2022-07-16 00:05:15
The RLC's decisions in Noverbmer last year, to submit two co-governance representation models to the Local Government Commission (1Maori, 1 General, and 8 At Large seats) and to Parliament (3 Maori, 3 General and 4 At Large seats), is to be subjected to judicial review. The causes for action to be taken by the High Court included predetermination, bias, improper purposes and irrelevant considerations being taken into account. The case will be heard in the Rotorua High Court, and iff successful will render the decision null and void, and offer a precedent for resisting co-governance in local government.
Reynold Macpherson
The Fate of the Rotorua Lakes Council's 1M1G:8AL Representation Model
2022-05-14 00:07:16
Thanks for signing this petition. We won. The 1M:1G:8AL model went to the Local Government Commission who dismissed it because it failed to meet the requirements of the Local Electoral Act. Instead the LGC determined a 3M:6G:1Rural seat structure for the local election on 8 October 2022. Despite this setback, the Rotorua Lakes Council submitted a Local Bill to Parliament with another co-governance structure - 3M:3G:4AL. The Attorney-General rejected it because it discriminated against non-Maori. The Maori Affairs Select Committee then decided to 'pause' it so it is still alive. We want to kill the bill and set precedents. So a Judicial Review has been launched to challenge the RLC's decision to submit the Local Bill. The Statement of Claim is at The JR asks the High Court to set the decsion aside on six grounds; predetermination, bias, improper purpose, and irrelevant considerations (Te Tiriti, Fenton Agreement and co-governance). The Hearing is set down for 4 August at the Rotorua High Court. Please donate multiples of $30 to support the JR at our ANZ bank account 06-0413-0524259-00. Thank you. Any inquiries to Many many thanks for signing the petition!
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