Stop the Greytown Trust Lands Trust from holding the Greytown Community to Ransom

The GTLT was established in 1871 with unsold sections from the early development of Greytown. Its purpose, set out in a parliamentary act, is to primarily assist education, but including libraries, physical welfare, other cultural purposes, and maintaining and promoting in the district the general well-being of the public. 150 years ago there was a real need for education support but now much of this is provided by central government. 

The GTLT directors are holding our community to ransom by threatening to sell both facilities for residential sections even though our community already owns the land and the GTLT is sitting on about $2 million in cash reserves.

We the undersigned residents of Greytown will not be held to ransom directly or via pressure on SWDC in the matter of sport and recreational land in East Street owned by the Greytown community for 150 years. We ask the GTLT to gift both sites to the SWDC to allow the continuation of sport and recreation on both sites. 



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