Uphold Christian freedom and repeal 'woke' laws

We the undersigned petition the UK Government to repeal woke laws and secure freedom of speech and freedom from discrimination in employment and services for all who hold or publish traditional or Christian views.

In our mind are these recent cases:
(1) In July 2023, the suspension of Councillor King Lawal from the Conservative Party and his sacking from positions on local organisations for expressing the view that pride (as in LGBT ‘Pride’ marches) is a sin.
(2) Also in July 2023, the withdrawal of a job offer from Touchstone Support to social worker Felix Ngole after the Leeds-based agency, backed by LGBT lobby group Stonewall, claimed his 'strong views against homosexuality' did not align with its 'ethos and values'. This followed his victory in a Court of Appeal ruling in 2019 that he should be reinstated on his social worker training course at Sheffield University, which had also cancelled him.
(3) In June 2023, a senior British Army officer said he was forced to quit after being criticised for repeating that “men cannot be women”. A Facebook post Colonel Kelvin Wright shared without any additional comment stated: ‘If women cannot stand in a public place and say, ‘men cannot be women’, then we do not have women’s rights at all.’ An Army investigation decided expressing that view ran contrary to Ministry of Defence policy.
(4) In May 2023, a Christian teacher was banned from teaching in any sixth-form college or children’s home in England for what the Teaching Regulatory Authority decided was “misgendering” a pupil. Joshua Sutcliffe, 33, had merely addressed a girl as a girl.
(5) In February 2023 and again in May 2023, pro-life activist Isabel Vaughan-Spruce was arrested for silent prayer outside an abortion clinic in Birmingham.

We call on the Government to pass legislation to ensure freedom of speech and freedom of expression for those whose views do not accord with those of Stonewall and ‘woke’ opinion.

We note that the Prime Minster told the Tory Party Conference in October 2023 people cannot change sex, hospitals should not be inflicting ‘woke’ ideas on patients and parents should know what their children are being taught. Therefore he must take action to repeal the Gender Recognition Act, the Equality Act and RSE guidelines which all say the precise opposite and enable assaults on the Christian faith.

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