and I’m concerned about the toxic levels that we’ll be ingesting.Carole Davidson (Whangarei, 2023-08-31)
Fluoride is toxicSally Mason (Whangarei, 2023-08-31)
We are particularly concerned about fluoride's ability to cause brain damage. For instance, the US Government’s National Toxicological Program (NTP), (2023), reported that 52 of 55 studies found lower IQ with higher fluoride exposures and of the 19 studies rated higher quality, 18 found a lowering of IQ. The NTP found fluoride is neurotoxic to humans and the authors could not find a dose where fluoride does not cause neurological harm, [1].We also oppose water fluoridation on the grounds that toxins will be released into our environment. According to Radio NZ, [2], the type of fluoride proposed to be added to our drinking water is not naturally occurring calcium fluoride, nor is it pharmaceutical grade sodium fluoride, but rather it is a waste product of the phosphate fertiliser industry called hydrofluorosilicic acid, [3]. As this dangerous waste cannot be legally dumped onto the land, into the sea or rivers by law, as it is so toxic, it is instead sold to local councils to drip feed through water supplies, providing a dilution solution to their pollution. However, ultimately, a number of toxins from the fertilizer industry will end up polluting our local environment.
Kevin Ross (Whangarei, 2023-08-31)
Force medicating the population is abhorrent!Emma Johns (Whangarei, 2023-08-31)
If I want something added to my body I will make that decision not you.Kirsten Evans (Whangarei, 2023-09-01)
I'm signing because I'm utterly fed up with, what to me seems like...being poisoned...through fluoride (in combination with chlorine,) in our city's water supply.Ko BUACALLA (WHANGAREI, 2023-09-01)
Its toxic and you cant control the dose. A waste of our tax moneyJames Daly (Whanagrei, 2023-09-01)
It's illegal to poison people.Fiona Green (Whangarei, 2023-09-01)
Flouride is a toxic product and doesn't protect teethIan Melrose (Whangarei, 2023-09-01)
Fluoride is poisonRosemaree Mathers (Whangarei, 2023-09-01)
I do not consent to fluoride, a toxic industrial waste product , being added to my water supply.Tim Hunt (Whangarei, 2023-09-01)
I do not care to have my health ruined by ingesting industrial waste.Phoenix Benikowsky (Whangarei, 2023-09-02)
I'm a resident of Whangarei, and don't consent to the Council medicating my drinking water with Flouride. I already use fluoride toothpaste, which advises not to swallow!Raquel Naude (Whangarei, 2023-09-02)
I value my healthJeanette Goddard (Whangarei, 2023-09-02)
Fluoride is an uneccessary poison that is unhealthy to consume It calcifies the Pineal Gland and the brain.Leigh Waite (RD 6, 2023-09-02)
Fluoride is toxic and should not be added to water.Sherilyn Bradshaw (Whangarei, 2023-09-03)
I 100% do not want whangarei drinking water contaminated with any fluoride what so ever.Sarah Parker (Whangarei, 2023-09-03)
I do not want fluoride added to my drinking water.Rebekah Moore (Whangarei, 2023-09-03)
It's so wrong to knowingly put harmful ingredients into a water supply, why would you do it unless you wanted to harm people?Ngaire Fisher (Whangarei, 2023-09-03)
I dont want to be forced to digest toxins through our drinking water.This is not ok!
I oppose putting fluoride in our drinking water.
Di Crawford-Errington (Whangarei, 2023-09-03)
I don't want fluoride in our waterKelsie Baird (Wanganui, 2023-09-04)
I am totally against the fluoridation of our Whangarei water without our consent . I’m a rate payer I DO NOT AGREE WITH THIS MOVE.I don’t agree with the government deciding on what should go in our water. As a democratic society A referendum should be held, let the people decide
Anne Radonicj (Whangarei, 2023-09-06)
I do not want my water to be poisoned with flouride, a toxic snd harmful substanceRobyn Cross (Whangarei, 2023-09-06)
I do not believe putting flouride in the water supply is of any benefit to anybody, in fact it is most harmful!Marie Williams (Whangarei, 2023-09-06)
I am opposed to adding fluoride to the water in whangareiSarah Browne (Whangarei, 2023-09-07)
Evidence of harm outweighs any benefitsTony Clearwater (Takaka, 2023-09-07)
Fluoride is toxic and I absolutely do not want it anywhere near our water supplyClaire Burns (Whangarei, 2023-09-07)
We need to get rid of this toxic crap in our waterSally Shalfoon (Whangarei, 2023-09-07)
I do not agree with fluoride being put in the water, or anywhere else.Marcia Vincent (Whangarei, 2023-09-07)
It is not proven that taking flouride internally helps with your teeth, yet there is much proof that it is toxic, and you can’t control people’s dose if it’s in the water?? There is no benefit, only a high risk of harm. How much was the bureaucratic fool who agreed to this paid?Simone Varney (Whangarei, 2023-09-07)
I live in Whangarei and know that fluoride is a tocinKatrina Britton (Whangarei, 2023-09-07)
It's time to put a stop to this "health" nonsense. It's not healthy at all. It's toxic. And, there's far too many people with various brain disorders in this world to prove it.Evelyn Craig (Matakohe, Northland, 2023-09-08)
People should be able to choose whether or not to ingest fluoride -- there are many health reasons to NOT ingest it. If it ends up in the water supply, we all ingest it.Joanne Sharp (Whangarei, 2023-09-08)
Fluoride is a bio-chemical waste product and is extremely dangerous to our health. If people want fluoridation then fluoride capsules should be made available for free. This should not be forced onto the populaceEsme Shoemark (Whangarei, 2023-09-08)
I believe fluoride is a poison and detrimental to our health and intelligence, it is not making any difference in the health of children’s teeth . This can be proven in cities that have it and cities that don’t, there are many other factors that contribute to children having poor dental health and I believe those issues need to be addressed rather than adding fluoride to our water.Darlene Kask (Whangarei, 2023-09-08)
I do not want this toxic chemical in our water supplyJoanne Shaw (Whangarei, 2023-09-08)
Because fluoride is actually a toxic waste product and if people want to ingest it they can but those of us in the know are completely awake to this agenda of trying to keep people dumbed down and sick. Follow the money.Vanessa Parkinson (Whangarei, 2023-09-08)
I do not want fluoride in my waterCaron Halilovich (Whangarei, 2023-09-08)
Fluoride is a toxic chemical not needed in water. Harmful to humans and wasteful spending.Lisa Struneski (Whangarei, 2023-09-08)
I decide what goes into my tap drinking water.Terri Carter (Waipapa, 2023-09-09)
Fluoride is a toxin to the body with a plethora of scientific evidence that supports the reasons why it should not be a FORCED MEDICAL TREATMENT. I do not concern to it being added to the Whangarei water supply.Kim Hensley (Whangarei, 2023-09-09)
I'm signing because fluoride is not necessary to prevent tooth decay and is stored in the body as we get older and there have been no monitoring of of fluoride exposure to determine its safetyNatalie Lokmas (Queenstown, 2023-09-09)
As a Resident of Kerikeri and Ratepayer to Far North District Council, I am signing this petition, firstly to support friends and Family of mine that are living in the Whangarei District, Secondly, my Partner and have recently moved from Whangarei District, and may,, at some time in near future wish to move back, into the district of Whangarei.My Partner and I are not young any more and we need to take care of our health.
We don't WANT this toxic chemical waste dumped in ANYONES DRINKING WATER SUPPLY let alone our own one day!!!
This type of fluoride is NOT for teeth. It is a TOXIC CHEMICAL that has been identified on the Safety Data Sheet as a HYDROFLUOROSILICIC ACID, and having a Hazards identification as 'Dangerous Goods' according to NZS 5433 2007 Transport of Dangerous Goods on Land, and classified as 'Hazardous', according to criteria on HS Regulations 2001.
Do you think we all WANT this stuff put into our drinking water, AND without our CONSENT!!!
There is so much to tell you about this filthy substance.
I am also speaking for those who do not have the knowledge and those who do not have a voice.
Barbara Knill
Barbara Knill (Kerikeri, 2023-09-09)
If I wanted to take fluoride I can choose take it as an individual.Adding it to a water supply is an ineffective delivery method and poor use of either rates or tax payers money. A large amount of that water is not consumed by mouth, it flushes toilets, is used for washing, goes down the drain. I fundamentally believe it should be a choice rather than addition to our water supply.
Ali Grant (Whangarei, 2023-09-10)
This is proven to be harmful and not at all beneficial! So called authorities HAVE to start listening to the scientific evidence! Stop force-medicating us. We are not cattle or similar.Sandy Sturm (Kaeo, 2023-09-14)
I want to have a choice as to what I put into my bodyHilary Beath (Whangarei, 2023-09-14)
People should have a right to what goes into their bodies.Ella Nordstrand (Whangarei, 2023-09-14)
People should not be forced to take something because of a minority who don't take care of themselves.Maria Verberne (Waipu, 2023-09-14)
I want to live free from poison in my water.Michael McCarthy (Whangarei, 2023-09-14)
Fluoride is toxic for humans, especially if it is from industrial waste.Martin Mitchell (Waipu, 2023-09-14)
I oppose the introduction of a toxic industrial by-product into our water supply.David Colley (Whangarei, 2023-09-14)
Fluoride is a toxic industrial waste product.Adding a known poison to a public water supply
for "mass medication" is a crime which contravenes the Geneva Code. When Hamilton City Counsel ceased fluoridation, they were faced with the very high costs of the safe disposal of their purchased fluoride as toxic waste.
David Quirey (Whangarei, 2023-09-15)
We NEED TO HAVE FREEDOM OVER WHAT WE CONSUME!!! Stop destroying our rights to choose!!!Allison Ward (Whangarei, 2023-09-15)
it is obvious that fluoride is poisonous to the human body and the real cause of poor dental health is the rubbish fast food high sugary diet and soft/energy drinks being pushed on tv ads relentlessly.... this is just more lies from the NUMBER 3 CAUSE OF DEATH ON THE PLANET.... DOCTORS AND PHARMACEUTICALS....donna buck (Waimamaku, 2023-09-15)
Flouride is a proven neurotoxinjohn reid (Whangarei, 2023-09-15)
I strongly oppose the fluoridation of Whangārei’s town water.Andrew Rochford (Whangarei, 2023-09-15)
I strongly oppose the fluoridation of Whangarei's town water supply.JENNY BERDIN (Whangarei, 2023-09-15)
The risks and side effects outweigh any benefitsJoseph McMonagle (Whangarei, 2023-09-15)
Fluoride is a nurotoxin and detrimental to all, especially our children.Fraser Cranston (Whangarei, 2023-09-15)
Please stop controlling our lives amd stop putting poisons in our waterLucy Lu (Dargaville, 2023-09-15)
Omg if you have to ask that after reading this , that's a joke!!;why in the hell would we want it. With all of these risks!!it's beyond me, how theses bought off puppets an sleep at night!!!and I very much doubt, NONE of them are drinking the EFFING WATER 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬grrrrrrrrTania Toeke (Whangarei, 2023-09-15)
Im a born maori of Aotearoa & i want the best protection for my mokopuna & whanau back homeKatarina Morrell (Melbourne, 2023-09-16)
I want chemical free water. If I choose to ingest a chemical that should be my individual choice - not mass-medicated on weak (at best) scientific grounds.David Graham (Whangarei, 2023-09-17)
I'm against this idea. I don't want to be swallowing fluorideJemimah Walker (Whangarei, 2023-09-18)
I absolutely disagree with fluoridating my water.Derrin McDonnell (Whangarei, 2023-09-19)
The people of Whangarei have emphatically said No over and over again to putting fluoride poison in our water.Suzanne Woodward (Whangarei, 2023-09-19)
I don't want to be poisoned and I don't want children to get cancerStella McCool (Whangarei, 2023-09-19)
I do not want to be poisoned by this product against my will thankyou. By putting it in our water, it is forced medication which is a crime. If adding it to our water, I will then have to pay to have filters on the water coming into my house and I object to doing that because of someone elses choice to poison me!@Helen Anderson (WHANGAREI, 2023-09-20)
I'm signing because I object to being forced to consume poison. Even if it was safe, this decision should be made by way of a referendum, rather than being decided by a small group of people who believe they "know" what is best for the rest of us.Toyne Harris (Whangarei NZ, 2023-09-21)
Fluoride is a neuro toxin. There should be choice.Leonie Hobman (Waipu, 2023-09-21)
It is against the principle of personal choice to put fluoride in the water supply. It has not been proven to be safe or effectiveKerrin Taylor (Whangarei, 2023-09-21)
I disagree with additives in waterStuart Peppercorn (Kensington, Whangarei, 2023-09-22)
Water is lifeKeep it PURE
Chrissie Walmsley (Whangārei, 2023-09-22)
This is a bad idea - fluoride is toxic and it does not prevent tooth decay.Karen Langdon (Whangarei, 2023-09-22)
I oppose water fluoridation!Jo Delemare (Whangarei, 2023-09-22)
I primarily oppose water fluoridation because it causes physical harm to people in a number of ways.Michael Ruskin (Whangarei, 2023-09-22)
The science re fluoridation does not stack up it is a toxic byproduct from the fertilizer industry, its neurotoxin and it is madness to run it into our water supply.Alice Grant (waipu, 2023-09-22)
I am against forcing this chemical onto those who do not want to have it in their bodies. Council should provide fluoride tablets free of charge to all those people who wish to take it.Lyn Brittain (Whangarei, 2023-09-23)
I fon’t want or need flouride poison in my drinking waterAlan Yardley (Cable bay, 2023-09-23)
I don't want fluoride in the water.Russell Kinch (Whangarei, 2023-09-24)
There is plenty of data to say fluoride is detrimental to our healthCheryl Barfoote (Whangarei, 2023-09-24)
I do not consent to having fluoride in the drinking water in Whangarei. I do not consent for children to potentially have their IQ lowered.sacha stevenson (whangarei, 2023-09-26)
Fluoride is an unnecessary poison which has long term negative health effects. The emphasis should be on removing sugar in the diet and for those that want fluoride they can use the toothpaste...WE do not need itJohn Thode (Mangawhai, 2023-09-26)
I don't want to be poisoned by the fluoridated waterVlad Gorbatchev (Whangarei, 2023-09-27)
No forced medications. It violates the Nurenburg code.Duyan Vegar (Rawene, 2023-09-28)
I choose not to damage my health by taking a neurotoxin waste productJudith Lye (Whangarei, 2023-09-28)
I do not want flouride in our water. It is toxic and harmful and does not serve any purpose to improving the quality of the water. I absolutely oppose this happening.Ryanne OLeary (Whangarei, 2023-09-28)
I'm against any chemical in our drinking water and that especially includes fluoride.Alfred Nee (Kaitaia, 2023-09-28)
I don't want fluoride or any other toxic substances added to my water.Carolyn Mouat (Whangārei, 2023-09-28)
I don't want fluoride in our public water.Helen Lagerstedt (Whangarei, 2023-09-29)
I'm am signing because fluoride is a POISEN designed to make people more co-operative, less dis-agreeable.Terry Urquhart (Whangarei, 2023-09-30)
Putting any chemicals other than nessary for purification is not right, the fluoride if it's actually good for teeth to be distributed this way if it was not so serious is a joke.the percentage of target compared to the waist doesn't make any sense.most fluoride is flushed, hosed,and otherwise not come in contact with teeth.Rex Thomson (Whangarei, 2023-09-30)
Fluoride causes damage to the brain and Pineal gland. It was used to oacify POW’s in Concentration camps and us not fit for other than to poison the water, and the citizens, especially the children.Keren McIntosh (Whangarei, 2023-09-30)
It’s ludicrous to even think that adding a waste product of the phosphate fertiliser industry - that cannot be legally dumped onto the land, into the sea or rivers by law, as it is so toxic - is ok to add to our drinking water! It’s criminal.Shannon Douglas (Whangarei, 2023-10-04)
Fluoride doesn’t belong in our drinking water. Keep it in the tooth paste then those who want it can use it.Tessa Lagerstedt (Whangarei, 2023-10-10)
fluoridation should be an option for people, not mandatory. Stop selling coke more cheaply than milk, and you might see an improvement in dental health. I'd rather see my rates payments going to fighting the government than to funding something that is banned in so many countries.Paula Donald (Whangarei, 2023-11-23)
I disagree with all additives added to my drinking water with out my permission and supervision.I am not using my tax dollar's to poison my self and my family..
che ajani (Whangarei, 2023-12-18)
As a water rates payee I do not consent to flouride in my water supply, the risks far out way the minute benefits (if any) I do not want to risk my or my children's health (to which there is much evidence) and I can & will take this to court if need be... wdc it is your obligation to do what is right for your people, & you do know what is right because you fought & won for it in a court of law...i understand your situation but please do not let money or pressure fold you. For the sake of our children I plead.James Komene (Whangarei, 2023-12-18)
Fluoride is not healthy with long term consumption. It should not be compulsory.Jeannet Penney (Whangarei, 2024-05-30)
Fluoride is one of the most toxic substances known, and has no place in the bodies of any living being - least of all in our babies and pregnant women!It not only reduces IQ, but is an endocrine disruptor and causes thyroid disease. It also causes fluorosis of the bones and teeth and promotes bone cancer, particularly in young boys.
Drinking it does not improve teeth, either. So NOT safe and NOT effective!
Donna Peters (Otaki, 2024-06-12)