30km/h in all residential areas, including in Chant d’Oiseau

We want 30km/h in all residential areas, including in Chant d’Oiseau because:
  • through traffic should stay on the major roads that go around the residential areas rather than through them
  • a pedestrian or cyclist is 5 times more likely to be killed in a collision with a vehicle travelling at 50km/h than one at 30km/h
  • having different speed limits within one residential area will confuse road users and is more likely to cause accidents
  • lower speeds means less traffic noise and pollution
  • it was for all these reasons – after considerable public consultation - that the Brussels Region’s mobility plan "Good Move" foresaw such a reduction.

There should be NO exceptions!

The Woluwe-Saint-Pierre (WSP) local council has decided that 2km of roads crossing the Chant d’Oiseau residential area will keep their 50km/h limit (avenues Frères Legrain, Volontaires, Jules César and de l’Atlantique, as well as the Drève de Nivelles). Maybe tomorrow they’ll extend this further and other communes may too. Let’s not let that happen.


It makes no sense! We, the undersigned, therefore ask the mayor of WSP to follow the “Good Move” plan and make 30km/h the speed limit for the whole of Chant d’Oiseau starting on 1.1.2021.

Do not hesitate to contact us for more information.

Citizen Action Chant d'Oiseau    Contact the author of the petition

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