A PLAN was put into place over a thousand years ago by Amelia’s Earhart SPIRIT in HEAVEN that her “living essence” would be born as a Pharaoh in Egypt, as a Queen in Atlantis, as a Maya Priest in Mexico, as a pilot Amelia Earhart, and now in this lifetime a scientist, in order to collect and analyze all facts and data and present scientific proof to humanity that reincarnation exist.  
For ages, the fear of death was used as a tool to manipulate people and to keep humanity in a low vibrational state of energy to prevent their spiritual development. Amelia lost her life but was re-born in this lifetime to give this knowledge to humanity, to offer Support, Power and Strength,
I AM AMELIA EARHART REBORN. And my passion is to fulfill my SOUL CONTRACT in this lifetime.
My wish is to open a REINCARNATION MUSEUM to include Amelia’s airplane after it is brought back from the Howland Island area, facts about the Reincarnation of Amelia and two American presidents who also carry the same Spirit and the same goal, plus other amazing reincarnation cases from many different countries.
In my book Amelia Reborn, you will find an enormous number of facts that prove Amelia’s reincarnation in this lifetime. Please see below:
Michael Nostradamus & three Hypnosis Specialist: from Canada, Holland and USA each independently confirmed the reincarnation of Amelia Earhart, including Diana Cherry, who was 85 years old, the President of the Hypnosis association of Canada, was the longest living and working Past-Life Hypnosis Specialist and the most experienced on this subject on the planet. 
From 2 past life regression specialists:
I found many little details in the book that made me able to say: yes, Julia was once Amelia Earhart, or even better: the soul in Julia’s body now, was in Amelia’s body the last time. Julia was definitively an Atlantean queen. Once I did a past life consultation with a friend of hers, Simon D., and he stated during his regression that he knew she had been a queen in Atlantis. In another lifetime Julia was a Maya priest. I do hope that Julia’s book will reach many readers so that people everywhere will learn that indeed our soul goes on. Marianne Notschaele-den Boer  
“I've been a psychotherapist for many years. My specialty was using hypnosis and helping people do regressions, both in this lifetime and past lives. As I read Julia’s accounts however, of how she did her past life regressions (in hypnosis); the dreams she had for years prior to this; the feelings and emotions she felt in the dreams and her regressions; and the 'proof' she has offered from her scientific background, there is no doubt she is indeed, Amelia Reborn!  She and I were together in Atlantis where she was the Queen, where we worked with the amazing technology. In another of Julia's lives, she was the High Priestess in Chichen Itza, Mexico.  
Douglas Settles, M.A. USA
The Astrologer and scientist Buryl Payne said that both astro-charts proved that Amelia and Julia are the same Spirit. He stated that it is impossible to find on the Planet such a rare, such a precise 100% compatibility.
Adronis from the 7th dimension (in the Higher Dimensional Fields) also confirmed Amelia’s reincarnation via Brad Johnson and spoke about the quality of this Spirit. 
Why did Amelia DIE?  A new theory about Amelia’s disappearance. 
The Answer is on the Main page of the website:
In the Book, free download: 
Movie Your Eternal hologram,  21.50 min–23.50 min part about AMELIA:
The Documentary movie on my Reincarnation was done in 2012 and it received 2 awards at 2014 Canada Film Festival.
( 5.21min.long )
In this movie and book for the first time in human history, it has been SCIENTIFICALLY proven that people have many lives. Our Spirit is ETERNAL:
 “Each person carries his or her own Eternal Hologram, where preserved information about all his or her past lives, present life, and future lives are kept waiting. All skills, knowledge, habits, and memories that people accumulate during their lifetime are transferred through the chain of their lives. This is a valuable, priceless property of the Spirit. This is our precious ETERNAL HOLOGRAM.
We are living in a world, in a special period or "time of change" and people are craving to know the real purpose and meaning of their lives. It will be important for people to have information that will inspire their Awakening.
"Most unusual and revealing book – it’s truly magical.” In the text of the book there is an amazing powerful property that occurs while reading, which begins to activate the vibration of our Soul, affecting the deepest layers of our Spirit, which is the Eternal Hologram of every person who reads it!  
“People begin to remember past lives, suddenly opening their own unusual abilities … This book is a real key for access to the enlightenment of consciousness for each and every one of us on this planet. Julia is a true Magician, who visits our planet with a high mission for humanity.” David Csercsics, Toronto, Canada
 Here is just one example: The parts about Atlantis struck me right in the heart when you describe the drawing of an “eight” with your hand to start materialization. I knew instantly it was working like that! Your book helped me to step to the next level of my spiritual development. Peter, Reusel, The Netherland
 In writing my book, I purposely opened my records and information with the intention to help others. People will have the opportunity to know the True Origins of Amelia, the how and why her life took the direction that it did.  
WHAT to DO with Amelia’s airplane when it arrives in the US???
Amelia had a sister and the sister had a daughter named Amy. Amy is 93 years old now and last saw Amelia when she was 5 years old!
AMY made the decision to "donate her wrecked plane to the Smithsonian Museum in Washington DC."  

Amelia Earhart's family speaks out for the first time since the “plane” was discovered:

Because I AM Amelia reincarnated, I believe I should be the one making the decision as to what to do with the airplane.
The airplane had no insurance, it does not belong to the government, it does not belong to the family, it belongs to Amelia Earhart personally.
In MEXICO, if a person re-incarnates and can provide proof, the person can claim the property and items that they owned during their previous life and are supported by the families.There are similar well-known cases in Buddhist history. When great lamas reincarnated, they received their former belongings from their previous life.
I am convinced that donating Amelia's plane to the Smithsonian Institute is the wrong decision. Because I am Amelia's Reincarnation, I know that she would have wanted a museum dedicated to REINCARNATION and her life’s work. 

REASONS why the plane should not be placed at the Smithsonian.

#1. The Smithsonian has been actively suppressing the physical evidence of GIANTS for nearly 150 years.
An 1890 New York Times article has been unearthed which describes the stunning archaeological discovery of “a race of Indian giants.” Source: UFOmania - the truth is out there.
1890 NY Times Article: Race Of Giants Discovered In New York
In my book, it was uncovered during a hypnosis REGRESSION session that I was an ancient Maya priest in Chichen Itza and saw a HUGE GIANT with my own eyes! I helped solve the archaeological mysteries, including: “Why is there a statue of Chac Mool? and Who was he?”   WHY was the ball being 5-6 kg heavy and the ring for the ball 8 meters high? “Because the ball court was built for this GIANT! 
Most importantly, this fact is proven, it is showing humanity that REINCARNATION and Eternal Life do exist and there is nothing to be afraid of. Fear of death was used by the negative dark forces for millennia and The Museum of REINCARNATION will be a gift of FREEDOM for humanity.
# 2. Reason why the plane should not be placed at the Smithsonian.
 Many people will come to see Amelia’s plane, and if it is at the Smithsonian
their attention will be lost in a sea of 'other relics' in this huge museum. Reincarnation should be the focus which is of utmost importance. For those who believe in reincarnation, Amelia’s reincarnation facts will be more personal, true, and amazing in its own museum! The only artifact left other than her Spiritual purpose, is made of steel and cable and the restored plane will tell only a part of her real story. There is a much deeper purpose, "much bigger and deeper than the ocean" that needs to be told. It is important to give people the opportunity to see another side of Amelia's reincarnation.
I LOST my life as Amelia according to the PLAN, and it my SOUL CONTRACT to bring the information to people to complete this goal in my current lifetime. 
Additionally, the museum will also include information on the Reincarnation of American presidents: Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy. The coincidences are beyond coincidences. Two American presidents, who carry the same Spirit. First, this Spirit lived in the body of Abraham Lincoln, and later it reincarnated in the body of John F. Kennedy. The most amazing fact is that a large soul group of people around them reincarnated all together as well! This was the case of their wives, children, business partners, astrologers, and even those who killed them!  For example, the spirit of the woman who was the wife of Abraham Lincoln, became the wife of John F. Kennedy. In my book, the chapter REINCARNATION AS A GROUP, you will discover that they all have similar facial features and names! 
It appears that they made the decision to reincarnate together as a soul group with the intention to help change and improve life on this planet. Life does not end when one dies.
So WHY did President Abraham Lincoln decide to reincarnate as John F. Kennedy together with all his team? 
It was a decision made in HEAVEN by this soul group of people that John F. Kennedy would instruct the Treasury to form a commission to return the currency of the United States - the dollar - to a currency backed by precious metals. John F. Kennedy signed an executive order to do so which is why he was killed. This event was a turning point and helped to lift the consciousness and awareness of the population.
It is my wish as Amelia Reborn to open a REINCARNATION museum, to display my plane and other artifacts centering around Amelia and reincarnation.
 Please help me make this wish come true, to make an impact for the good of humanity, to help people wake up to the Spiritual understanding of Eternal Life.
I am asking for your support, to all of Amelia’s followers, to please sign the PETITION at the website below.
Julia~ Amelia Reborn, 

AMELIA REBORN,,    Contact the author of the petition

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